Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 3763: :attitude

The star field of the Dao League is extremely vast. Even if the Kunpeng bird **** its wings and flies over countless stars and fast lanes, it takes me a long time to reach the small center that Longqiuyou said.

This center, named Cangnan Center, is a more famous large place in the south. Although it is not one of the important centers for garrisoning troops, it is also a centralized center for commercial and cultural exchanges. It is a key protected area in the south. It's a long distance, equal to half the distance from the border to the core center.

The Dao League’s large and small center is no different from the Huaxian’s immortal domain to a certain extent. It’s just a different name. The Cangnan center is also a huge city composed of stars, and of course there are surrounding main stars. There are more stars listed, and there are also many barren places that do not live in the fairy family.

After I ordered the chubby Kunpeng to go into the barren stars and hide, I put on a simple disguise myself, changed his clothes, and flew towards the center of Cangnan.

At this time, I was dressed in a Dao League robe, dressed like a typical immortal of Dao League, carrying a long sword, holding a whisk, and my hair was tied with a headband, which was completely different from the previous image. .

"Haha, Chief Xia, don't come here unharmed... for a while, but... found that you are a lot more handsome again..." Zi Yang, who was pale and made a very old, very bleak voice, saw me. The eyes were like sleeping eyes, slowly opened up. If it weren't for the energetic eyeballs in the deep eye sockets, I'm afraid most people would think he was a walking dead.

Moreover, there are more age spots on his face. It seems that he is about to die at any time. This is not my imagination, because his life is not much, and his condition is worse than that of Li Zuoxing.

"Senior Ziyang is good, next time I come here, I will disturb the senior, and let the senior come to welcome him in person." I smiled guiltily.

"It's okay...Is it possible that Chief Xia was...I thought the old man...want the lamp to dry out..." Ziyang really joked.

"I dare not dare, Senior Ziyang laughed, I still expect you to help me." I said quickly, Ziyang really smiled, and then said: "Then it depends on Chief Xia... can you help me? Go...the old man is busy...or else, the old man will have to go to you...the realm of heaven..."

"Well, without further ado, let's advance to Cangnan City. I can only decide if I can help when I see the situation of the ambassador." I said immediately, of course, not forgetting to remind him that he can no longer call me the leader directly. Instead, I changed my name to a Taoist friend, and now my name must of course be changed. After all, I'm going all the way, and I might not run into someone.

"You Dao Xia, this is... I don't feel relieved old man... Yeah." Ziyang was really happy. Of course I didn't dare to say what I was saying, but said, "Of course, don't worry."

But we only flew some distance. A group of immortal houses were already waiting far ahead. Seeing our arrival, they hurried over to say hello to Ziyangzhen and me. For a while, Master, Master, and Uncle all had , Yelling constantly, shocked me, I didn't expect that Ziyang really brought so many people here.

"These... are the most proud disciples and grandchildren of the old man, and there are some old men and disciples of the old man, the old man is too old, and he has killed his brothers and disciples. These children can only follow the old man in the Dao League... ...They all have become talents, or have achieved something...Who would have thought that the closed disciple that the old man took by himself would not worry at all. When the old man should be sitting in the door, he would do it for her. Running around...Hey, it’s her, let’s go back to Cangnan City first, and then talk about it.” Ziyang pointed to a young and beautiful woman among a group of young and old, among more than a hundred disciples. Not only is there no blame, but a lot of doting.

"It's a disciple with good aptitude." I smiled bitterly. As for the aptitude, I haven't tested it and don’t know. However, the disciples and grandchildren of Ziyang really wear the same clothes as the old man, but they hang on their waists. They are all brands of various forces, and most of them are different. It seems that they are the same as Zi Yangzhen's words. They are all coming from various places to help Zi Yangzhen.

Ziyang is really a hidden sword fairy, but there are quite a few brothers, and the peaches and plums are all over the world. Of course, he also has some disciples himself, and it is said that he loves his closed disciples the most, which is unexpected.

But being so partial, I didn't make the disciples around me feel dissatisfied, and even thought it should be. I was surprised, so I couldn't help but look at this girl more.

There is no doubt that this young girl is indeed very good-looking. In her big eyes, there is also a hint of agility, and she has some sly temperament of Ziyang, but after hearing Long Qiuyou said, this disciple has been outstanding since childhood. , Can be said to be the only part of the Dao League, so it is deeply loved by the old man, of course, and many things have been caused by this, including now that Ziyang Zhen also drags this old body into a state of traveling the world for this disciple. , Is also enough for the words tens of thousands of years of desolation.

After so many years, for beautiful girls, I have already reached the top level of immunity. After all, I have seen countless beauties, and Xue Qingcheng and his wife and sister are no more beautiful. They both gave birth to me. What else do I have? Not satisfied? So when I look at this girl, I look more closely, rather than feeling a little bit of surprise.

The girl seemed to have noticed that I was looking at her, but she looked at me without evasiveness. She also seemed to want to see some clues from me. I nodded and smiled at her, but obviously, this girl is not so pretty. Yes, there is a touch of cunning on the corners of the mouth.

I was stunned for a while, but I didn't care too much. In other words, if I were on the earth now, I would be an uncle over half a hundred years old, and there would be no sparks with her.

Surrounded by the disciples, my ordinary appearance seemed very inconspicuous. Even if it was a cultivation base, several of this Zi Yangzhen’s disciples were infinite, so I entered the Cangnan center without attracting them. What pay attention, and Zi Yangzhen lived in a Taoist school, the name of the school is directly called Cangnan Xianmen, Taoist school has an elegant environment, green mountains and green waters everywhere, and it is a very big school.

Ziyang really entered the door all the way like the master of the sect, and finally, under the attention of countless Cangnan immortal disciples, he took us directly to the side hall in the back mountain.

When they got there, a group of disciples began to say goodbye, and then asked their little junior sisters to rest well, and then they went to the disciples of the side hall to live there.

Ziyang Zhen looked at the partial hall and motioned me to enter with him, and the female disciple quickly followed into the hall.

"This Cangnan Immortal Gate is the sect of a good friend of mine. It is very famous in the center of Cangnan and even this place...cough cough, if Xia Daoyou can treat this child's veins, the old man is willing to take it as the first One goal, to persuade the Supreme Master of Cangnan Immortal Clan for you..." Zi Yangzhen said as he coughed twice.

"Let's give it a try. If it doesn't work, I will have to go to the realm of heaven again." I nodded and said, and the female disciple seemed to be too familiar with this place, so she just found a few futons. Then he placed it on the open space of the main hall, and then sat down with a stab and said: "Okay, you see how to cure it, don't be incapable and pretend to be capable. The person who cheated my master, I I've seen more, not more of you."

I smiled, Ziyang really helplessly shook his head, and said: "This kid, after being cheated back then... only then did the veins become like this. For many years, he has been tortured and easily doesn't believe anyone. Don't be offended by Xia Daoyou, he just put her words in the left ear and out of the right ear. Everything is borne by the old man..."

"Master!" The girl glared at Master very dissatisfied. She didn't have too many years of dignity and inferiority. No wonder she would be so attitude toward me who treats the disease.

I slowly sat in front of the girl, reaching out to explore her veins, but she shrank in disgust: "Don't touch me!"

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