Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 3860: : Jun Shang

In a short while, a place like the harem forbidden land ushered in Emperor Wen and this courtier.

Facing Jiu Fangye with a smile, and the guards on the side with dignified faces, of course Di Wenhe knew that this was the most dangerous time. If what he said was not to his ears, it would be a disaster at every turn, so when he came over, Not daring to look around, he quickly knelt down firmly and said: "Chen Di Wenhe has seen the Lord!"

"Haha, do you still know that I am the Lord? I am afraid that I was defeated in the territory of the Shengtu family. Have you already voted for Jiufanglin?" Jiu Fangye asked with a sneer.

"Lord! Our emperor has always been loyal to the emperor. How could there be any thoughts of betrayal? It is because of our loyalty to orthodoxy that we have never been bewitched by anyone! Just wait for the emperor to return!" Said.

"Okay, what plans does the emperor family have this time? Are you planning to send a million soldiers to help me? Or continue to watch with cold eyes, waiting for me and Jiu Fanglin to kill you to death, and then stand when the time is right for your emperor family Position?" Jiu Fangye looked at Di Wenhe coldly.

Di Wenhe was so frightened that he knelt down and said: "My father has already stated clearly that if the emperor returns, it must be the time when the emperor has died! How dare you look on the sidelines? Now the emperor army is coming day and night, waiting for the emperor to speak. With the order, the rebellion can be quelled, and the whole world can be lifted, and no longer be controlled by the rebellion!"

This statement is categorical. Even if it is not known whether it is true or not, it is enough to make Jiu Fangye smile. He raised his head and said with a smile: "Okay! Unexpectedly, at such a critical time, the emperor's family will be able to give charcoal in the snow, once it is settled. All over the world, I will not treat your imperial family's help! Of course, if the emperor's family becomes a guest at this time, I won't blame me for being ruthless!"

"You can rest assured, the emperor has no two minds!" Di Wenhe said quickly.

Jiu Fangye smiled, then stretched out his hand, holding the white paper drop letter given by Emperor Yifei, and said: "Since the Emperor's family still recognizes me as the emperor, you will inform the world, willing to recognize me as orthodox. The emperor’s family has issued a message to count the counts of Fang Lin’s crimes, and the whole world will discuss it!"

Jiufangye's approach is very clear, and the distinction is also very clear. The Jiufang family and the emperor have a master-slave relationship, but it is clear that it is the relationship between the sovereign state and the dependent state. If the other party is to follow it thoroughly, the other party must personally recognize it.

"This matter... or the emperor himself..." Di Wenhe wanted to release it on his behalf, but Jiu Fangye smiled coldly and said, "What am I going to do, do I still need you as a courtier to teach it?"

"Don't dare..." Di Wenhe waved his hands quickly in fright, Jiu Fangye gave a cold smile, and then looked at Di Yifei.

Di Yifei agreed without hesitation, and then asked the waitress to unfold a roll of white silk on the spot, and write down the various charges of her husband Jiu Fanglin. This paragraph of text is nothing but Jiu Fanglin The thief who was described as an unforgivable crime from the country has also confirmed many of the crimes that others have copied, including the crime of killing his father and brother, so whoever looks at it will feel that the crime of Jiufanglin is unforgivable.

Di Wengui looked at this edict, of course, in a cold sweat. After all, his daughter wrote his husband like this, so he had to remember whether he had done something wrong when he married his daughter to Jiu Fanglin.

When Di Yifei was spraying ink, his grieving eyes revealed the resentment for many years, so that the ink soaked the entire white silk, as if blood penetrated the cloth! On the contrary, Jiu Fangye's eyes were stuck on it.

She has an elegant posture, and when she writes, she is neat and tidy. Any man who sees her now will admire her for her demeanor. This is a beautiful woman!

I didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, standing behind her quietly watching this essay complete, and my heart was quite complicated. After all, this essay was equivalent to her experience after entering the palace.

Thousands of words were scattered, and the densely packed words made the white silk seem to be dyed black. Jiu Fangye was very happy and said: "Okay! I didn't believe you would be judged by your husband, but now that you can kill your relatives so righteously, it's enough to wash me away. Your suspicion, from now on, I will allow you to do what you want in the text. From now on, you will be cut off from Jiu Fanglin, the country thief! I will not let you commit the same crime with this country thief, so you can choose your own How about going and staying?"

"Thank you Junshang for perfection!" Di Yifei hurriedly thanked him, and while Jiu Fangye continued to admire the white silk, she took the opportunity to say: "My Majesty, you said you let me choose my own stay, but are you serious?"

"Hehe, how can I tease you in public?" Jiu Fangye laughed.

"My lord, I want to stay in the palace and hope my lord is perfect!" Di Yifei said in public.

This sentence immediately shocked all the courtiers present. Even the queen mother and the servant girl were shocked by Emperor Yifei's decision. After all, dare to say this, it was equivalent to giving Jiu Fangye a job. Wife!

Jiu Fangye returned to the palace strongly. This is his private home. Those who stay in the palace are his people, and Emperor Yifei is Jiu Fanglin’s wife, the original queen, but it still means staying in the palace. What are you holding? A discerning person knows at a glance!

I don’t know if Jiufanglin knows this decision, but if he knows it, I’m afraid he will be mad, because let alone living in the palace in the future, even if he stays here for a while, he is unclear and suspect!

No matter how busy Jiu Fanglin is to gather Jiu Fang Gong's army, can't he just let himself wear a green hat in front of the world? This is not a question of whether there is a husband and wife, but an indirect announcement to the world!

After making this decision, Di Yifei obviously abandoned his reputation and never wanted it again. Of course, the attractiveness of this decision was, for Jiu Fangye, a stimulant that suddenly hit his heart. Humiliating Jiu Fanglin, I'm afraid it will be even easier than catching Ling Chi a hundred times!

"Daughter... you should think about what you said... Is this something you can say? The Lord now pardons you without guilt, but you are not allowed to speak like this..." Di Wenhe seems to have never gotten this. The plan was detailed, so I felt incredible about Di Yifei's decision. After all, this was a joke on his reputation.

"Di Yifei, you can figure it out clearly, this sentence is not something you can take out to tease me." Jiu Fangye's expression changed a little, after all, the decision was too sudden, and he really scratched it.

But at this moment, I couldn’t help but frowned slightly. According to what I knew about Jiu Fangye, this decision could not be considered at all. He would definitely refuse it directly, but now, he doesn’t look like To reject this proposal, or even stand on the commanding heights and agree to it!

So at this moment, I couldn't help being disappointed a lot with Jiu Fangye, because this was not something to be done with integrity. It seemed that after Jiu Fangye's fiasco, the evil disposition that had been hidden was exposed at this moment.

"I implore you Mingjian!" Di Yifei knelt down decisively, looking willingly.

"Well, you have merit in the world. If you have identified Jiu Fanglin as a country thief, you are in danger. Jiu Fanglin will definitely not let you go. And I am very worried about your danger, so if you really intend to Stay in the palace, then stay. Wherever you lived before, you still live there, including all the expenses, the number of waitresses, and the staff. Everything is in accordance with your habits. Wait until the Jiufang Linfuzhu, I Arrange your stay and stay!" Jiu Fangye said solemnly.

But for me, his words were the beginning of my complete disappointment in him. It seems that Jiu Fangye also no longer cleans himself up, and Di Yifei’s evaluation of him is also a real hammer. After all, the last sentence, It doesn't make much sense at all, it is a tactic used by certain hegemons when they want to occupy something.

"Thank you, Lord!" Di Yifei smiled, and a spring of spring flashed across his eyebrows.

I know that it was intentional or unintentional to let Jiu Fangye enter this beauty, because he was used to Di Yifei's expressionless face and unrequited love. The sudden appearance of ambiguousness would definitely not be a good thing.

Di Yifei is too smart, this woman really wants to start a double-kill game!

Originally, Jiu Fangye wanted to kill him, but when he met Di Yifei, a conspirator, he seemed to be returning with a full load. The idea of ​​killing him had long been thrown to the country of Java!

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