Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 4228: : Hanging branches

Having said that, Gu Longxiu always feels cruel. She has a very good relationship with Gu Longjun and Gu Longchi. She even called her elder brother instead of Huang brother, which shows that being close is extraordinary, but perhaps she has never treated him. It's because I regard it as the ancient dragon emperor.

But she forgot that Gu Longjun did not protect her like she did. At a critical moment, she even had the intention of sacrificing Gu Longxiu, so I have always been very disgusted with this guy's behavior.

Of course, Gu Longchi is not necessarily better than Gu Longjun. The royal children are either very shrewd, or they need to have a strong sense of crisis and the ability to solve problems, or they will be pulled down by other heirs, Gu Long. Jun and Gu Longchi are able to excel, naturally they have their own way of doing things, especially in the face of countless families and various intertwined relationship profiles, they even show the decisiveness that the royal family can only have.

Gu Longxiu is an alternative, beautiful and sweet, with a harmless mentality. Under the protection of Gu Longjun and Gu Longchi, she has been able to live smoothly in the family struggle for power until now, but her current identity as the Gu Long emperor is indeed very embarrassing. exist.

"Let the two brothers try each. Gu Longjun needs power. Why is Gu Longchi? Both are much stronger than you think. One of them has stabilized the foundation of the Gu Long family in the center and gained The power and status he wants, and the area in the ring circle of the sky city is getting bigger and bigger, and gradually has the capital to counter his big emperor brother, what he is aiming at is more than the position of the lord of the city? Gu Longjun's Gu Long The emperor doesn't sit down for a day, he still feels there is a chance. Gu Longjun knows this well, so he always wants to let me canonize him in various ways." I sneered.

"That's it, so if Gu Longjun's position is handed over to Gu Longjun, his next step must be to swallow Gu Longchi, because the location of the surrounding ring is too important, and it is equivalent to the most important exit of Gu Long's family. Once Gu Longchi was completely contained, he would have nothing to do. Of course, that was also when the relationship between the two reached freezing point." Xinyuanying said.

"Ah...No, how come Brother Dahuang will do something to Brother Chi... Before, Brother Chi was very caring, even if we all fell into the hands of Brother Xia, he chose to save Brother Chi..." Gu Longxiu shook her head quickly, she really didn't believe in brothers' cannibalism.

"At this moment and then, the royal is ruthless, haven't you seen it?" I shook my head and smiled, Gu Longxiu bit his lip, looking at me with tears in his eyes.

"Brothers check and balance and encourage each other to develop. The Gulong family can grow as well. In fact, the appearance you see is just as harmonious and affectionate. Just at the night banquet, can your two brothers fail to deal with each other?" Xinyuanying laughed.

Gu Longxiu immediately shook his head, and Xinyuanying continued: "It's not that they have good feelings, but that they all hide knives in their smiles and have ghosts. So when Big Brother Xia heard that Gu Longjun wanted to take advantage of the wine to ask for the seat of Gu Long, he immediately He repelled him, because this is wolf ambition. Gu Longchi is very smart. At this time, he is calm. If you know this city is under his control, he should be the first to know what actions Gu Longjun has."

"I didn't expect... it would be so complicated." Gu Longxiu sighed, still unwilling to believe that his two brothers had long been at odds with each other.

"Hehe, Gu Longchi's failure to come shows that he is shrewd, but I also see that he is also ambitious. He is here. Although I think he is not smart enough, I think he is still a sincere person. Will make me change my view of a person. I use Gu Longchi to deal with Gu Longjun, not to push a pig in front of the tiger, because Gu Longchi is a wild boar." I smiled.

Gu Longxiu looked at me helplessly, and then held me back and said, "Xiu'er is tired of these fights, and has no intention of everything tonight... If they are too much, I just hope that the big brother will look at Xiu'er's face and don't hurt their lives. Just fine..."

I stretched out my hand and touched her head, and said with a smile: "Unless it is a rebellion to usurp the throne and it hurts the world, I promise you will not do anything to them easily."

"Um...Thank you, brother..." Gu Longxiu nodded, but still looked tired. She would feel tired if she accepted these complicated royal battles at once. Even in Tiancheng, she was exposed to simple things. Work, and mostly positive energy.

"It's late at night. Brother Xia drank a lot of wine and needs someone to take care of him. Tonight, I have to deal with some documents and information in the hall. I can't take care of Brother Xia. Can Sister Xiu'er do it for you? Of course, if you are tired Now, it's okay for Paper Servant to do this, although it's cold..." Xinyuanying said with a smile.

"No, no, please let Xiu'er come, how can you let Paper Servant do this..." Gu Longxiu hurriedly refused, then looked at me hopefully, and Aragaki hided his mouth and snickered. In fact, this was to bring us together. Up.

The huge interface owned by the Sifang Royal Family in the ring ring not only has my palace, but also is extremely extravagant. Compared with this simple interface, my own simple interface has become a place where ordinary immortals live, Gu Longxiu I should have done my homework in advance, and when I took me into the bedroom, I also introduced the layout of this place along the way. Of course I was quite emotional.

And there are mountains and rivers in the bedroom. It seems that I have obtained a lot of information about my residence. It is set up like a large garden, and it makes people feel comfortable to see it.

Of course, it is more of the warmth of having a beauty on the side. Gu Longxiu has a very good personality. Not only is she not angry at all, she has a cute temperament when facing people, which makes people unable to help but develop a desire to protect. Seeing her getting tea and a washbasin from the paper servant, I was so busy that I couldn't help but laugh.

"You have grown up in the palace since you were young, and you have enjoyed everything. Now, as the ancient dragon emperor of the Quartet, others should usually take care of you, but this is the first time to serve others?" I smiled.

Gu Longxiu's face blushed, and he quickly said: "Don't laugh at Xiu'er, I'm not a kid anymore..."

I laughed again. In the women's army, indeed every woman has her own unique side.

The paper servant didn’t even get into the room. Gu Longxiu seemed to treat this as her restricted area, and not only let me lie on the bed, but also didn’t let me get up. This girl took care of people, just like taking care of the disabled, but for If I didn't brush her kindness, I would hold back and be silent.

An hour later, after washing my face and hands, she turned around there, she didn’t know what she was going to do anymore, and she didn’t sit there, and she felt embarrassed when she stood. Obviously she got a few members from the Women’s Corps. Senior's enlightenment, this is a coping strategy in mind, but it can't be implemented as decisively as other "predecessors", so this scene will happen.

"You...are you going to stand there and look at me all night?" I couldn't help but laugh, then sat up, she came over immediately to put me back on the bed, I knew she was a girlish heart, Because of her shyness, she didn't plan to let her suffer any longer, and smiled: "You have also drunk a lot of alcohol. It's okay to sleep here tonight. It's okay to stand up?

"But...but..." Gu Longxiu's face was red with the ripe apple, and she twisted, I smiled and said, "If you recognize your bed, go back to rest early."

"No, no..." Gu Longxiu immediately shook her head, but when she thought that she was going to be here, her heart was beating so fast that I could hear the rapid impact. She thought about it, and after a while, she felt a flash of inspiration. Suddenly said: "Big brother...I forgot to undress you!"

After I listened, I was a little bit dumbfounded. This girl is indeed too innocent. Then, of course, she will toss me again for a while, but this time I will take off the city lord’s clothes. I don’t want to live and die. Putting on other clothes, this made Gu Longxiu shy.

Seeing the three watch days passed, I didn't bother to toss with her anymore, and simply pressed her on the bed so that she would completely lose her resistance and restraint.

The crescent moon seemed to hang on a branch, but it was a particularly charming night...

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