Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 3946: : Dragon Jaw

"It's very troublesome. This kind of monsters are all in groups, but they are attracted at this time. It seems that we have to find another time." Shengtu Wushuang said regretfully.

"Little Baize is not far away." Of course, I know that this time is relatively dangerous, but there is no big Baize, but the small one appears alone. This is undoubtedly a good opportunity.

Under the swamp, groups of black fish with mouth-mouthed monsters of course gathered more and more, and the entire swamp sea was tossed up, and the long-legged worm-like monsters were forced to jump up, and in the end they either snapped and exploded Countless small flying insects are swallowed into the mouth of a huge strange fish!

Because the flying insects rushed into the sky, the entire area was covered with dark clouds. It became difficult to locate the breath of Bai Ze, and even countless strange fish suddenly rushed out of the water to eat. Insects, let us become very passive around.

"This Bai Ze really loves to join in the fun!" I secretly said in my heart that I might have to give up a path, or wait for the fish to finish preying, and the sea will fall into tranquility. At least let Bai Ze be alone.

As a result, just when we wanted to leave like this, the pure white Bai Ze suddenly jumped and stepped on the back of the school of fish, or jumped to other branches and rushed over, and ran all the way, all the way Seems to be still looking for something!

While avoiding the worms and fishes, I looked at Shengtu Wushuang who was not far from my side, and both saw a trace of excitement. After all, the big Baize didn’t accompany the young at this time. What about one-time insurance?

"You cover me, I'll go grab this mutant Bai Ze now." Shengtu Wushuang took out a bundle of immortal ropes from his sleeves, and then quickly flew down!

I nodded and rushed down, and the sword in my hand was also hurriedly swinging out of the Immortal Crossing Thunder Technique, attacking these insect swarms who dared to approach Shengtu Wushuang! But these strange fishes with mouths are not so easy to deal with. They are different in size, each with thick skin and thick flesh, and the huge impact is also a means of grabbing food. Even if two strange fish collide, It's as terrible as two stones colliding, making the sound of flying and collision everywhere in the dark!

According to my theory, my mine should have the greatest effect on these snakeheads, but under constant blow, some snakeheads just sank into the water and then rushed up directly, and the huge mouth ignored the attack, like a net. I come here!

Of course I can't catch them, but as long as Shengtu Wushuang continues to move forward, I will find a way to deal with them!


A sword was slashed on the tongue like a net, and I found that the fairy sword was too weak, as if it had been slashed in a soft liquid, and it did not break, even the slime pulled the sword directly into the bottom of the water!

I hurriedly slammed with thunder, and finally got out, but another black fish and several flying insects had already bitten at me. These monsters are not so high, but they are definitely not weak. After all, they grow in the swamp. Hai, all of them have become vampires, biting the protective shield and trying to extract each other's life energy!

Several times, I immediately wanted to pull out the Heaven Smiting Divine Sword and cut it in two, but the power of the Promise Realm should be like this. Once it exceeded this category, Shengtu Wushuang would immediately break my identity.

"Old Demon Xia, are you still planning to hide your strength?" Shengtu Wushuang also felt a lot of pressure. Although her unparalleled sword attack can easily penetrate Heiyu's body, it is not that it can be used with it, it is also necessary Cooling time, this is a hurdle that Yu Tiangong can hardly cross.

While I tried to avoid the attack, the little Baize, because he didn't have Shengtu Wushuang's sniper, was jumping over the black fish's back step by step in front of us, and I didn't know what made it so curious.


We were struggling in place, and the black fishes were also turning this place into a pool of muddy water. There was mud splashing everywhere, and the surroundings were completely unrecognizable.

And at this time, suddenly an unusual aura came towards us again, of course it caught my attention, because it was also a monster of the Promise level, and it was as big as a floating island, so I couldn’t bear it. I was also a little surprised.


I didn't know what the monster was going to do, and soon I found it dived directly under the swamp.

"It's a deep Ze dragon." Sheng Tu Wushuang said in surprise. At this moment, she seemed to give up Bai Ze, because her gaze turned to another place.

I frowned. At this moment, Bai Ze was in front of my eyes, but he couldn't go all out. This was really depressing!

But my depression quickly turned into surprise, that special and huge aura of Promise, suddenly rushed from the bottom of the swamp towards me from bottom to top, at an amazing speed!

"Quickly get out of here! This Shenzelong is going to swallow this place!" Shengtu Wushuang saw me hesitate, and quickly reminded me, I suddenly pinched the ground, but rushed in the direction of Bai Ze!

"What are you doing? Danger!" Shengtu Wushuang shouted from a distance. Of course I knew the danger, but with the tyrannical defensive ability, against collisions and dense insects, I still have confidence!

Xiao Baize saw me suddenly appear, and his attention immediately began to focus on me. When my secret path was not good, a crackling sound came, and I was hit and flew out, but the collision only brought down the line of sight. Xiao Baize has disappeared!

It's okay to hit a big fish, even insect bites are fine, but I found out that half of these big fish and insects are fake! This must be Xiao Baize playing tricks!

However, the scope of my positioning breath is not large enough, and the capturing ability has long been used purely, which made me avoid the insect biting fish and swallow in an instant, and rushed towards a black fish in Xiaobaize!

This Bai Ze is good at illusion, and of course he can use various illusions to confuse fish and insects from attacking it, and even I can't see its existence.

But at this time, the island-like body of Shen Zelong had already appeared in our sight suddenly, swallowing a half of the black fish!

The huge head of this Shenzelong is the size of an island, but the body is not big, only about half of the head, because it is the head floating on the water, quietly watching the surrounding environment, waiting for the surrounding food to be delivered to the mouth!

And Xiao Baize has recovered to its original appearance at this moment, because it has already stood on the head of Shenze Dragon at this time, and has begun to eat the rare and exotic grasses on it! And while eating, he looked like he was looking for something. This Xiao Baize was so bold that it really surprised me.

There are indeed some weird things on Shenzelong’s head, which are all attracted to some rare birds and animals, but it is also a symbol of danger. I even saw several top fairy grasses, such as Bai Ze. like.

But Xiao Baize ran out in such a situation, certainly not just for these few fairy grasses.

"Look at the bottom of the dragon's jaw!" Shengtu Wushuang said suddenly.

Bai Ze was standing at the nose of the dragon's head. I was on the flank of Shengtu Wushuang. Shen Zelong's head was behind. I couldn't see what was there at all. So it was another shrinking technique. Near Tu Wushuang, I couldn't help but be surprised when I saw it, because there was a small piece of moss growing in a place similar to the scale of the inverse scale. This thing was shining and had mysterious energy.

"Inverse scale moss, this thing is something that Shenzelong can only have in old age, at least for about a thousand years, it is said that eating it can prolong life, and it is the treasure of life." Shengtu Wushuang quickly explained.

"The dragon's scales will die if you touch it!" I frowned.

At this time, I didn’t pay attention. After Bai Ze gnawed a few of the best fairy grasses, he disappeared. I immediately looked at Shen Ze Long’s inverse scales and found a white worm-like thing fast. Close to Nilin, what is this not Bai Ze?

"It wants that piece of inverse scale moss?" I said in surprise. I am afraid that all of this is for Bai Ze, this little thing is very clever.

"Well, it is good at illusion, and it has transformed more than half of the black fish and insects. It is precisely to attract this dragon out!" Shengtu Wushuang couldn't help but be surprised. It seems that she and I thought of a piece.

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