Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 3878: : Climbing the mountain

If the true energy produces the Heavenly Dao Stone, a pile of Heavenly Dao Stages can be created, which is enough to kill the gods when encountering the gods and the Buddhas, and the purple robe is also worthy of the name Taisixian.

But according to the energy supply and transmission of this Heavenly Dao Stone, if it is a few Heavenly Dao Stones, it should be affordable, but if there are dozens of them, I am afraid that there is no way to output such a large-scale energy at a time.

I weighed the heavy things, and then separated them in small sealed boxes to prevent unexpected changes when the two were put together, and swallowed them to make myself a heavenly existence. I Right now, he didn't have the courage, if he became a pseudo-chuangyuan state like Jiu Fangye, it would be dead or no life.

After recovering the Heavenly Dao Stone, I returned to the blood lotus and saw Di Yifei talking with a few confidants. I felt a little more at ease, as long as she didn’t commit suicide anymore, and now what I’m going to do next is to go Jianmen took Jiufangye's daughter Jiufangsu back to the Heavenly Realm. After all, the Jiufang family had something so serious that she couldn't let her daughter stay in the Jianmen within the Jiufang family to learn the Tao.

Jiufangye I was wise, but now he was ruined. His children would inevitably be harmed by the aftermath in the original place. To learn kendo, the sky is the same.

After discussing the journey with Emperor Yifei, we headed towards the sword gate together, and although it belongs to the territory of the Jiufang family, the size of the Jiufang family is by no means comparable to the Dao League and the Star Realm among the original immortals. Without Kunpeng's super speed, Huxuelian, no matter how fast, took a full ten days to reach the mysterious ancient sword gate that Jiu Fangye said.

For the education of their children, the Jiufang Family will obviously do their best, and every child will entrust their studies to the powerful immortal family professors of the clan.

But sending my daughter out to study is beyond my expectation for a big family like the Jiufang family that controls the world's resources. After all, the daughter is a caring padded jacket from the father. It would be better to stay close to home, so The decision to send the child out was very difficult for Jiu Fangye to make.

But once it was sent out, there was no doubt that the conditions of this Jianmen would be far better than those of the Jiufang family.

Jiu Fangye didn’t give me much news, but Di Yi Fei knew a lot. Looking at the vast sea of ​​clouds ahead, Di Yi Fei said: “When I heard about this, he already gave his daughter to the female road After I left, because the matter was so raging, I asked about it urgently, so I was clear about the matter. According to rumors, when Jiu Fangye was young when he was young, he encountered an ancient monster and almost died. A female swordsman suddenly appeared, and the ancient monster beast was easily killed and saved. Jiu Fangye admired the female swordsmanship so much that he wanted to ask for the female swordsmanship. Unfortunately, the female sword was not satisfied with his aptitude, so he did not I can get my wish."

"Oh... Then how did the female protagonist come to take away Jiufangsu? Is this child's talent better than his father's?" I asked.

"I think there should be another reason, because Jiu Fangye said that at the time the female Taoist said that she was not qualified to learn powerful swordsmanship, but she realized that his daughter was predestined with her and would accept her as a seven-year-old. My disciple, this made Jiu Fangye sneer, thinking that this woman was nonsense. You know, at that time Jiu Fangye was still young and didn't even have a child..." Di Yifei smiled.

"It seems that this matter was calculated, right?" I smiled bitterly. There are countless odd relationships in this world, and some can even spy on life and death. This is not surprising, but there is no doubt that Jiu Fang Ye has met an expert.

"Well, Jiufangye was of course unmoved at first, and then left after saying goodbye. However, he didn't expect that when the child was just six years old, the female way actually came, saying that he was going to take Jiufangsu." Di Yifei smiled.

"Nine Fangye must be unwilling?" I smiled bitterly.

"That's inevitable. Following the women's way of cultivation, it is destined to be difficult to return to the clan and have to live a life of pure and hard life. As far as the Jiufang family is concerned, no one is willing." Di Yifei said.

"What happened later?" I asked curiously.

"Later, the female Dao put down the ring and fought against the eight swordsmen sent by Jiufangye. It was all easy to win. This made Jiufangye unable to choose. If you know this kid, he is the treasure of his heart." Yi Fei smiled bitterly, then thought for a while, and said: "The female Dao sees that he really loves women, but tells him that in this life his daughter has no chance to meet him again. If he doesn't leave now, it will be even more difficult to give up in the future, even Jiu Fangye panicked because he believed in the women's road so much that he could only agree to keep the women's road and the child for seven days, and asked about the sword gate where the women's road was located within the territory of Jiufang's home. This allowed the female Dao to take away the child... but I really didn’t expect that it actually fulfilled what the female Dao said."

"Oh... the separation of parent and child is nothing more miserable than this." I shook my head.

Di Yifei fell silent, and then said: "Being king among the tigers is definitely not a good kind. Of course, the female way has seen through Jiufangye's personality, and at the same time, it has been counted as his ending years later, so that the children can stay away as soon as possible. He, lest he knows what happened, he will gradually lose his innocent nature and follow in his footsteps, so I think there is nothing wrong with this decision."

I looked at Di Yi Fei and secretly said that this was the truth. Di Yi Fei fell into Jiu Fang’s house to become so terrible. If the child is raised in Jiu Fang’s family, of course it will not be a good thing, and it may even be a bad thing. .

Although this sword gate is in the territory of the Jiufang family, it looks very remote. In addition, it is not occupied by a family here. It is obviously a three-regardless area. There is a sword gate hidden in the vast sea of ​​clouds. It can be regarded as in line with the positioning of women. Of course, this kind of school is relatively general, and it will be more interpersonal, and may not welcome outsiders to enter.

However, when Jiu Fangye left, he also gave me the way to contact the sect. So I just entered the suspected area, I took out a white paper bird, injected mana and threw it to the cloud. in.

In the blink of an eye, the little bird flapped its wings and flew, and Jinglian followed it around in the white clouds. This is obviously a super large array, because when passing by, I can occasionally find traces of the array formation, just this One point is enough to prove that the female Dao is not lying.

I don't know if Jiu Fangye has been here, so I can't help but ask: "Afterwards, did Jiu Fangye come here?"

"I've been here a few times, but when I came, I gave some genius treasures to the sect. I wanted to see my daughter, but I was blocked by the door." Di Yifei said.

"It's so harsh? I've come all the way to see my daughter, so I'm not allowed to meet?" I was taken aback, and secretly said that the female Dao and the sect were too ruthless!

"Yeah, this incident really regrets Jiu Fangye..." Di Yifei stopped talking, obviously he didn't understand this matter, and even if he hated Jiu Fangye no matter how much, if I changed it to I will feel it because of my affection.

With paper birds leading the way, we did not spend too much time and came to a place surrounded by clouds, mountains and mists. From a distance, this mountain range stretched for more than ten miles, and the mountain gate, except for a dilapidated house without a letter, was Surrounded by white clouds, here is like being covered by white clouds, no matter from far to near, or standing in it, except for clouds or clouds.

"It doesn't even have the name of the school. This hidden sword gate is really amazing." I smiled bitterly.

And when I was about to take the blood lotus to bypass the mountain gate and fly directly into the mountain, an old Dao suddenly appeared in the middle of the door, with his back hand closed his eyes, as if waiting for us for a long time.

Di Yifeihe said to me: "I heard that if you are not invited, you can't pass this mountain gate, you can only stop at the mountain gate, so we must not just go in like this."

I smiled and stood in front of the old Dao. "This fellow Taoist, dragged by a friend, took his daughter away from the mountain gate. I don't know if I can enter in comfortably?"

"If you have entered this mountain, you are here. If you want to enter the world, you will naturally have the order of the Sect Master of Sword Sect. Please go, fellow Taoists. Even if there is a wise bird from my sect to lead the way, you should never come again if you have nothing to do." Said.

"If you enter the gate of the mountain, you are the one among them. How does that person count?" I couldn't help asking.

"The mountain trekkers have to ask whether the sword in the hands of the old man can answer." The old Dao still squinted his eyes.

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