Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 4019: : Mobilize

"Oh, what can I do? The Black Demon Soldier is still a major problem for the original immortal." Zhao Qian sighed.

"We can only study a way to coexist. Now only a few decades have passed. We must know that Zhao Xuanyi has governed the entire Celestial City for thousands of years. He still has no solution, and we should not rush for success. Maybe it’s enough to work in the direction that you can do. Of course, we can’t solve it at the grassroots level, but the high-level fairy family can already say that there is no obstacle to communication. As long as it is profitable, they will be tolerant of each other, just like In the Hanxian Mountain Sword Fighting Conference held earlier, everyone knew that the original immortals participated, but they all opened one eye and closed one eye. It can be seen that they are not different from the same kind. In the eyes of an expert, there is only wisdom. The subconsciousness of creatures." I said.

"That's true... Brother meant that that day, let the original immortal and the high-level immortal family of the celestial changer have more exchanges, so as to gradually subtly underneath, and then implement the great integration of the two sides?" Zhao Qian asked.

"Yes, it can only be so. Now the innate corrupt energy is irreversible. After all, it is also a kind of immortal energy in the heavens. Our resistance to it is undoubtedly going against the trend. If this is the case, why not conduct high-level exchanges first. Fusion, then go up and down? We must know that the rot has spread from the Celestial Immortal Territory to our original immortal world. It took us thousands of years. We will spend thousands of years trying to complete the great integration. And so long, The mortals below, we can move, we can assimilate. If such a long period of time is still to be eliminated, then we have no other way. We control the world, but we can’t help Adou all the time. Still a piece of mud." I smiled bitterly.

"Tian Ge said that hard work can not get everything, let alone those who don’t work hard, but Tian Ge can rest assured that Sister Shanshan and I will do our best to study this fusion subject. If it can benefit the world, it will be one thing. Great merit," Zhao Qian said.

"If I fall into a deep sleep, I really don't know how many years will take me to wake up. Then I will rely on you to go hand in hand with each other." I laughed.

At this time, Zhao Qian seemed to have heard some news, with a look of surprise. Under the expression of my questioning, she quickly said: "Brother Tian, ​​there seem to be many small explosions in the Celestial Realm, and the energy is dissipating at this moment. Come out, the energy is the same as the thermonucleus!"

I was taken aback, and quickly asked about the location, and then led Zhao Qian to the detected location as quickly as possible!

"This is..." I stared at the cracks in the space ahead, they were leaking molten energy like a torrent of thermonuclear, and I couldn't help but draw it.

Zhao Qian Shen Ning looked at this space crack, waved her sleeve, and quickly cut off the entrance of the space crack.

However, the thermonuclear energy that has already flowed out is already like several big rivers, spread everywhere.

"What's going on? How can energy leak out?" I quickly absorbed this energy with the spirit of narcosis. I felt that even if the mana of the Taoist body was not restored, I would have to fill the power of the infinite soul cap. After all, in the current situation, who knows how to return Is it possible to fight a game?

You must know that the Lord of Heaven may not be destroyed.

And when I was extracting this energy, I suddenly sensed a strong breath of heaven, which made me couldn’t help saying: “There are a lot of breath of heaven and new immortality stored in it. I really don’t know what it is. For this reason, could it be said..."

"Brother Tian, ​​the connection point of this crack is probably connected to a similar place in the heavenly space. As for the energy surging out, according to my guess, there is also a thermonucleus there, and it is also in the stage of creation!" Zhao Qian Suddenly I said something that made me find it difficult to understand.

"This... how is it possible? You mean, Zhao Xuanyi also opened up a plane like Shanshan opened up, and for the sake of creating the world, he turned the city of heaven into a thermonucleus, and at the same time, he also opened up the heavens. Is the space lit? As a result, the planes collide with each other and then create the world?" I asked in surprise.

"Yes, it's okay to understand like Brother Tian," Zhao Qian said in Shen Ning, she was also thinking how to deal with it.

"Then what should I do now? Go in from the crack and use multi-causal weapons over there to destroy the entire thermonuclear like the Celestial Realm here now?" I asked quickly.

"Brother Tian, ​​who are you going to sacrifice?" Zhao Qian looked at me in surprise, her eyes widening.

"Uh...Is this not possible?" I asked in surprise, and Zhao Qian was relieved and said: "Of course not! I thought you were planning to let the sisters in our women's army sacrifice! You know, since it is a space for leaking energy Cracks, it must be unbearable heavy pressure and powerful energy, and then it will crack. Maybe how high energy is waiting for us, and even if there is a way to rush out, there will be There is no return, there is not a small space made by Sister Shanshan and I, we can come and go freely."

"It's also... Maybe the Lord of Heaven is still on it, and after all, it is the creation of the world. There may be nothing but the creation of the world. I am afraid that there is really nothing. Without the materials, of course I can't come back..." I smiled bitterly.

"That's not it? And each plane is different. Breaking through the heavenly space from us, you can have multiple choices, but coming back from the heavenly space, I'm afraid it will be difficult, such as the connection points of the planes. We need to consider space bridging and dislocation..." Zhao Qian said.

"You said...Is it possible that the entire Immortal Territory of Tiancheng has already flown into the Heavenly Dao space?" I asked with a big brain.

"This... is also possible. After all, would Zhao Xuanyi have no plans? Maybe the nine sons are all over there, and this second creation is their best way to prevent us from destroying." Zhao Qian Analysis Road.

"That's not okay, I have to think of something." I frowned and looked at the space cracks that burst out again. While I was talking, there were sparks like sparks all over the Celestial Realm.

"Brother Tian, ​​leave this to me. Since there is no way to solve it with multi-causal interaction, then destroy the connection point fixed to the nine-layer heaven, and let this heavenly space and the nine-layer heaven be completely separated. As for it If you want to create an explosion, even if you blow it yourself, it won't affect us." Zhao Qian quickly found a way.

"Disconnect space? Is this possible? That's creation." I was surprised and didn't understand the principle.

"Zhao Xuanyi wanted to explode with a thermonuclear, triggering the chaotic atmosphere of our Nine Heavens, and then creating the world, but if the Great Array cannot connect to the Nine Heavens, it would be equivalent to having firecrackers, but there is no fuse. We This space will not be able to ignite the creation. Although this is an expedient measure, only in this way can Jiuzhongtian avoid entering the creation.” Zhao Qian said.

"Well, it's okay, stagger the space. If it can be done, just do it. If there is anything that needs my help, I will find a solution no matter how difficult it is." I said with concern.

"Brother Tian, ​​you have solved Zhao Xuanyi. You are already the biggest hero. If you just break the connection to the formation, it is not a big problem for me. Without Zhao Xuanyi's destruction, I believe that with me and sister Shanshan If there are people in the heavenly realm and plan to repair our broken connection, I’m afraid it’s too late, unless they solve the explosion first.” Zhao Qian smiled. This is a good idea after all.

"Okay, it's all up to you, I'll concentrate on solving things before going to bed." I said.

Zhao Qian nodded, and soon flew away from this area, as if to mobilize troops.

I also flew away from this turbulent area and released Shao Shihui, Zeng Zixian, Yun Bingxin, and Xijun.

Zeng Zixian looked left and right, and seemed to find that the silence here was terrifying. Of course, he felt hairy, but when he saw that there were other people around, he didn't dare to speak any more. kill him.

When Shao Shihui saw me, she asked her master Li Baiyun first.

I thought for a while, and released the incapable bodies of Sword Master and Light Color Yuanjun.

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