Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 3708: : Curl up

Under the rapid flight of Kunpeng looking for it, a purple ball quickly came into our eyes. It just floated in the space, and I don’t know how long it stayed there. But at this weird scene, I couldn’t help but feel in my heart. Jump, and immediately fly to the front of this ball that looks like a bed, regardless of the danger!

There was no aura on the sphere, as if it was isolated from everything. I quickly reached out and explored its surface. As I guessed, the sphere has no power, it should be a kind of isolation gas shield, because it looks like it’s outside. Not inside, I quickly knocked on the barrier.

"Qingcheng? Are you inside?" I asked, but didn't try to break it, because this big formation is too mysterious. If you try to destroy some key nodes, it is very likely that something irreparable will happen. , So I have to be cautious.

Bang bang bang.

I tapped a few more times and tried to transmit the sound inside.

It wasn't until there was no news in it that I tried to faint Xiaoxiao's star and pierce a small connecting point of the sphere, and then I looked into it.

What I did not expect was that a woman with a purple dress and a graceful figure was lying quietly on the side of the ball, as if she was asleep without waking up in time!

"Qingcheng! Qingcheng!" I screamed hurriedly, and now I can't take care of everything. I immediately activated the Star Sword to split the sphere in half, and then quickly flew into it and came to Xue Qingcheng. !

Her face was pale and she looked like she had been asleep for a long time, which made me very worried. I quickly reached out and touched her forehead, and infused a breath, visited her physical condition to see why she fell asleep.

As a result, during my visit, my energy was quickly sucked into it greedily, and her pale face was beginning to turn into flesh. Such changes made me have to be patient and slowly inject my own energy. Strength, because she is very weak now, it is probably because of this that she will call out the ball to protect her, isolate the power from the outside, so that she can sleep in it, spend a while waiting for rescue .

And when she is not in a desperate situation, she will definitely not make such a protective cover, because she is inherently strong and has many ways!

"Qingcheng...how are you doing? Qingcheng..." While calling her name, I was constantly using my innate vitality to activate the same innate vitality in her body, allowing it to transform and absorb my energy, so that she could restore her original energy. Look like.

At this moment, Kunpeng urged outside, and anxiously signaled something to me. My heart jumped and I remembered the threat here, so I immediately activated Xue Qingcheng's shield and moved it to Kunpeng's back!

And as Kunpeng quickly escaped, we quickly left this strange space. When I looked at that space again, the opening of the space that Kunpeng made had been closed. It seemed that it was not in danger, but I found that this place was damaged, overwhelmed and about to disappear.

When I turned back, the space inside was compressed like a leak due to the extra openings, and finally made a terrible sound of screaming air waves, and then disappeared into a weird arc driven by a purple light. line!

Obviously, if it weren’t for Kunpeng’s reminder just now, if we came out so late, we might have been trapped inside, and even become victims under the squeeze of space. Maybe someone was waiting for me to save Xue Qingcheng and form a double The trap of killing, it is a pity that the other party may not have expected that I have a Kunpeng who can cross the space.

Of course, it may also be a measure of self-preservation and self-destruction in the space left over from the old realm.

But now I can’t control that much. After signalling Kunpeng to fly in the direction of Tianyi Realm, I also focused on waking up Xue Qingcheng. Her current situation made me feel a little relieved. At least there is no trace of Dao body damage, just a lack of strength. , She had frozen herself at the critical point, as long as she activated her power, she would be able to wake up.

With the injection of my innate vitality power, Xue Qingcheng's richness gradually became vigorous, and the energy core that had been stopped also began to run, supplying blood to all the veins, and once the blood reached the brain, she would be able to recover.

"Qingcheng... are you okay?" I kept talking to her, just because she needed someone to remind her that she was not in a dangerous situation, and it didn't take long. With a venting voice, my holding heart let go decisively. Fortunately, she is fine, otherwise I really don’t know what to do next, because after she was locked up, there was not even a murderer. It was more like an accidental intrusion, which made her unable to come out. .

"You...coming..." Xue Qingcheng slowly let out a hoarse voice, I quickly increased the energy injected into her body, and let her completely recover as soon as possible.

"Well, I'm here." I cried with joy. Nothing is more important than reunion, and Xue Qingcheng smiled slightly at the corner of her mouth, stretched out her hand to stroke my cheek, and said: "I knew...you will come...I always believe that ...Even if others can't find me...you can..."

"It's... it's me..." I said quickly.

"How long did I... sleep..." Xue Qingcheng continued to ask, I thought about it, and said, "It may be five years, or it may be three or four years... When did you get trapped in this space? What caused you to be trapped in it? Well, don't worry, first recover slowly, and wait until you recover."

Xue Qingcheng lay in my arms, nodded like a child, and then buried it in my chest tiredly.

I looked at her with a wry smile, and my mood became complicated to a few points. It was a blessing in misfortune. If she didn’t know how to freeze herself, I’m afraid she would have exhausted the energy for the great formation, but I don’t know what this great formation means. It doesn’t seem to be controlled by anyone, but it’s just placed there. As long as you don’t move it, it won’t attack. This is why Xue Qingcheng can see me again. If I change it to another look, I’m afraid it’s true. I won't see her again!

"I don't know... I knew that I found the breath of my previous life, and then I entered it under the guidance... Finally, I was locked up... But then... I awakened the way of heaven because of the memory inside... After ..., but there was no way to come out... and because of the gradual lack of strength, I lost the ability to communicate and awaken the way of heaven..." Xue Qingcheng said slowly, although she woke up with my energy supply, she was still very weak. Make me feel pity and distress for her.

"It's okay. Awakening and loss are just things outside of the body. As long as you are here well, everything can start over. Let's look for memories again, and then we will try to achieve the goal we want." I quickly comforted her.

"Well...it would be fine if you are here..." Xue Qingcheng's face is already a little more rosy, this time is when she is the weakest and most in need of care, and I happen to be here, she should feel me Caring and warmth.

"I'm here, I've always been... The children are okay. They miss you very much and are waiting for you to meet them again. Now we are sitting on Kunpeng and we will be able to return to Tianyijie to meet them soon. On the right track." I said quickly.

"Okay..." Xue Qingcheng curled up in my arms, with a faint smile on his mouth, plus the appearance of recovering from a serious illness, now there is a different kind of allure.

I held her in my arms and went all the way to Heaven and One Realm, and continued to restore her energy all the way, but after a long time passed, she was able to break free from my arms and talk to me, but it was mostly Ask me what happened in the realm of heaven recently.

I am also observing her situation. After all, it is possible that her crisis will bring her some kind of emotional change or some bad physical condition.

However, what made me feel overwhelmed was that my worries seemed to be superfluous. Her veins began to recover, and she gradually rejuvenated her, not as if someone was deliberately framed her.

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