Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 4014: :arrogant

"Brother! Senior brother!" The Sword Master yelled while advancing, and burst into tears. In his eyes, his senior brother was invincible, but now, his senior brother has been defeated. This is a blow to him. It's almost deadly, so his sword song is full of violent anger, to exterminate this sky!

"Brother!" Light-colored Yuanjun also exclaimed. Although she has a cold temperament, she can't hold on to herself anymore. The sword energy blasted out of her is enough to see the flames in her heart, which has burned into a great fire. , She wants revenge for brother!

Zhao Xuanyi instantly took away Li Baiyun’s red and blue swords, and with absolute power, instantly surrendered the sword spirits of this pair of divine swords. As for Li Baiyun’s only trace of inefficiency, it became him. The first meritorious performance after conquering the two swords!

I was surprised at why Li Baiyun’s incorporeal body was just a trace when it came out, but soon my infinite cloak also moved, because there was another trace of incorporeal body, without knowing when, silently turned into the cloak. However, because the incorporeal body is too light, I know that this aura must be impossible to restore to Li Baiyun's deity.

With a sigh in my heart, I continued to chant the sword song.

The sword songs of Lord Swordsman and Light Color Yuanjun were only launched at this time. After all, Zhao Xuanyi and I were really fast. For us, a sword song is indeed a bit long, although it is The power is infinite, but it can't hit people, or avoid the critical range, the result is not much different from not hitting.


Both sword songs are exquisite, but for Zhao Xuanyi, it is just a violent storm. As long as you grit your teeth and resist, the rain will not kill you!


The attack looked extremely violent, and even the atmosphere of the space was chaotic. However, there was no way to cause effective damage to Zhao Xuanyi, and it was not even as threatening as the second Li Baiyun's sword just now. One sword left Zhao Xuanyi with only three gemstone tumors!

Swordsmen who are on the verge of death often explode with unimaginable power. Facing the extinction of the creation thermonuclear, Zhao Xuanyi's heart is naturally raging, and he also knocked out two gemstone tumors for Li Baiyun. It is even more angry and inexplicable, so of course the anger will be poured on the swordmaster and the light-colored Yuanjun!

Therefore, at the beginning of the Sword Realm, he was like a tortoise, holding the red and blue swords there, letting the sword's edge pass over his body, and letting the energy hit him!

However, this is not the reason why he did not fight back. He actually put all his thoughts on the control of the red and blue swords at this time, because as long as he controls the two swords, he can deal with me. Chuangyuan Sword!

"Haha... well... these two swords are worthy of being the treasures of the White Cloud Sword Sect. They are two-sky supreme swords day by day! Okay..." Zhao Xuanyi has already fallen into madness and tyrannical power. Erased most of his mind, because when the energy hits the brain, not everyone can withstand it. It is not as strong as Zhao Xuanyi, including me, in the state of being trapped in Chuangyuan, it is crazy to suppress reason!


The two handed down swords that have made Li Baiyun's prestige, Shuangtian Supreme, have now become the nightmare of the three masters of the White Cloud Sword Sect. In an instant, there was a loud noise, and two red and blue rays of light flashed across the heavens and the earth. , Was cut into two pieces on the spot, even the Excalibur in his hand was cut into two pieces at this moment! As a last resort, he slammed and fled!

My infinite soul cloak was again automatically without wind, and forced him into the cloak!

And the light-colored Yuanjun failed to dodge a sword beyond imagination and cut her into two pieces. She hesitated, seeing that she could not escape, and finally chose the military solution, because there was no other way. !

"Hehe, the soldiers are not enough, it must be destroyed!" Zhao Xuanyi failed to catch the Sword Master, but Light Yuanjun's hesitation gave him a chance. He instantly stretched out his hand and directly directed towards Light Yuanjun's Grab your head!

The light-colored Yuanjun was panicked, her face was full of expressions like everything else. She wanted to flee towards me, and she was accepting the infinite soul cape, but Zhao Xuanyi's speed was too fast, as if the next moment Can catch her!

There was no suspense at all, only a scream from Light-colored Yuanjun, she caught Zhao Xuanyi, and the whole body was struggling violently as if it was overcharged!

I suddenly roared. Sword Song was only able to wait when it was sixty to seventy percent complete. In order to rescue the light-colored Yuanjun, all the energy stored in the body was suddenly stunned by the sky thunder. The way, suddenly cut to Zhao Xuanyi!


For Zhao Xuanyi, this blow was really unexpected. After all, my sudden change of move made him a little surprised. He probably didn't expect that I would give up with a perfect blow to save Light Color Yuanjun. His chance!

Therefore, he was finally killed, and he could only give up the light-colored Yuanjun and let her escape to heaven!

The sword song that was not completed, the power discount was more than half, but Zhao Xuanyi was cut, and it came to an abrupt end under his tyrannical power, completely without the follow-up terrifying power!

After putting the light-colored Yuanjun into the Infinite Soul Pouch, my power is only about 30% at the moment. This is still half of the trick without condensing, and part of the power survived in retrospect.

Zhao Xuanyi glanced at the hideous wound, and because of the excessive restoration of the Taoist body, there were only two gemstone tumors hanging in front of the chest cavity, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but let out a jealous laugh: "Is it worth it? One sword, obviously enough to cut me in half, even my Dao body can be cut into pieces, just for such a woman?"

I panted heavily and stretched out my palm toward the Azure Sea God, intending to use the Spiritual Technique to absorb energy again!

However, Zhao Xuanyi arrived in front of me instantly, and the Shuangtian Supreme Sword in his hand smashed at me frantically!

I only have one Divine Creation Sword, and when faced with storm-like storms, it is also restrained again and again, and it is impossible to resist all the opponent's attacks! Even the Infinite Sky Sword is gradually disintegrating under its powerful strength and speed advantage!

Therefore, in the face of the strong attack of these two swords, I suddenly changed my swordsmanship and summoned the wrong star of Faint Xiao into my hands, and blasted both swords with my double swords!

Bang bang bang!


The four swords flicked at each other, causing the surroundings to flicker continuously. The black sky and the white night seemed to be turned upside down. This is a fierce battle that consumes energy sharply. Zhao Xuanyi has realized this. He intends to use only the remaining two lives to consume my remaining 30%. Mana!

Such an advantage is like a mountain pressing down on me, but if I don't have the ability and don't have time to take action to restore mana, it is the result of hacking him to death!

Seeing the Azure Seagod on the side leisurely devouring the remaining energy after a few Sword Realm confrontations, there was endless fire in my heart, but at this moment, I suddenly remembered that the Sword Master told me that the third set The news that the multi-causal weapon has been deployed in the neighborhood, so I didn't even think about it, so I transmitted it to Chen Yixian.

"Yes! We have deployed a multi-causal weapon in the eastern airspace of the area where you were fighting. You will bring him here now. Now not only Chongshan Immortal, but Chu Shunchen, who are powerful in the heavenly realm, have come here, they have won the Tujia's Shengtu in a row. Wushuang, Shengtu Bengyun has all arrived on the battlefield, and is now in ambush in the area. As long as you lead Zhao Xuanyi into the area, we will launch a maze and restrict him from coming out, and you only need to follow the route we gave, we Immediately activate the multi-causal weapon!" Chen Yixian is indeed a person I trust, and she will respond meticulously every time in the most urgent state.

I was overjoyed in my heart, and immediately flew towards that area. Of course, before I left, I didn't forget to take away the fat blue sea **** with Xuantian Gourd!

"Hehe...boy, where did you deploy a multi-causal weapon to lead me over? Do you really think I am a fool?" Zhao Xuanyi said this when I deliberately led him away from here. Sentence.

I didn’t change my face, and planned to choke him a few words, but he continued: “Indeed, I have to admire you for making such treasures, but if you think that the creations I made are just for you to use To eliminate it with multiple causes and effects, would it be too arrogant?"

I gasped, isn't it over yet?

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