Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 4193: : Innocence

Although Longqiuyou's swordsmanship is not low, especially after entering our door, he has made rapid progress, and he does not need to rely on the double-dao tradition and double-dao method to win, but it is too great for him to understand this'early heart kendo'. Embarrassed him.

"Master, what do Susu ask you, is this sword technique really worthy of your appreciation?" Xiang Ling shook me.

I recovered from my contemplation and said, "This set of swordsmanship is enough for anyone who really knows the goods to exchange for any best swordsmanship. Of course, the swordsman who knows this thing is usually in the realm of returning to the original. Among the sword immortals, it is also rare, and understanding is only an introduction, and learning how many of them is the most critical."

"There is such a sword technique?" Xiang Ling also had to read it again in surprise, but still shook his head.

"This...is it really that complicated..." On the contrary, Si Niang was a little embarrassed, maybe she thought it was really simple.

"If you are a person who is as pure as snow in your heart, you will think that this set of swordsmanship is extremely simple. It is like showing it to a child. I will definitely see more things than any of you. It's a pity that children can read and understand very early. , And once accepting new things, it’s like recording things on white paper, allowing them to have fixed thoughts in their minds, and then want to take out an eraser to wipe them off, it’s very difficult. This set of original swordsmanship, I really need a child like a blank paper. I have been practicing under the guidance from an early age, and let them be compatible with this swordsmanship physically and mentally." I laughed.

"That's the case, but even if there is such a method, not every child can learn. It is like reincarnation in a previous life. The layout of life patterns and personal destiny will all affect a person's character, so not everyone can Learning, this set of original swordsmanship, is the same as Master said. Those who understand can learn the true meaning of kendo from it. Those who don’t understand are just a waste of swordsmanship with more words." Shaozi also added. Tao.

"It's so complicated...Anyway, I can't see what's powerful in it." Shen Jinzhao was the first to be discouraged. In fact, not to mention that he is not that powerful. It also contains countless tricks, but heroism. Let his swordsmanship not contain too many impurities, just for indomitable.

"It's not complicated, like Jinzhao, your swordsmanship can be classified into her second category. As long as she has seen your swordsmanship and classifies you, she can easily defeat you." Shaozi clicked. I ordered the second type of dismantling method. As a result, Shen Jinzhao didn't buy it at all. He shook his head and said, "Master sister, I don't understand this thing. I won't lose anyway."

"Then you can show your swordsmanship to Si, do you see if she will dismantle it." Shaozi was really too lazy to care about him, and he directly dismissed him when he waved his hand, making God approach Zhao Zhao's face. He looked at Si Niang unconvinced.

Of course Si Niang was always willing to come, and this also attracted the enthusiasm for victory. The two sides quickly floated into the air. Of course, winning or losing was determined by three rounds, purely by swordsmanship.

As a result, there is no doubt that Shen Jinzhao’s swordsmanship is brave, and this Si Niang’s swordsmanship is different from the previous games, but starts with strange tricks. A few consecutive clicks breaks Shenjin. Zhao's swordsmanship, this magical scene, made Shen Jin Zhao's whole person stunned.

Of course, it wasn't just him who hadn't reacted yet, including Xiang Ling was also taken aback.

"Why? Master, is the disciple so weak?" Shen Jinzhao almost collapsed.

I shook my head and laughed: "Your swordsmanship is more concise and powerful. If you use your full strength and instill mana with a sword, I am afraid that no one can easily dismantle it by a few people, so it is not that you are weak. It’s because your tricks are too easy to dismantle, and the swordsmanship is simple and clear. I’m afraid Simei is the one you have seen the most. If you encounter too many, it’s nothing more than the same. Of course, if you encounter a complicated opponent, Si Niang wants to win, but it is not easy."

"This... means that I use complicated swordsmanship and she will be difficult to fight, right?" Shen Jinzhao seemed to have thought of a way to break his original heart, and he was indeed a keen disciple.

"That's what it means, but it has to be so complicated that it is difficult to dismantle, because if all nine types of dismantling can master all the jigsaws, it will be almost invincible. Therefore, the swordsmanship she has not seen is for her There is a threat." I explained.

Si Niang heard what I said, and she nodded her head again and again, her eyes gleaming with stars: "You have actually understood the original kendo, you deserve to be Si Niang's choice."

I smiled bitterly and said, "Shao Zi can see that as a master, I can't compare my disciples to the past, right? Of course, Miss Si is so young, she should have only been in a place outside Eastern China for several years, right?"

"Can you see this too?" Si Niang asked in surprise.

I said: "From the time you dealt with Yin Huayi's swordsmanship, it is naturally mysterious to crack his normal swordsmanship, and even preconceived. He has reached the point where he knows how the opponent will move next, but then he suddenly If you take the sword realm of the previous swordsmanship to deal with, you will lose the opportunity, because you have never seen the sword realm before reusing it, haven’t you? Of course, next, Yin Huayi’s change of tricks made you dismantle it, so Starting from the third and fourth tricks, you gradually mastered the initiative. If the health bar on the field is not too short, I am afraid that the final winner will be you?

Si Niang had the feeling of seeing her confidant, and said: "You remind me of Master..."

I couldn't laugh or cry, and said, "It just happens to have seen a lot of things, and I will be able to point out the key points, like you, so many swordsmanship feel very new, and even enter the scope of the jurisdiction of Tiancheng, as if I feel unlimited nutrients. , Right? If you give you enough time to read the world swordsmanship books, I'm afraid the name of the sword god, I really don't know whether it will change ownership."

Si Niang widened her eyes and looked at me, but she quickly shook her head and said, "After all, there are many treasures of swordsmanship in the world of immortals. I have swordsmanship that I can't break after all... Master also said that we are the swordsmen of our original mind. Most of them died on the road of searching for the path. The nine types of dismantling are all in my heart. They seem to break the world of swordsmanship, but they are also broken by the world's swordsmanship. Therefore, Master’s dismantling of other swordsmanship is inherited from the original heart of the past. Coming from the kendo predecessors, most of them are buried in the new swordsmanship of dismantling others."

"It seems that it can break the world of swordsmanship, but it is broken by the world's swordsmanship..." Shen Jinzhao couldn't help but be shocked. The growth of the original heart swordsmanship was the gathering of the experience of countless predecessors who died of corpses, they read The more swordsmanship he has, the more perfect his initial swordsmanship will be, and the stronger he will become. If the world of swords is clear to the heart, then it is time for the world to be invincible.

"So, it can be so strong that it is unmatched, or it can be so weak that when you first saw this general outline?" Long Qiuyou also understood the principle of this sword technique at this time.

"Everyone is a novice in kendo, holding the original heart, knowing the sword intent of the world, born for kendo, and died for kendo." I sighed, this is indeed a high-risk sect. It can be said to be the strongest or it can be said to be. The weakest, of course, in Si Niang’s generation of Chuxin Sword inheritance, no one can defeat the existence, otherwise how could her master let such a simple girl run out?

It is precisely because she knows that she can break the vast majority of swordsmanship in the world, that's why she is relieved to ask her to come to Tiancheng to ask about swords. I am afraid that she wants to ask for an expansive world of swordsmanship and perfect the original swordsmanship.

"Master, can we learn?" Jiufangsu is still more concerned about practicality.

"Hehe, I can't learn it. There are too many restrictions on this kind of swordsmanship. If you know it but dismantle it but don't learn it, who can have this perseverance? It's like you encounter a swordsmanship that is more powerful than your current original heart swordsmanship, you Can you resist learning it? If the murderous sword can reach three points quickly, and when a sword can set the universe, can you continue to maintain the purity of kendo with your original intention?" I asked.

When all the disciples listened, they all looked at Si Niang, and their admiration for her was naturally like a continuous river.

Si Niang looked at everyone with a bewildered face. Of course, she didn't think she was so great, because the inheritors of the original swordsmanship had innocence that others did not. In other words, she did not easily change her original intention.

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