Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 3646: : Fight against each other


Under the intersection of the two swords, the burst of energy sparks splashed on me and him, like a candle blazing, and the retreating force gradually disappeared as my energy intensified, but Li Poxiao did not intend to stop. The sword aura like a violent wind rushed towards me like a whip!

Bang bang bang!

Under the collision of the sword qi, I passively defended this fierce sword swing, and I also admired Li Poxiao's strength after being awakened by the heavens. This is not the grade of Yun Xingchan, and Li Poxiao's fighting method At the time, there was also the golden body of dawn that he was proud of. This golden body's defensive ability and offensive ability were not comparable to ordinary blessing spells, allowing him to obtain power that spans a level!

So now he is almost the same as the Heavenly Realm!

Under such a fierce attack, my mana was consumed very quickly. After all, my foundation is only the Hunyuan realm. No matter how much mana is brought by my veins, it is now being consumed at the same time with Li Poxiao. The awakening is completely different!

And the power brought by his awakening is endless, which is completely different from the power from Yunxing Pendant’s “by way”, because Xiantian itself is the source of the deity, and his request can be endless, so there is no magic sword to rely on. The sky has leveled the distance between each other!

Suppressing the attack made me passive for an instant. Of course, I wouldn't let him just press it like that. After all, the power of Chuangyuan Method has been in a half-sleep state during the period of retreat. This is also one of the steps to test Li Poxiao.

Under his suppression, the blue veins of my face, arms, and body continued to bulge, and the strength gradually reached his level. The two sides collided again in a sudden, and this suddenly exploded in the air. A circle of terrifying power conflicts smashed the entire space, and the group of disciples who originally chased us to the back mountain were all shocked. Obviously they had never seen such a power collision!

For the same level of attack and collision, neither of us used the Three Dao Method to contain each other, because we are too familiar with each other. Even if I use the Naling Method, he will be transformed by the Huadao Method, and he will use the Huadao Method. The law is basically invalid for my creation method, and now everyone is fighting melee and fighting with swords, so there is no chance to play the Three Great Ways!

After the speed of me and him was increased to the limit, the battlefield was unimaginable, and it even extended all the way to Bai Xuefeng. At this speed, many disciples were thrown away, and those who were able to catch up, except San Yinxian and Mo Hanxian and others were Jiufangye, who was carried by Gengxiu in a pot of immortality, and it was quite difficult for everyone to chase them all the way, while Li Poxiao and my chasing attack gradually moved towards the true fairy peak!

Bang bang bang!

The turbulent attack is like a storm that hits a big tree, but it is like a silent drizzle that moisturizes things. It did not bring any destruction to the surrounding environment. After all, our agreement to win or lose is to not destroy the environment, so the battlefield is It can only be in the sky, which is also Li Poxiao's goal.

But I am not limited to this. Under Li Poxiao's fierce power after awakening, I can only avoid the edge for a while. After all, I want to see how powerful he can control his awakening and how powerful it can be!

So while I was flying towards the ground, I was also retreating to True Immortal Peak, and this was bound to shuttle through the huge virgin forest, which greatly restricted Li Poxiao’s performance. After all, the greater the energy, the more I wanted to kill him. It is simply too difficult for a giant dragon to not harm the ants on it.

But if Li Poxiao wants to win, he must complete such an attack!

While I avoided it, it was also to consume his awakening power, but the energy of the creation method had a chance to recover, because knowing my current consumption, Gengxiu was letting the fairy basin chase me at speed! Of course, Li Poxiao would not let me use the Naling Method easily.

In fact, the end of Chuangyuan Method is very wide, and I want to increase its power very easily. With my current four-channel Chuangyuan power, it is almost equal to dozens of times the Hunyuan realm, but my mana cannot support it. With such a powerful consumption of power, the mana is released cleanly with one use, and the attack is continued by using it gradually, so that the mana will not suddenly disappear. This is the strategy I should choose.

Therefore, it was not when dealing with Li Poxiao that the Four Meridian Chuangyuan failed to crush, but my bottleneck was that the energy supply line was not proportional to the strength, which caused the consumption of the Four Meridian Chuangyuan to be too large.

Fighting against Li Poxiao, although you can gain the power to suppress him in an instant, after countless battles with him, when he defeated him, didn't he continue to stand up?

The dawn golden body itself seems to be born with the tenacity to wait for the end of the night and see the sky in the sky, so I don't dare to bet that it can only be raised to a strength higher than him, and then gradually gain the confidence to defeat him.

After being fully awakened, Li Poxiao’s strength became stronger and stronger. I don’t know how far the bonuses he got, because my Four Vein Chuangyuan was also in a state of constant boosting, and he seemed to have returned with the power of communicating with the Immortal Dao. Like endless!

I now finally know the true power of the nine sons of the innate. This is equivalent to the fission of nuclear power. As the power of immortality increases behind him, if it is not suppressed and eliminated by the enemy, he can continue to let the innate power increase. , Making the energy infinite, even far more powerful than its own countless times!

After reminiscing about the battle with Yunxingren, I took a breath. At that time, I didn't try the same way as I do now, because at that time I didn't have the original creation method, and I didn't have the power to surpass him, so I used the magic sword. Tian quickly knocked out his immortal awakening and finally defeated him.

And now think about it, although his energy is actually opening another channel to borrow the power of Immortal Dao's awakening, it should be gradually strengthened like Li Poxiao, except that the borrowing force is essentially different from the deity's acquisition, which Li Poxiao showed. The forces gather faster and stronger!

So if you continue to let him continue to gain strength from the Xiantianxian Dao forever, then I am afraid I will also be in danger!

"Unexpectedly, you also started to play with me. You are really good enough for the awakening of the immortal way. As long as you continue to give you time, you should be stronger? So deliberately use not to destroy the surrounding environment to control everyone's power and strive to gain Time to awaken the power?" I couldn't help asking. After all, Li Poxiao and I are opponents, but they are also friends. If you ask directly, this guy will not stingy and tell me.

Sure enough, there was a smile on Li Poxiao's mouth, and he said, "I just found out now? Lion Botu also needs to do his best. I really did not expect to be as smart as you, this time I did not go all out."

I already regretted it a little bit in my heart. It was a good opportunity just now, but it was fleeting. No wonder this guy played steadily and steadily at the beginning, tempting me to try him, and I actually believed him.

"Why? Stop talking? Actually, now you admit defeat, I won't say anything, but just do what you should do, don't stay in the cold fairy gate anymore." Li Poxiao smiled.

I smiled and said, "I underestimated you, but I am afraid it will not be time to make me surrender."

"Oh? In my current state, if you want to fight with me, you may not be able to keep up with the consumption of the creation method, right?" Li Poxiao already knows me well, and he used it for my state. This strategy.

"Who told you that all my tricks require mana?" As I rushed to the sky, the magic sword weather behind me kept pouring out.

"Is it Yuntian Sword Power, or Illusion Sword Heaven?" Li Poxiao couldn't help but ask. This time, he also burst out with powerful awakening energy, making his whole person dazzling, and looking at me, it was like being in the middle The abyss is really one in the light and the other in the dark!

The two of us suddenly stayed in the air, and a group of immortal families who were chasing over naturally saw a spectacular sight of rainbow and purple in the sky, and like a demon, the magic sword and the sky behind me had all been exposed, and the entire sky was completely exposed. It became purple gold.

This time, if I don't use all the power to destroy his awakening power, I will definitely fall into a disadvantage!

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