Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 3997: :Transparent

"Even you are here, Yiqin!" I looked in the direction from which the flying sword came, and a woman jumped out among the colorful clouds, but what changed my complexion again was that it was not Di Yiqin at all, but the whole body. Above and below are all translucent people with clearly visible context!

"This..." took a deep breath, and countless thoughts flashed through my heart. I don't know why even the breath belongs to Di Yiqin, but not Di Yiqin himself!

After the transparent man flew the flying sword, he immediately flew towards Li Baiyun, quickly retracted the sword, and slashed towards the opponent again. This move was exactly the same as Di Yiqin!

Faced with me calling out its name, it was indifferent, just silently trying to fight Li Baiyun, which made me feel strange, so apart from anything else, I immediately appeared in front of her and forced her back. He touched her, and quickly stretched out his hand, intending to catch her while exploring her veins!

But when I got closer, I found that the area of ​​the core vein was actually a cluster of gems wrapped in dense runes. At first glance, it was no different from Tiandao Stone!

This time, I couldn't explain why this happened!

Li Baiyun knew that I had met an acquaintance, so he immediately said, "Little brother Xia, don't be confused. This should be some kind of trajectory replication method. You should have thought of it long ago!"

"What do you think of?" I was stunned, and one of them, Li Baiyun, had already passed me in an instant, attacking this translucent, cloud-filled copy of the veins, and said: "You think, Heaven chooses the Chosen , Don’t you need to return the gift of innate celestial energy?"

I was shocked, and a lot of things suddenly became clear in my heart. This selection of the chosen and gifted innate rotten energy may not be to strengthen the strength of the immortal and increase the family bargaining chip. If the creation of the world is the premise from the beginning, Now Li Baiyun's answer is indeed the real answer!

Among the chosen ones they have found, those who have the conditions for the awakening of the nine sons of the acquired, I am afraid they will not hesitate to donate the innate celestial qi, or the innate celestial qi itself is a kind of surveillance object, after all, this thing essentially has its own spiritual consciousness , But it is not an ordinary breath!

"But why does he still arrest and copy the Awakened Nine of the Hou Tian Zi? Isn't it superfluous?" I couldn't help asking.

"Hehe, the innate celestial qi is different from the general aura, but don’t forget, this is the core place of the innate celestial qi. The separated innate celestial qi is used to monitor the nine sons of the acquired, and even control its backlash, and Once the great formation is activated, anyone who has the awakening of the acquired nine sons can revitalize the great formation. In this way, even if the deity of the acquired nine sons is not present, the great formation can be activated by these replication contexts! As for why It’s not an extra effort, because at the beginning, they have not yet awakened the nine sons of the Heavenly Chosen who gave birth to immortal energy. They just have the possibility of awakening, so naturally the copied veins can’t be used, but once the other party later When they are awakened, it is completely different, because they have copied their veins, as long as they obtain the channel connection method to connect to the heavenly awakening, the clone can replace the deity, secretly adjust the awakening ability, and forcibly replace it! Understand?" Li Baiyun said.

"This...that is to say, even if we guard the awakened Nine Sons, they don't need to gather them anymore. Only with the copied Nine Sons, can they start the creation?" My face changed drastically.

"That's it." Li Baiyun said, already forcing the clones to retreat. As for the empty mountain **** Ni, he couldn't recover at this moment. He stabbed another Li Baiyun several swords, the most serious wound blood. Flow like a note.

With mixed feelings in my heart, I couldn't help but feel confused, and asked: "Then why didn't you create the world in the first place? If you go to create the world..."

"How can we start the creation without disrupting the world's air luck? The creation of the world will inevitably lead to the chaotic air, since the world's air will become chaotic again, and together with the world war, the air luck will be chaotic! Only the initiation can be achieved. The purpose of creating the world, Zhao Xuanyi wandered around the world, relying on the stone of heaven to disturb the balance between the forces, and relying on him to gather people’s hearts and generate war, so the seemingly messy footwork, in fact, every step is towards The destiny is on the right track!" Li Baiyun said.

"So the Heavenly Dao Stone is just a tool for ruining the world. He wanders into the realm of the immortal to activate the chaos... Is that the same for the original immortal's purpose, the purpose of the sky-seeker?" I asked again .

"That's all I can roughly guess. As for its true purpose and what it did, I don't know exactly what it did. But if you want to destroy the creation now, you must let the Great Formation destroy it! At least stop the chaos. The anger continues to develop!" Li Baiyun said.

"How to stop the chaos!" I asked quickly. Now that all the answers are clear, Zhao Xuanyi's purpose has really been achieved. It is the entire Nineth Heaven that is launching the war, that is to say, his The goal is completely achieved! As for whether the total war of the original immortal is also his work, it is unclear. In short, the creation of the world is now taking shape!

"I don't know, to eliminate the chaos, it must be to eliminate this strange energy!" Li Baiyun said.

Suddenly, I was taken aback, and suddenly my inspiration flashed. I quickly summoned Mr. Xi, who was hidden in the Xuantian Gourd, and said, "Mr. Xi, use your innate flame to swallow the breath here!"

Xijun listened and immediately released the flames. Sure enough, a large area of ​​space was swallowed. However, the aura here is indeed too big, even if Xijun releases such a large amount of flames, it is not a drop in the bucket. That's it!

It seems that in order to stop the creation of the world, we may have to go deeper into it!


And just as Xijun kept setting fire and devouring the air of colorful clouds here, the sound of the guqin sounded again. It seems that Zhao Xuanyi's Taisi Xianqin has always been preparing, and he will never allow Xijun to destroy his achievements. .

"Xijun! How are you? Can you hold on? Come back!" I said quickly.

"No! Brother, let me come. If I work harder, I will surely burn this place, and I can become stronger!" Xijun worked hard to absorb these colorful clouds. She has always pursued power more than anything else, so so much Strength, she wished it all changed.

"It's useless, this is just the gathering of several powers of the Nine Sons of Heaven. It is not chaotic air at all! This chaotic air is invisible, intangible, and more like a strange force, but once it meets the needs of creation , Then the sky thunder can hook the earth fire, and make the entire Nine Heavens fall into destruction!" Li Baiyun said.

I choked all of a sudden, because according to him, what we are doing now is useless, and this colorful breath is not chaotic!

In this way, the solution to the problem has returned to the beginning stage, and what makes me depressed is that in the sea of ​​clouds, one of the nine sons of the acquired day suddenly rushed out, this time, it is a transparent demon.

The Demon Lord is holding a replica of the Heavenly Demon Blood Sword, holding the big knife high, and may be able to slash at us at any time!

"Even the dead can..." I was stuck in my heart, and quickly touched the box in my sleeve. When I opened the box again, the Heavenly Dao Stone that should have been **** lying in the box long ago disappeared. There is only a box full of dust, and it seems that the Heavenly Dao Stone has cancelled the passage for Zhao Xuanyi, which is equivalent to no existence at all!

The dust in the box is the original Heavenly Dao Stone itself! There is no suspense, the heavenly stone inlaid in the heavenly space must also be ashes!

Are you afraid that Han Shanshan is going crazy now? I thought to myself, and at this time, a head was thrown up, and the empty mountain **** nun unexpectedly gave Li Baiyun a sword!

I took a deep breath, don't look at this old man's kind face, he was really aggressive, even the gods and Buddhas were nothing but a chicken to him!

The head of the empty mountain **** nun stared wide, and soon began to collapse under the golden light, and her incorporeal body was fleeing away, but it was also instantly involved in the infinite soul cape, and the white lotus was lost After the master, he turned around immediately, trying to save people from my hands, but the Xuantian gourd he gave me got into the space, anyway, I would accept it later.

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