Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 4500: :mark

A trace of sorrow flashed in Sun Yu's eyes, and said, "In fact, before being half-returned, as a teacher, he was eager for success and wanted to break through the realm of Nine Immortals. As a result, he suffered a vein injury and it was impossible to break through. The nine-fold immortal realm is now, and it is even close to the level of falling realm. From then on, I will half-return to avoid everyone's sight. In order to maintain the realm, every time the teacher goes out, he will eat the veins that can improve the realm cultivation. Pill? But you know that this kind of pill is usually eaten by the immortal family, and it is good to take a few days at most, but the state of being a teacher is injured. Every time you go out, your life will be greatly reduced... "

"What!?" Zheng Jun stood up instantly, with a look of horror in his eyes: "Master! Is this true?"

"It's true, so I won my order for the teacher soon. If it weren't for your dissatisfaction, you would have become immortal as the teacher. Fortunately, I waited for the teacher to rekindle hope for the teacher." Sun Yu smiled bitterly.

I secretly said that he was planning to make him rush to the nine-fold immortal, but unfortunately he actually had the habit of taking stimulants. That really caused the veins itself to burn out. I am afraid that it will be difficult for him to cultivate now, let alone hit the realm. .

Zheng Jun's body was drained and the air slumped in an instant. Sun Yu knew that he could not accept this situation, so he looked at me and said, "Yang Mu, your future is unlimited, and there are experts who can’t let you Seeing as a child, what do you think after you know these things?"

"The disciple pattern shouldn't be on this interface. The Tianjingmen wants to speed up the growth of disciples. Therefore, the disciple competition held every few years has changed the time to once every year. The disciples want to grow faster , Stand out in the competition, if you can represent this interface to participate in the multi-interface competition and win, maybe you can go to the Tianjian fairy gate for further training." I honestly said.

"Yes, your idea is very good. This is the fastest way to grow, but you are required to do a lot of things that Chang Xian can't accomplish. During this time, let's practice first, and I will take care of Ma Qing's affairs for you," Sun Yu said.

After giving Zheng Jun a set of mindsets, I arranged for Zheng Jun to a clean room in the attic. It should be the best place to practice here, but of course I have to deal with some chores before retreating.

The veins of Hualing and Huaqin have been reworked to seven or eighty-eight, practicing new techniques is beneficial to making runes. This is also to train them into logistics talents, and to teach them the methods of carving, I write In the jade card, of course, it takes a lot of investment to cultivate the Jie Lei Jing, and also needs a powerful enough carving table. Fortunately, these are not difficult for me. The jade cards belonging to Hualing and Huaqin are After handing it over to Mo Xiaoning, I also explained that he supervised other female disciples to change the vein practice.

These female disciples all asked me to check the veins and customize a set of effective training methods. Of course, the process takes a long time, so Mo Xiaoning is only responsible for the superficial work, and I will check their body veins when I come out of retreat. , It can also prevent Mo Xiaoning from having any other crooked thoughts about these women.

As for Yan Wei and Gu Fei, both of them are currently attacking the realm of Immortals, one level higher than me, so there is no need for me to worry about them, and Ma Xiaotian and Baguio Kong must not be able to keep up with our rhythm. It's a step-by-step process, I just hope they won't be too far apart.

As for Mo Xiaoning’s Heaven-level Cultivation Technique, because my cultivation level was not up to standard, I couldn’t detect the complete context map. I couldn’t find a way to crack it for the time being. So I left him temporarily until my cultivation level was higher than his. Then deal with his affairs. Of course, in order to be able to let him participate in the disciple competition and follow me in the future, I did not spend much time on him. I personally asked Sun Yu for a nomination for the General Counselor’s Pavilion and pushed him to my retreat. After participating in the competition, I also put a set of swordsmanship and spells tailored to his cultivation attributes for him to master this month.

After all this, I was relieved to retreat and prepare for the context projection.

Projection is a complicated process. Of course, it requires the deity to cultivate my current veins first, and then forcefully invade my current body by means of feedback veins, forming a projection like the output of Taoist veins. In other words, if the vein projection is After success, I will be able to use the power of the deity.

As for the source of strength, of course it is the energy of my body itself.

Of course, the energy of this body cannot bear the deity’s terrifying power, or even the deity’s consumption of a spell. This body can’t bear it, so I didn’t plan to project all the veins, but to carry out the level of cultivation, such as Now it’s Huaxianland. Of course, the deity’s veins will also be limited to Huaxianjing, but because there are eight more veins, this body needs to withstand eight times the current strength. I’m also a little bit uncertain about this. Exploded and died.

Therefore, I can only transform the cultivation base of the fairyland, and plan to project the eight lines of the deity of the flying fairyland level. In this way, the main line of the body is strong enough to force the body to suppress the eight projection lines of the two-level level. , This is relatively safer, of course, the strength is certainly not so strong, but relatively safe.

Because with an algorithm that is three times stronger than the first level, the power gap brought by the lower two levels should not be too threatening to the current physical strength. This is also the context projection after I hit the Shanghua Wonderland. the real reason.

I took out the prepared tools and depicted the entire clean room as a projection array. This is actually somewhat similar to the method of descending gods. After all, my deity itself is a super god, and now performing context projection is equivalent to letting the deity. The great **** enters his body, of course, the degree of entry is the strength of the cultivation base projection vein.

As for the complete whole vein projection, I think this body may be difficult to do, because everything that my deity has experienced cannot be copied. There are so many amazing things in that body, so this body cannot be carried out no matter how powerful it is. Full context projection.

Fortunately, I do not intend to cultivate to the limit of this body, because even the limit is not up to the level of the deity. Most likely it is as strong as Li Poxiao, and once all the vein projections are removed, it even can’t beat Li. breaking Dawn.

For comparison with Li Poxiao, of course, it is because the techniques we practice have the same root, and I even use him as a reference to let the body grow.

Because the deity of Veil Projection has been trained, comprehended, and simulated several times, I did not rush to finish the large projection array, and immediately removed all the clothes, and began to control step by step to hang in the air, which will be covered with red dye. The carving knife plunged into this body without mercy!

In the soundproofing array, I couldn’t help but snorted and treated my body as a spar carving. This pain was tantamount to self-harm, but if I didn’t portray the eight veins of my deity on this body, and let the portrayal When the veins penetrate into the body, the projection cannot be completed, so even if it is pain, there is no way.

What's more, this kind of pain is just the suffering of the epidermis. The real pain is still behind. When I finish depicting the eight veins of the relatively simple deity Flying Wonderland, the core area of ​​the veins in the chest seems to be covered with bloodworms. This is the deity. Thread projection!

And after casting the spell to let the vein marks of these deities penetrate into the body, and after arranging the veins according to my understanding of the deity’s body, when the projection was activated, I couldn't help but stare at it like a cow bell, because it was a painful experience. , I even bit out a piece of soft rune cloth in my mouth on the spot!

The body, forehead, and face are all violent because of this. If someone is standing here, I am afraid that I will find my current state, which is no different from using the original creation method!

"One day, why are you here?" Just when my eyes widened suddenly, a figure wearing a heavenly robe stood in front of me.

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