Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 3931: :Without me

I have to sigh with the power of this empty mountain **** nun. Under this sky full of Buddha light, which demon can make a mistake? I'm afraid that it's the existence with devilish energy, and it can't even move.


Shengtu Bengyun sprayed the Bengtian Cannon at me without hesitation, and hit the cluster of light that penetrated the sky directly on my armor shield, and pushed me a long way out of my hand. With a flick of the sword, with a bang, while deflecting the cluster of light, he also pushed aside!

But Shengtu Bengyun did not stop the Bengtian Cannon. The beam swept towards me again. There was a spell of forbidden in this beam. If the ordinary immortal family hits it, it would be very difficult to use spells. Of course, yes. I am almost useless. After all, with the advantage of multiple contexts, it is impossible to completely restrain my power output.

I continue to fly and move quickly. I need to be cautious and cautious when dealing with the main opponent Kongshan God Ni, and Huan Jiantian must also find the right time to prevent the Dharma damage of the Kong Shan God Ni. The size of the Buddha is quite powerful, let alone It is said to be an awakened Buddha Tao at the level of the heavenly realm.

Chongshanxian has also recovered to its peak. Seeing that I have the intention to fly out of the encirclement, the magical sword behind me swept back and shot at me, just like an arm that has been lengthened, preventing me from moving with a subtle attack. In the footsteps!


Twilight the wrong star and Chongshanxian’s divine sword collided and shook away the opponent’s attack. I stepped on his whiskey, and the divine sword cut it off with a wave, but Chongshanxian’s divine weapon was also a magic weapon. , Under a twist, thousands of silk-like threads instantly connected and healed autonomously. It was indeed mysterious and unpredictable, and under the blight of Shengtu Bengyun, water and fire did not invade.

Shengtu Bengyun and Chongshanxian have both fought against me, and the two of them couldn't take me down, so I still kept my energy to deal with their attacks. Instead, I put 100% of my energy on fighting against the empty mountain gods.

"Buddha! Dao! Awaken! Wake up!" The voice of the empty mountain **** nun came from the female Buddha in the sky, and then the golden light shot down wildly. I quickly waved my hand, and several sword qi shot up to meet the golden light. Hedge together, but what surprised me was that these sword auras and golden light crossed each other, the golden light was soft and thick, and it continued to spread downward, and I could not completely avoid it!

In order to prevent some accidents, I teleported into the imperial city immediately. There are many immortal houses here, and this empty mountain **** nun will never kill innocent people and cause obstacles to manufacturing.

Sure enough, the Buddha's light flooded into the ground and immediately disappeared, but at this moment, several immortal families who could feel the breath screamed, and I soared into the air, looking towards the bottom of the palace. The screamer's eyes bloomed with golden light, and his head screamed miserably, the power of karma was steaming up, and he seemed to have been punished by the purification of karma.

"Unexpectedly, no karma!" Shengtu Bengyun said in surprise, and immediately looked at the empty mountain **** nun who was standing on the lotus and chanting mantras with one hand.

But the empty mountain **** nun did not speak, and suddenly pointed at me, buzzing, the golden light around him suddenly gathered, turned into a big hand with a hijab, and took a picture of me!

Immortal Chongshan also heard the words ‘don’t occupy karma’, and while flying over to make up the knife, he said, “Maybe like us, he took the treasure to avoid karma!”

"Huh, this kid is well prepared." Shengtu Bengyun hummed, and then he patted his belly. Runes suddenly appeared around his belly, and his face began to flush, his cheeks bulged like toads.

Faced with the golden palm that was pressing over, I felt the strong gravity pressure, and immediately used the method of returning to the origin of the Nakayama god!

As a result, the level of Gui Yuan Fa was too low, and I couldn’t pass the Buddha light level. The heavy pressure immediately hit my Heaven Smiting Sword, hitting me deep underground. Needless to say, the palace square. Must smash the big hand directly!

Not only is the Guiyuan method unable to pass the Buddha's light, but even the spirituality method is directly sealed by the golden light. People with karma, who will not be attacked by Buddhism? Not just me, but the entire imperial city is basically under attack! It depends on whoever does less evil, who suffers less harm.

Seeing these people with deep karma still holding their heads and rolling on the ground wailing in pain, I know that these people will definitely not die, but pain is unavoidable. This is an attack of purification that penetrates the heart.

Splitting the golden palm, I stepped a little bit, and immediately rushed to the sky. On the terrace, although the two sides confronted each other, everyone was also resisting the spiritual attack brought by the golden light. This golden light has very simple characteristics and the stronger the karma. , The stronger the disturbance, the lower the pressure of karma.

It’s impossible for the empty mountain gods to kill all people in a single brainstorm, because most of the immortal families with low karma are enough to resist with their own concentration and cultivation base. Just like Gu Longxiu and Gu Longchi, they seem to be okay, basically Undisturbed.

But which one can stand on the terrace is clean? It was just that some immortal houses that looked very good were rolling on the floor in pain at this moment. Under this golden light, at a glance, it was like a naked person.

Faced with the attack of this empty mountain **** nun, I certainly have countermeasures. At high altitude, my sleeves flicked, and the sky mark clock immediately became bigger in the wind after I activated the mana, and then a bell rang and boomed. The world suddenly shattered!

This sonic attack shook the Buddha's light unceasingly, and the immortal family underneath all awakened from the inner purification attack, all of them meditating to resist the attack, or fleeing toward the outside!

The empty mountain **** Niwei frowned, but still stood there as steady as Mount Tai, and the golden female Buddha on her body could not hear the bell of the sky-marked bell, but still twirled with one hand and prayed with the other hand, and at this time, he responded The attack of the sky-marked clock also came out. With a bang, a ray of light fell from the sky, and the sky-marked clock fell sharply. I hurriedly collected the sky-marked clock, and then quickly rushed to the golden female Buddha!

Immortal Chongshan wants to fight my faint and wrong star, and Shengtu Bengyun is condensing the Bengtian Cannon. After all, his attacks can't be continuously performed. Under such continuous and uninterrupted strong attacks, his actions are true. Like a fat man with a big belly.

"Attachment is born by itself, let go of the need for self, and when there is no one without self, it is naturally in harmony with the Tao." Seeing me rushing over, the empty mountain **** Ni suddenly read a series of strange Buddhist scriptures, and the golden female Buddha spoke together, belonging to Buddhism's sonic attack has also begun!

As soon as I heard this voice, I suddenly felt a mess in my head, and I couldn't even read the spells completely. This made my face change drastically, and I quickly backed away!

The golden female Buddha is the appearance of the awakening of the empty mountain gods and nuns, which is similar to the concept of the awakening of the immortal road, but the magical powers are even more powerful, and they are both integrated, and it is difficult to deal with each other after making up for each other!

This is truly immovable like a mountain, the realm of no self and no Buddha! It really is the ultimate of the Buddhism Heavenly Dao realm, no wonder Tu Bengyun did not dare to take it this time, and everything was attacked by the empty mountain gods.

No matter how strong I am in the Promise Realm, under the siege of the three Heavenly Dao Realms, of course I also seemed very embarrassed, but just as I escaped from the periphery where I could resist the chanting on my own, I defeated Tu Bengyun with a scream, a purple color. The clusters of light shot at me, and I immediately avoided this attack, but Shengtu Bengyun was already prepared. The purple light suddenly scattered, changing into clusters of purple light, which immediately hit me several times. Smashed my armor several times on the spot!

My face was gloomy, and I stepped back to the sky further away, and Shengtu Bengyun gave up continuing to use the light beam, but cast a sinister look at the terrace below.

At this time, most of the people had already woken up, and seemed to be arguing over the throne. There was no doubt that this was a masterpiece of victory over Tu Bengyun.

With just a few sound transmissions, there is no problem in controlling the overall situation! Besides, I am at a disadvantage now, and he will definitely not let go of this opportunity.

Gu Longjun beat Jin Guang in pain just now, but because of the lack of karma, he has recovered seven or eight points. Gu Longxiu and Gu Longchi are fine, but seeing me suppressing the three heavenly realms, and Gu Longzhi and other uncles began to tighten one by one. Forced, they are also somewhat passive.

All the officials follow blindly. I'm in a crisis. Of course, they will appear to fall to Gu Longzhi's side. So for a while, a group of immortals around seemed to surround Gu Longxiu and the others. As for the sinking wood, they are still at this moment. In the pain, it must be of no help.

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