Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 4044: : Howl

My eyebrows condensed and I immediately waved a big hand to force control of its body. However, I suddenly discovered that its body could not be completely controlled, or there was a delay in control, so it seemed that the storm suddenly stopped. After coming down, in fact, my hand has given a dozen sword lights into the body instantly!

My face changed drastically. After all, this sword qi storm is too spectacular, and the sword beams are countless, and they have thousands of shapes. After twenty years of stocking, it looks like clouds and snow, because it is in Learned the appearance of clouds, wind and snowflakes, and even thousands of creatures!

It is as fine as dust and sand, even finer than dust and sand. I originally thought that the infinite sword glow was just an exaggeration. I thought it was composed of hundreds of millions of sword glow. But now, I don’t know how to count it. A bunch of dense awns as thin as dust!


My palm was connected to the position of my arm, and it suddenly exploded. I was prepared for a long time. The Heaven Smiting Divine Sword and the Yuntian Sword Qi activated the Yunlong Divine Art's armor shield, forming a half shield, blocking the penetration into my body. After the explosion, it exploded into countless aftermath sword lights!

The sound of rain hitting plantain was accompanied by blood mist, which made me feel like bathing in blood, and even smelled my own blood.

Faced with a green face, facing this terrifying infinite sword light, I found that I had never been so embarrassed, although this was the reason I underestimated it because I thought I could control it.

I did not hesitate, the Heaven Smiting Divine Sword suddenly pushed, and then the magic sword Heavenly Sword Qi in the wound position suddenly gushed out, and the magical sword Heavenly Sword Qi in my arms blown into dust all merged, and my own The armor shield has been activated to the extreme, and this infinite sword glow is still like going into and out of no one's realm, following the trend in the air as unimpeded, constantly destroying the power of the armor shield!

I never knew that a sword treasure could actually be as pervasive as the wind and fog, and it was a bit tricky for a while, but that doesn't mean I really can't use it.


My arms reunited with flesh and blood, forcibly allowing me to recover with strength, then my hands were sealed, and the controlled infinite sword light was restored to its original state again!

It was just that the sudden change occurred again. Because of the perennial neglect of management and the failure to inject the seal in time, the body of this infinite sword light was not willing to obey me at all, and began to constantly want to absorb the prohibition of this chain!

If it continues to wreak havoc, I am afraid it will be a storm of blood and rain. Of course, I can’t let it go. The armor has become a Conglong. I have control over it by itself. I will use it blindly. Lead me away, because this thing is too dangerous, once it is touched, my Dao body can't stand it no matter how strong it is.

However, treasures, because of their infinite lethality, will be more effective against enemies. If it is a treasure that can be easily accepted, how can I rely on it?

Conglong led the sword glow storm, forming a purple-black dragon with the brilliance of the stars, spreading its teeth and dancing claws in the sky. I quickly took advantage of this time gap, and the array of jade cards was quickly activated, again. Write prohibition, after all, I am the person who knows its essence best, and even if it has formed its own unique vein in the past twenty years, there is still a trace and feasible, because the fruit itself is not nothingness, since it is a substance, it is From the beginning, there is a basic formation.

However, what I didn’t expect was that after these veins were broken up, the reorganization would be so complicated that I couldn’t swallow them all at once. I had to spend all my work, sweating and controlling Magic Sword Heaven while coming. Redefine this infinite sword light!

Fortunately, Huan Jiantian’s sword aura has certain similarities with Infinite Sword Light, and it is more malleable, so it quickly led blind followers to the Infinite Sword Light that wanted to learn from it.

I smiled faintly. It seems that this Infinite Sword Mang is terrifying, but in fact it is no more than a three-year-old child in his heart. It is good to be able to imitate it.

As for when I hit me just now, if it was controlled by an experienced person, in fact, the best way is to immediately follow my bloodline and explode in the inner core area of ​​my vein. Only then will there be no cure and no solution. The most ruthless method, but unfortunately it is not the fairy family that is used to killing.

After I completed more and more restrictions, this infinite sword light finally became honest, although its agility I will not obliterate it, but it is like a father treats a child, if the child is evil, he should be fattened. The ability is still necessary.

About a day later, when the power of Magic Sword Heaven was about to weaken, I could basically control it, and soon, a delicate-looking sword light cloud shadow appeared in front of me, this phantom form. In fact, the appearance is a bit close to Gengxiu, and he looks a little thin.

"But still stubborn?" I shook my head and smiled.

Yun Ying tilted his head and couldn't understand what I was saying. After all, it didn't touch many things, and it didn't even have conversations.

"Fine, you should know that I am your first master, but why do you still hurt me?" I shook my new arm, which had broken my sleeve.

Yunying seemed to be looking at my arm, but he didn't act too blatantly, and even had a little pride in it.

Naturally, I couldn't tolerate it to bite me back. As soon as my fingers pinched the spell, its energy rushed in my body in an instant, and Yunying was unable to maintain the state under the agitation of all the sword lights, and fell to the ground in pain.

But when I let go of the tactics, it started rushing towards me angrily, and then curled up with me trying to tear me up alive, I sneered, and again implemented inhumane actions on it. Torture, this time, even ignoring some of the sword lights completely lost their power.

This time it was honest. When it was crawling on the ground, although it still meant to stretch its teeth and claws, it didn't dare to rush over.

I thought for a while, took out a bunch of Heavenly Dao spar unique to Heavenly City from the universe in my sleeve and threw it in front of it.

There is a big difference between the Heavenly Dao Spar and the Heavenly Dao Stone. It is an advanced spar of Jie Lei Jing, but the conditions for condensation are relatively harsh. After the thermonuclear energy leaks, it is solidified in a special way, so After the crystallization, it showed colorful colors. It is a unique crystal in the Tiandao ring area. It contains amazingly rich energy. It has gradually become a high-level currency and is also a strategic material that Tiancheng currently monopolizes the world.

In addition, it is a thermonuclear crystallization, and it is naturally countless times purer than the Qi of Heaven here. No matter what species exists by extracting the Qi of the fairy, it must be unable to withstand its temptation.

Seeing this Heavenly Dao spar, the Infinite Sword suddenly greedily crashed into the spar and began to extract the energy inside.

"Hit a stick to give you a candy. If you disobey me in the future, you will be punished and you will be rewarded if you obey." I sneered. The infinite sword light is simply an energy cleaning machine, and it has the terrifying power to swallow a heavenly crystal in an instant. Of course, it is also the existence of insufficient feeding.

I can only throw it one more, as a prop to bribe it to obedient, and this new born infinite sword light, of course, also recognizes this Heavenly Dao spar, and now even if I don’t actively control it, it’s a little Follow me like a dog.

This of course left me speechless. I had known this a long time ago. Why did I spend so much effort to ban it? Just throw a bunch of Heavenly Dao spar, and then slowly and imperceptibly curse, anyway, I have a lot of these things in my hand.

Seeing me coming out of the big formation with a cloud shadow, Gengxiu and everyone's faces were full of joy. After all, what was the momentum inside just now, everyone knew that it was a terrible existence.

"Congratulations to Brother Xia for conquering these rare and powerful treasures! From now on, I am afraid that all treasures will stand aside." Geng Xiu hurriedly congratulated.

However, she was so excited that she had forgotten that the group of spirits were all unconvinced at this time, with an expression that could not be more obvious, and Linglong even said: "How powerful can it be? Believe me or not. Just take it away in an instant."

What surprised me was that it seemed that this Infinite Sword Mang could understand other people's expressions, and immediately threatened Linglong, and it also contained the whistling sound, which made me quite surprised!

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