Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 3868: : Self-regulation

"You sophistry! You beast, today I want to regain my throne!" Jiu Fanglin furiously felled, chasing after Jiu Fangye's constant attacks!

And Jiufangye is much smarter than him. Because he is ready to wait, all the elite guards and the worship immortal family raised by the Jiufang family have come together. After he bears most of the firepower of Jiufanglin, The attack on Jiu Fang Lin, every time Ji Fang Lin’s air-wrapped silk energy collapsed, his mana was also gathering and disappearing.

Of course, Jiu Fanglin would not let himself bully a group of small shrimps and fish, and immediately turned his head to attack these guards and sacrifices. However, Jiu Fangye's attack was not a joke, and he immediately forced him back!

Seeing Jiu Fanglin's madness and his mad pouring of anger, Jiu Fangye sneered triumphantly: "The one you were going to kill just now should be Di Yi Fei? Ha ha, is this **** woman, is she tricky? Take you too It’s a pitfall? Tsk tsk, it saves me a lot of effort to deal with you, the seventh, you are over, the winner is your eldest brother, I should be obediently, and soon, the worship of the return home will also be added. Your encirclement and suppression."

"Despicable villain, I know you two are still in love! I know! I have no trust in me!" Jiu Fanglin shouted frantically.

"You are right. Of course we are still in love. Otherwise, why would she wait for you to leave and offer the imperial city with both hands? Including all your crimes, she gave me a truthful account, and for I, sent all your four concubines here. Therefore, the Chen family and the Lin family that you depend on are gone at this moment. My Jiufangye will become the orthodox Jiufang Emperor, and you are the eternal singing. The usurper!" Jiu Fangye said gloomily.

"Jiu Fangye! You are a despicable and shameless person who has taken a wife and a child!" Jiu Fanglin became more and more angry, and launched a strong attack on Jiu Fangye again. Can regard Jiufangye as the ultimate goal.

"Haha, so what? They send it to the door obediently, maybe I don't have it?" Jiu Fangye admitted openly, because this is the word of the heart, which can be judged from the breath of Jiu Fanglin. This has already worked.

A group of guards and worshippers absolutely obeyed Jiu Fangye, seemingly deaf to these words, which made Jiu Fangye even more proud.

"If this goes on, it seems that there is no suspense. Jiu Fanglin is in a disaster." I smiled bitterly.

Di Yifei shook his head and said, "These sacrifices and guards are nothing more than all the Promise Central Abdomen that Jiu Fangye can take out. Look at the sacrifices of other families at the outermost periphery. Has anyone come over? "

I immediately looked into the distance. At this time, in addition to the lively battlefield where the two brothers were watching the battle, the immortal family of the three realms was constantly besieging here, in fact, a group of more peripheral family forces were already watching. Up!

On the outer side of the family, the immortal family returned to the Hai family stood in the most conspicuous position, and the owner of the family was holding a scroll of jade books at this time, looking at the scene of the brothers fighting below.

I noticed that there was a waitress next to him, holding a baby in the robe of the Jiufang Family, and suddenly understood the intention of returning to the Hai Family.

Jiu Fangye kept attacking Jiu Fanglin, never noticed such a change in the sky far away. When he found out, his face suddenly changed, and because of this sudden change, he almost Give the crazy Jiu Fanglin success, so scared that he can only meet the enemy with all his strength!

The attack of the heavenly realm is not tickling, but it is going to kill people at the critical moment!

And the family head above his head kept connecting with the returning home owner, asking about what happened, making Jiu Fangye still betrayed, as if he felt betrayed, and kept moving towards there, planning to ask something.

But Jiu Fanglin was aware of this earlier, and when he saw the child in the imperial robe, his original hideous face was like a spring breeze for an instant: "Hehe...hehe...Isn't this the fourteenth brother? Tsk tsk, father died. That day, this child just came to the world, right? Hahaha...It was just to prevent him from seeing this child, so I specifically chose that day, when he rushed to the house, let Feng Ruqing kill him! What happened now? Ten Why did the fourth brother suddenly appear here?"

"You bastard!" Jiu Fangye was so scared that he lost his soul like three souls. Even though what Jiu Fanglin said was terrifying enough, this child is not meant to be there for watching, it should be from the Hai Family. Another useful purpose!

Sure enough, at this moment, the Patriarch of the Returned Hai Family stood up as all the family leaders who belonged to the Jiufang Family, and quickly unfolded the jade book. After a glance, he said, "Jiufangye! As Jiufangye! The eldest son of the Fang family inherited the Datong, but murdered his mother and betrayed the clan. He had no morals, and forced his younger brother-in-law to marry his brother-in-law. It was a crime! Jiu Fanglin! Virtuous! Framed up brother! Ruthless and unrighteous! Still trying to inherit the rule, the sin cannot be redeemed!"

As soon as he said this, Jiu Fangye was dumbfounded for a moment, his face was pale and bloodless, and he even stopped acting immediately, as if he had been struck by lightning!

"Be careful, you!" The head guard reminded loudly. As a result, Jiu Fanglin was optimistic about this opportunity. Taking advantage of Jiu Fangye's dumbfounded eyes, countless entangled silks all greeted each other, and in a flash, Jiu Fangye's good situation All break up! And a group of guards rushed to protect the law, but under the attack of the heavenly realm, all of them were cut into meat!

Jiu Fangye was splashed all over by the blood of the guards, and he immediately realized his consciousness, roared in resentment, and rushed towards the Guihai Patriarch!

The face of the Patriarch of the Returned Sea family changed drastically at this moment, after all, the opponent was in the realm of Heaven!

The worship of all families is to protect the Lord, and the scene is vast, but when the heavenly realm rushes in, it is undoubtedly that the wolf enters the flock!

However, with a burst of laughter, it was like piercing the sky. Jiu Fanglin seemed to feel that his ruin and fame had become irreversible, so when he saw that the arrogant and proud big brother fell from the sky to the ground like himself, he immediately became excited:" Hahaha! Jiufangye! You have today too! What? Betrayed to your own relatives? How do you feel? Tell me how about it? Hahaha!"

"Return to the sea! I will kill you all!" Jiu Fangye roared, and at this moment, a woman in a Chinese dress stood up with cold eyes in her eyes and said, "Jiu Fangye , You betrayed us and returned to the sea family first, and I treated you like this, but you also took the **** of the emperor family! You also let her live in my harem, hehe, I really think you are disgusting...but This is not over yet, you have not even let go of the four concubines of your seventh brother, I am really disappointed in you!"

"This is Gui Haiping." Di Yifei said lightly. It can be seen that her eyes are complicated at this time. After all, this is also part of the weaving of her youth.

I nodded, apparently already guessing the identity of this woman.

"I don't! Ping'er! I really don't! To that bitch, I have no feeling at all, you believe me! I am sincere to you!" Jiu Fangye resisted Jiu Fanglin's obstruction while trying to explain something.

But now this matter is not just the meaning of Gui Haiping, it is the meaning of the whole Gui Hai family, so just some hatred, it is not at the point where she gave up on Jiu Fang Ye, but the general trend!

How could Jiu Fangye not know this, but even if there was a straw left on the shore, he would try his best to cling to it when he fell into the water. It is better to be ashamed than drown.

But Gui Haiping had given up on her a long time ago, and still gave him the final blow: "Hehe, Jiufangye, it's useless, I didn't even plan to let him inherit Datong, your kind, All my reputation is ruined because of you. I have no feelings for you anymore. If you still retain a little humanity, for the sake of your child not to be pointed out by others, I will judge myself..."

These two words seemed to make Jiu Fangye fall into the abyss again, and was persuaded to die by his wife. This situation almost meant that he was shot to death. No one would sympathize with him anymore, because even the closest ones People categorically rejected him at this moment.

I sighed, recalling Jiu Fangye back then, and I never dared to imagine that he would fall to where he is today.

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