Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 4530: :abundant

It didn’t take long for the first three to be confirmed, and Yan Wei was indeed third. Although she was the closest to everyone in her cultivation base, she was not the captain after all, and it was unavoidable that she was limited to whether the leader was radical. And whether there was any entanglement with monsters on the road.

Because this mysterious spirit was afraid of the changes in the ground, and the disciples next to him arresting his heirs, he planned to rely on me. No matter how it was explained, he also shook his head and followed me, because he was sorry for his maternal love and trust in me. I can only take her all the way to the periphery, so the speed will inevitably slow down.

Lu Ling and Su Huanyu were actually sitting on a frisbee. After getting rid of a group of flying beasts, they were the first to reach their destination, but because they did not activate the three jade pieces, they waited on the periphery and were about to cry. , I have sent messages several times to sour others arriving.

But I didn’t feel too depressed. After all, the mother Xuan Jing was fast enough. I believe that no matter how bad it is, there are still six or seven. And as the competition progresses, the disciples are also used to this heavy rain and the forest where monsters are rampant. Avoiding is avoiding, and the mentality of completing the task quickly made the subsequent fire-fighting task completely misfired, which indirectly made me a lot easier.

But by the time I rushed out of the Yinshan Forest with the mother Profound Spirit, it was already a short while, and my team was also determined to be seventh. As for the front of me, there was a two-person team missing Liu Qiming. The eight-place team is Lan Zhi. This guy is a weak team, and it is good to be able to complete the task.

Therefore, for the 24-person team, only Liu Qiming was eliminated without cherishing it.

When the ranking gifts were distributed, of course everyone was very happy, and the things I gave out were much better than those given by the elders, so all of them were grateful to me. Of course, the eight ranked three-person teams were mostly divided on the road. It was decided who took what kind of treasures, so after the competition, it did not cause too many disputes. After all, I chose what gifts to distribute for every ranking.

Mo Xiaoning undoubtedly chose the immortal sword in the catastrophe period, because he wanted a sword in one hand to enhance combat effectiveness, while Wei Wei chose a treasure for protection. As for Concubine Gu, she did not hesitate to choose a pill, because she There is still a long way to go before the catastrophe period, so the pill to assist the impact is necessary.

Mother Xuanjing saw that I led a lot of disciples, but still followed me. I also took out some pills and fed it, which made it even more joyful, but because of it and its The offspring have the effect of making up for it, and it is actually quite dangerous to put it back into the Yinshan Forest. Liu Qiming will definitely not let it go, and maybe let the elders catch it, so I will be passive.

So after much deliberation, I had to turn to Qiao Qingyu for help. Qiao Qingyu introduced me to the Lan family. Of course, I wouldn't want to go near and farther, and directly asked Lan Zhi.

"It's not impossible. There is a spirit animal garden in my house, where this big guy can live, but occasionally use its blood to make a pill. Is it acceptable? After all, her blood is used to make the pill. , The effect is very good. Over the years, our parents have often sent disciples to the market to find Xuanjing blood...Who knew that Yinshan would have such a big nest..." Lan Zhi looked up and down the Xuanjing, he actually did so intentionally.

The Profound Spirit is quite strong, and there is definitely no problem with bleeding. Moreover, people say that blood donation should be no problem occasionally. Besides, after the blood is drawn, there is a subsidy?

So I immediately communicated with this mysterious spirit. It was very difficult for this mysterious spirit to communicate. After talking for a long time, a lot of animal language was useless to him, and it made me a lot of jokes.

In the end, Lan Zhi shot, and the communication was successful, and I almost kicked him away.

"I just thought you were amused with this mysterious spirit, where would you dare to interrupt? In case you are upset, I still can't eat? And who makes you omnipotent, I think you will not? "Lan Zhi said awkwardly.

"You!" I gave him a depressed look, and then said: "Why do you know this animal language?"

"My house has a spirit beast garden..." Lan Zhi repeated. This made Gu Fei and Hua Wei couldn't help but laugh. Lan Zhi suddenly became a little confident and said: "If this nest of profound spirits is handed over to our Lan family , I promise to let the family grow fat and fat, and will never let them suffer. The blood draw will be based on their safety and comfort, and there are so many mysterious essences, once they are raised, we can still smoke The blood is sold in the bazaar and the money will be made at that time. It must be used to improve their lives so that they can also practice life without worry."

"Just follow what you told me and talk to this Xuan Jing, but this is your guarantee. If something goes wrong, the Xuan Jing becomes hungry and thin, and is bullied. I can trouble your Lan family." Immediately, this is a good thing for the Lan family, but I also want to ensure that this mysterious spirit can live better than Yinshan. After all, this mysterious spirit is a bit ugly, but like a giant panda, it is also a rare beast.

"That's natural, and this profound spirit has the cultivation base of the tribulation realm. This is also a burden for our Lan family. How can we usually provoke it?" Lan Zhi's character is still good. After the heart demon is removed from me, The whole person seems to have let go of the burden, speaks with confidence, and talks with Xuan Jing again, and the Xuan Jing knew before that he would draw blood, but he has safety guarantees and various benefits, and he agreed when he finally decided. Now, this is a complete success.

If you want to avoid being coveted by the enemy at the interface of the Eight Great Temples, joining the Eight Great Temples is the most stable, and it also has the cultivation base of the Earth Tribulation Realm. If you really draw more blood, you can still resist. , So I'm not so worried.

Of course, the disciples will return to the sapphire view, but seeing that the Yin Mountain is still undergoing great changes in the sky, and the elders have also come over, all of them are vigilant and worried, plus it’s my job, so although everyone doesn’t Dare to ask, but it is still necessary to ask under what circumstances.

I didn’t conceal it too much, and revealed: “The formation was arranged by an expert from outside the world. The prize is her reward for you. The function is to train me. Why? If you have any comments, please ask your elders first. There is no other way."

These words immediately blocked the mouths of all the disciples, and even a group of elders who arrived first had nothing to say, and they could only wait for me to enter the forest with big eyes and small eyes.

The team leaders quickly took the disciples back to the back mountain of Qingyuguan. As for the elders, of course, they should look at the situation near Yinshan Mountain. After all, the fluctuation of the earth veins is a major issue. It is not a matter of improper matter, it is related to the stability of the interface.

I broke into the middle of the forest all the way, and arrived in the middle of the canyon in a short time. As expected, after I used the boundary stone formations to arrange the formations, the earth veins changed and moved to the spring of this fairy spring. The grand canyon is now clouded. It was pervasive. Although the heavy rain was pouring down, it all evaporated and turned into water vapor, and the heat soared all the way, for fear that creatures would enter it and they would all be cooked.

And a deep hole has poured out the essence of the earth veins, and even the lake is so thick and full of energy that I can't help but be surprised.

However, these energy extractions are not easy to extract, let alone the purest power of the essence of the earth veins. Only when you are familiar with the world power spells can you use the essence power here.

I used the boundary force technique and plunged into the essence of the earth veins that overflowed from the canyon. In a short time, I felt that the body shield was constantly burning the hot essence of the earth veins without recombination. If it was burned into the body of a mortal, it would definitely be roasted. The outside is crispy and tender inside.

Of course, if you have cultivated to my level, you can still receive a part of the essence of the earth veins, and even keep your body from being burned is the most basic ability, which is also the basis of body tempering.

Because of the migration of the earth veins, the spring eye position becomes the priority place for the essence of the earth veins to emerge, so body tempering is the most suitable here. This is the place where the life essence can be reborn and resurrected by mortals. The essence enters the body and the veins are natural. Is the biggest benefit,

Of course, the essence of the earth veins is not easy to absorb. The body tempering must endure huge pain, just like a mortal bathing in a lava pool, and the immortal washing his skin over and over again like boiling water. Of course, this pain I have cultivated for such a long time , Naturally endured a lot, but still can hold it.

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