Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 3975: : Against

Waking up from the dream, I patted the bed next to me and found that it was really a dream. At the moment I woke up, I really thought that there would be a sister-in-law lying next to me, but the reality was not as easy as the dream.

Picking up the communication jade, I smiled bitterly and shook my head. The secret path seems to be a simple magic weapon, but it has solved things that people have never thought of for many years. With it, you can see whoever you want to see.

It seems that I found out that I came out of the study, and Zhao Qian’s news was quickly passed on: "Brother Tian, ​​you have finally woken up. The battle line of the Three Emperors has begun to steadily advance into the Heavenly City. The battle line."

"Okay, this time...how long did I sleep?" I frowned and pinched my eyebrows, secretly saying this unknowingly, has it been several days?

"Seven days, in terms of the time of the heavenly realm, it is actually not too long, but these days, the heavenly city defense line has undergone unusual changes, so everyone is afraid that there will be any variables in the heavenly city, so they command the front to advance, at least on the other side. Before the bigger changes, destroy them on the attack." Zhao Qian said.

"Seven days...Well, who the three emperors are ready to attack the Celestial City first, will not affect us much, I will talk about it in the past." I secretly wondered, no wonder my sister-in-law always urged me to go away. Even if there are only a few short hours, when I come out, I am afraid it will be in a different situation, so in the future such dreams, it is better to go when there is nothing wrong, or something goes wrong, it is a malpractice.

Looking up, there are dense celestial shadows everywhere. It can be seen that everyone is actively preparing for the battle. It seems that I slept when everyone was busy.

Entering the hall, the treasures on everyone are armed, either with swords on their backs or swords on their waists, and there are many treasures in their hands. It seems that this is the last time to order.

At the same time, the five peak palm peaks of Hanxian Mountain have also come to the camp. It is estimated that the disciples of Hanxian Mountain have also arrived long ago. There are not many people in Tianyi Realm, but it is different with the addition of Hanxian Mountain.

"As the elite of the elite, we use a small number of troops to attack the entire Sky City. Therefore, how to prevent the enemy from sniping, hinder the timing of the attack, and crack the opportunity of our formation is what the scout team should do. The immortal family who is called by the name, please stand up, and the disciples under each leader will take the lead..." Zhao Qian has been commanding major operations for many years. When she was in the realm of heaven, she handled more complex multi-legion operations, so now When giving orders, she did not hesitate at all, because everyone's character and abilities, she never forgets, and can always use the right people on the right route.

The main hall is important. A three-dimensional detailed map appears in front of us. Under this vast nine heavenly vitality, countless interfaces appear in front of us, and the huge heavenly city and the small heavenly space base are both in the two sections of this map. As for Next, Zhao Qian quickly sorted out the immortal houses that had their names in different colors, and drew countless lines, moving towards the sky city.

Although these lines are in the same direction as a whole, each of the densely packed lines is not a single route, some have bypassed many interfaces, and some are even close to the main battle zone, which can be described as extremely detailed.

"The leader will lead all the siege forces to postpone their advance, so the safe areas explored by the scout captains are very important. Of course, each team's route may hit the enemy head-on, and I hope everyone will be in good condition. No damage, other than that, it depends on whether everyone's fortune can take care of themselves!" Zhao Qian said.

A group of immortals all should be, and then each took their own brand, and began to come out one after another. Inside, there are many members of the women's army, such as Qin Manlan, Gengxiu, Fushuang, Di Yiqin, etc., and Yuanxian There are also a lot of people who have mixed in, such as Chen Yixian and Ye Guxuan, making the scout team gather elites. However, being a vanguard scout is quite dangerous. If you are not careful, you will step on the foreshadowing of the enemy. Life is worrying.

Of course, since it is the women's army, it is not comparable in weapons and armaments. It even has multi-causal weapons, not to mention other large-scale stellar treasures. Even if you encounter an enemy unfortunately, everyone will be able to escape.

And Zhao Qian chose the women's legion members to take the lead. In addition to their good strength, there is also my luck. After all, luck actually occupies a large part in such an ultimate battle.

The scout team was divided into dozens of teams, because the Celestial Immortal Territory was indeed too large. Although there was only one goal, all roads led to Rome.

It was the eighteenth day of advancement on the front.

I have led the army of the Heavenly Realm for a certain distance, and this area is already a possible area of ​​war. Looking at the huge jade boats behind me, I still feel a little strange in my heart. Behind me, there are ten Ten Thousand Immortal Army, just don't know how much is left of the imperial city that can be brought into the heaven?

Just when I thought about it, on the huge three-dimensional map in front of me, several points instantly turned red, and with them as the center, there were constant fluctuations.

"On the right front, four scout regiments of thirty-seventh, thirty-nine, forty-one, and forty-two met the enemy!"

Hu Qingya’s voice is undoubtedly very pleasant, but the set of numbers she reported also made my pupils shrink, and finally ushered in the first batch of enemies. This was the first half of the march and broke into the second line of defense. area.

"Keep the scout regiment away from the army, send the surrounding scout regiments to support, and the army changes its position to avoid the enemy's search area!" I quickly ordered.

Hu Qingya immediately sent an order to change the direction of the scout team and take the enemy in another direction.

"Who is in charge of the scout group that first encountered the enemy?" After hearing the order, I asked again.

"For Long Yue, Jing Xiaoman, Xiaojiao, etc." Hu Qingya said.

"Let them be careful to pick up the enemy, pull the enemy away, and don't expose the movement of the army." I frowned. Long Yue and Jing Xiaoman are both good at strength. Xiaojiao, as my former guard, is even more qualified. In recent years, her cultivation base has risen sharply, and her strength has almost reached the front line. After all, she is the incarnation of Jiaolong, even without the help of treasures, she is not comparable to ordinary immortals.

The scout regiment is still far away from the main army, making it easy to turn the main force.

"At the beginning of the battle, the enemy's scout group has been taken away." Soon, Hu Qingya notified me again. After I nodded, I began to study the next marching route.

But it didn’t take long for the map to be close to the direction where the previous 37 Scouts encountered the enemy, and several more points were received. This time Hu Qingya also quickly ordered to deal with it. According to the command of the first wave, he continued Lead away.

"Long Yue and their situation there?" I asked ponderingly.

"The enemy has been drawn here, and the battle is still ongoing. According to the plan, it will merge with the defense line of the North Fox family and transfer the enemy to them." Hu Qingya said.

"Well, if there are not many enemies, solve it on the spot, and the number of enemies is huge, then lead them away." I said, and then I remembered the most forward Xijun, and said, "What's the situation with Xijun?"

"There is no problem with her, continue to lead the scout team forward." Hu Qingya pointed to the frontmost point on the right and said.

"Very good, keep going." Not only me, but all the commanders who were watching the map, regarded Long Yue's encounter as the second line of defense of the Celestial City because the army was too dense, so I accidentally ran into it.

But soon, after running into four such teams in a row and we kept turning, I realized that something was wrong, and on the far right side, I soon encountered an enemy again, which made me feel cheated. taste.

"The main force stops turning and moves to the front left side forty-five degrees! Ready to meet the enemy!" My eyes flashed cold, and the dark road was not only our cunning, the enemy was also cunning. After all, the purple robe was controlling the defense net of the entire sky city, and it would appear. Such a change is not surprising at all.

Sure enough, not long after I ordered to move in the opposite direction, Hu Qingya hurriedly drew a huge circle on the right back of the main force: "The enemy does not know when to appear behind us!"

The immortals all gasped.

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