Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 3979: : Bang drink

A large area the size of a star field around was trembling under the huge energy sonic cannon. The shields on the three heavenly realms were shattered on the spot, and the closest demon squirted out a mouthful of blood and flew quickly. After escaping, he didn't dare to pursue any more, but he still said angrily: "Old Demon Xia, do you really think you can escape? Even if you escape, your army will be wiped out soon, since it is too Si Xian said that if you want to keep you out of the city, you can't get in half!"

Shao Shihui also received a blow, her face was blue and gloomy, and she had many tears in her body. However, as a way of immortality, her recovery ability was also amazing. The body parts that were shattered by the sound wave soon began to recover, and finally completely As if there was nothing wrong, he waited coldly for the space to close and continue to attack.

Because of the slowest speed, the empty mountain **** nun was in the attack range, but the golden female Buddha blocked the blow, leaving her safe, but this one was enough to startle her.

I took a deep breath and saw the effect of the sky-marked clock. Of course, I was happy. I also secretly said that if the earth-burning furnace is not destroyed, then I will take the opportunity to burn them this time, and I will definitely hurt them seriously. unfortunately.

And at this time, I also thought of using the infinite sword light, this thing also has the power to kill the realm of heaven, but unfortunately I have not yet practiced, so I can't use it.

"The three acquired awakened persons of the heavenly realm, want to deal with me. It seems that you Taisi immortal are well prepared, but Kongshan Shenni, this Taisi immortal brainwashed my friend. This is the act of the magical path, don’t you have anything to explain? Is it true? With such unscrupulous tigers and wolves, how did your master teach you?" I asked with a sneer. If I can persuade the empty mountain gods to retreat, then I still have a chance to win, but if not, then this decisive battle, I am afraid It won't work without the creation method.

After sleeping for several years, waking up the world to return to the hands of Tiancheng?

I dare not imagine, nor dare to try, this is a situation created by so many people with their lives, and it must not be destroyed in my hands! You know how can the Three Emperors dare to believe me once I go to sleep? What they are betting now is that all the power of the family will help me contain the main battlefield. If I can't take the Celestial City, I will return to the original point, and even they will face the next great cleansing of the Celestial City!

"Sorry, Xia Shizhu, the poor nun can only do one thing and one thing, and don't care about other things for the time being. Moreover, only the donor is in my heart, who is the least sure of the fate." Said Kongshan Shenni .

"Haha, that means, her destiny still belongs to this guy, can you see it?" I asked, actually secretly extracting greater power from the infinite soul cape. This time, I want to use it. A more powerful multi-causal interaction, and at the same time, I also transmitted the sound to the holder of the nearest multi-causal weapon in front of me. I immediately set up a formation and waited for me. I will draw Shao Shihui away and bring the empty mountain **** away. Ni and this old way of introducing the trap have evaporated!

"Tai Si Xian just said that this old demon Xia has a powerful magic weapon, such as the black ball he swallowed just now, which can destroy everything, and even has a range of immortal territory, which will let us thousands Be careful, don’t bring him into ambush again.” It seemed that he was aware of my voice transmission, and the magic path seemed to hesitate, but he quickly reminded him, laughed again, and said to the **** nun: "Kongshan **** nun, you really Can you figure out my destiny? Can you figure out the heavenly realm?"

I secretly scolded the old fox. He even knew the multi-causal weapon, but this was normal. Back then, I destroyed the Liuxianxianyu. How could this unsettled case not be placed on the counter in Tiancheng? Later, the purple robe was also nearby. , Maybe it was the investigation of this matter, so I will link up other information, such as Zeng Zixian, etc., then the answer is ready to come out, and it is normal to be careful.

Kongshan Shenni glanced at Demon Lord, frowned but did not speak, making the other person's face dark.

"It's really unlucky, let's get started. Don't make any more mistakes this time, take that thing out." The devil looked at Shao Shihui, and Shao Shihui seemed to be no different from a normal person. He hesitated. A round ball crowded with small fire dragons was taken out.

This thing made me take a look, and I couldn't help but startled, because it was full of death aura, and death aura is actually corpse qi, corpse qi is so strong that it is in the form of hundreds of dragons, it is indeed very rare!

"In order to deal with you, Tai Si Xian did not spend a lot of effort, but now it is proved that he is right, this thing is called the Dragon Game, which is specially used to deal with difficult opponents like you. I heard that Tai Si Xian went in by himself. There is no way to get out of trouble." The devil sneered and explained.

As I listened to him speaking, without hesitation, I shot multiple causal interactions forward, and the annihilation energy immediately spun, sucking in all the vitality of the surrounding nine heavens!

The empty mountain **** nun waved a big hand, and the golden female Buddha shot two magical powers in a row, but one hit me, and the other was to seal Dabai Ze!

Shao Shihui read a word, and flew towards me.

The devil was not idle either, opened his big mouth, and drew out the magic knife he had used before. As soon as the magic knife came out, the surrounding magic energy rolled violently, and the sky was dyed red!

"Heavenly Demon Blood Knife!" The Demon Lord shouted, the blood knife suddenly skyrocketed a hundred meters, straight into the sky, and the huge blade always faced me, as if it could be cut down at any time, but it was not this time!

Waiting for the other party's attack makes people feel unhappy, and there are two strong supporters helping him to grab my hands and feet.

"Oh oh oh!"

Just when I moved to avoid the banned finger with magical powers, the lifelessness in Shao Shihui's body suddenly converged, and then she sent her pale hand, the round sphere suddenly expanded, and the corpse dragon entangled in a ball began Separate, and then everything becomes huge, and then it surrounds us all, covering everything around us!

I sneered, as long as it is within the scope of multi-causal swallowing each other, no matter what kind of attack, what kind of treasure, all will be turned into nothingness!

However, my thoughts were quickly overturned. As the magical power forbidden to attack again, the golden female Buddha instantly became bigger and bigger, and then stopped me and the multi-causal mutual bite with a huge hand, and moved forward. After a wave, I immediately hugged the entire multi-causal interaction, making it impossible for everyone to get closer, and the energy isolation, weirdly made the multi-causal interaction not only not enhanced, but also began to gradually disappear!

Where there is no energy, there is no way to make the multi-causal interaction grow bigger! Unexpectedly, the other party also thought of a way to crack it!

But just as I was stunned, with a bang, that day the magic blood knife suddenly slashed down, and I hurriedly greeted the Heaven Smiting Divine Sword, and then counterattacked with the faint and wrong stars. As a result, the blood knife was halfway, but it immediately changed its direction. , I yelled badly in my heart, but it was too late, Da Baize screamed, and his whole body was split in half!

My eyes were scarlet, and the blue veins on my forehead burst out, but this was not over yet. Hundreds of huge corpse dragons had already surrounded me for a moment, and then rolled into a ball, forming a trapped dragon, and they wanted to trap me in it. !

The boundless death aura entangled around me, and even when I breathed, I smelled a trace of ruin. There is no doubt that this thing fits the death path, it is the existence that constantly depletes the lifespan, once I stay inside Sufficient time, even if it is as strong as the heavenly realm, invincible in the world, it will age to death!

Seeing me trapped, Demon Lord smiled coldly and said: "Hehe, I finally completed the task, Old Demon Xia, I didn't expect you to be trapped too. This trapped dragon game composed of corpse dragons will keep you In the midst of bathing and defeat, you will gradually age to death! No one can avoid Shouyuan, this is the end of the immortal."

I roared, and the power of Chuangyuan Method immediately wandered around my body. Under the powerful pulse of the heart, the power began to increase explosively!

"It's the creation method! Quick! Use that thing!"

Shocked by the roar and power, the demon couldn't help but screamed, and the empty mountain **** Ni put his hands together, and quickly took out a jade pottery, said: "Anger will make you lose your mind, calm down."

My heart suddenly became cold, like a drunk, my anger was wiped away.

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