Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 3726: : Fulfilled

"Thank you, Master Xia!" Long Qiuyou said with joy as he watched me flying towards him, his emotions were real and it seemed that he was not a fake.

"Don't call me a master first. I will openly accept disciples when I am safe in the sky." I don't discriminate against him, even lamenting his life experience. After all, he was starred when he was a child many years ago. Founded by the world, he must have been discriminated against and treated differently throughout his life. This is undoubtedly sad for his childhood and youth.

"Yes!" Longqiuyou flew towards me, with a look of joy, he also immediately talked about the information he knew: "This time the Dao League Tianzun invited his senior, and he is also a fairy family who has been hidden for thousands of years. , And handed over the map of the society to him, saying that he would reorganize the order of the world and also wanted to break through the blockade of the immortal."

"Feng Daochang?" I didn't know the name very well, but I still asked, "Is it the existence of the heavenly realm?"

"Exactly, Feng Daochang has already grasped the way of heaven, and has become a heavenly immortal in the realm of heaven. He has extraordinary strength and has unpredictable spells. As far as I can see, his strength is probably not under the Dao League Tianzun!" Longqiu You said that he is already the famous Immortal Family of the Dao League, and his awakening strength is no less than the existence of the Heavenly Dao Realm. Now he is also the younger generation of the Dao League’s attention. If it weren’t for his special Dao body, I’m afraid he would have it in the future. may.

I nodded Shen Ning, and said, "Feng Dao is often a magician, right? Where is he hiding?"

"Exactly, I led the young elite sword bearers from the Dao League to help the battlefield. I heard that this immortal is powerful all the way. I also heard that he received an order to use Sajitu to swallow the entire sky, and even watch The celestial being stunned, and led the former army into the sacred map. Alas, when I learned that the predecessors of Dongfangfu were going to be immortal, I was anxious, so I left the sword bearers here and contacted Master Xia. I expected that Master Xia really came for this! And this phoenix path is often hidden in the map of Saji, and now I urge this map to go to the realm of heaven, I worry about all my friends in the realm of heaven, and I can’t even assassinate this Feng Dao is normal." Long Qiuyou said quickly.

"Well, you have a deep affection for me in the realm of heaven, but the usual act of assassinating Feng Dao is not to take risks and let me come." I said calmly.

"I and Sister Shaozi, Sister Xiangling, and Junior Brother Jin Zhao are all good friends, so naturally I won't watch them have an accident. I have already thought about the assassination." Long Qiuyou said again.

"You only need to tell me where he is hiding." I said. He actually offered to assassinate by himself, which shows that he was not deliberately deceiving, and I intend to continue to use him at this time. It seems that I am too stingy. Zhao also said that he has a good personality and is worthy of friendship, so how about believing in this disciple once?

Not long after, under Longqiuyou's command of Kunpeng, we quickly rushed into a place I had been to, and looking at a large cloud and mist, with mountains and rivers under it, I also wanted to be direct The idea of ​​flying into the earth, after all, it looks no different from a land of stars, no one would even doubt that it could swallow people immediately.

"Flying into the weak clouds in this Saji map will not be swallowed immediately, but mana is definitely absorbed, and if it hits the swallowing point in this map, it will be absorbed immediately, so if you don't know this map It’s very easy to get into trouble if you don’t follow the dead end of this picture. I lead the sword bearer to come to support. It is precisely because I have obtained the route to the core of this picture, I dare to bring Master Xia in." Long Qiu You pointed to a place where the illusion was relatively weak and said.

"Then I beg you." I said, and ordered Kunpeng to obey Long Qiuyou's command, slow down and rush into it.

Sure enough, as soon as I entered this weak cloud and smoke, I felt the power slowly passing away, and even a lot of clouds and mist directly touched my protective shield, and I started to feed on the energy on it, and continue to suffer from it. 'Grow up', when you look closely at this growing cloud of smoke, it looks like particles and dust, as if they are composed of sand, and the more you look at it, the more you look at it, the inside is as wonderful as reflecting the world. The magic of super star treasures.

And if it completely swallows my mana, I am afraid it will not be a problem for me to copy one, which makes me jealous of this map.

Long Qiuyou tried the law with his own body, and naturally wouldn't cheat me. After all, I was going to have an accident, and he would have the same result, and his mana was also constantly devoured, even much faster than mine.

Soon, he seemed to have received some news. After the conversation with him, he said to me: "The sword bearers reported my whereabouts. Now the commander in the core of the formation where Feng Daochang is is asking me where I am. , I talked about a place at random, and he ordered me to return immediately, so let's make a quick battle, and ask Xia Shi to order Kunpeng to accelerate according to my command."

"Yeah." I squatted behind Kunpeng and patted its feathers. Kunpeng immediately fluttered his wings and quickly rushed to the core of the big formation!

Not long after, Long Qiuyou immediately drew out the sword and said, "Master Xia, the battle is coming soon, please be prepared!"

I nodded, and also drew out the Heaven Smiting Divine Sword!

And at this time, there was a swish. Not far from us, a figure suddenly came to us from the front, and then rushed from the back from our side. Because the intersection was missed, the speed of the two sides suddenly opened the distance. Know how far!

"No! Feng Daochang has calculated that we broke into the core and fled behind! Xia Master, what should we do!?" Long Qiuyou said hurriedly.

Faced with such a variable all of a sudden, I immediately reacted and said, "What about the situation in the map of Sheji?"

"The disciple doesn't know!" Long Qiuyou said hurriedly. I gritted my teeth and determined to ignore Feng Daochang, and immediately rushed into the core. At this time, countless attacks rushed towards us, I flicked my sleeves, the stars Countless sword auras exploded with a lingering rumbling, and they shot towards the front!

Because these sword lights are all small solid sword wires, they can basically ignore the aura of the Saji map. A scream is quickly emitted from the front, and the smoke cloud is rushed out, and the floating area of ​​the grid floats like this. There in the clouds!

Longqiu Youqing roared, and then instantly awakened the way of death. The whole person was dead, and there was no trace of life in his eyes. Behind him, the constant release of death, like the claws of an octopus, was constantly dancing!

With a flash of his sword, he immediately rushed forward, and then the Xianjia kept screaming and even cursing traitors!

I secretly said that this time the Heavenly Realm had suffered a fortune ordeal, which caused Master Dongfang to sacrifice so unexplainedly, but in the same way, a key refuge like Long Qiuyou made the Heavenly Realm's fortune rise.

I also quickly flew over this piece of square land, constantly killing and fleeing Dao League Promise Realm in the clouds and mist!

I don't know all of these immortal houses, most of them are elders, so I am afraid they are all elites from the Dao League! They were all running away too, but it was a step slower than Feng Daochang, so that we ran into them in the clouds and turned into an encounter!

"Ask Master Feng for help!!" A group of immortals screamed hurriedly, but I didn't give them a chance. Everyone who spoke out gave me a sword cut, and even the power of innate rotten energy broke out unscrupulously, so mine The strength is no less than the awakened Long Qiuyou!

All the way through the bombardment, a group of immortal families in the Promise Realm were killed and injured more than half, and a group of immortal soldiers were constantly emerging from the clouds and mist at this time, and rushed towards us, trying to stop our massacre!

However, the Promise Realm was wiped out with a sword like a chicken, not to mention that these immortal armies are not too strong anymore. They can't cause trouble to us at all. On the contrary, because they have no head and no brain, they also treat these immortals. Caused a lot of inconvenience!

"Little friend Longqiu, I didn't think that you actually took refuge in the realm of heaven, and brought Chief Xia, the old man really looked at you differently, hehe, it seems that the Dao League's variables this time are fulfilled on you." An old-fashioned man. The voice came from the sky, with a tone of seeing everything through.

"Hey, Senior Feng, thank you Dao Meng for years of'cultivation'. It's a pity that I don't like this kind of cultivation very much, and it's even disgusting!" Longqiuyou said coldly, seeming to say all the dissatisfaction over the years. Out.

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