Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 4634: :rule

This opportunity was not easy to come by, so I took the opportunity of going back to have a long conversation with my sister-in-law. After all, it was a super sect of millions of people that was annexed. The interface is huge and the resources are deep, and it is almost equivalent to a big power. , So everything is fine and safe.

After my sister-in-law returned to the Heavenly City, I then began to retreat and attack the cultivation base of Guiyi Realm, because as things progressed, I wanted to stand at a higher level, and good fortune realm was still far from enough.

In addition, as the cultivation base progresses, the level of Taoism in my body has gradually increased, and now I have also cultivated to the fifth level. This is also the basis for me to decipher Xiantian painting silk, because the vein projection has already Having reached the level of the Sky Profound Realm, all of my three Dao Techniques can reach the fifth level at the same time, which has the conditions for deciphering the innate painting silk.

The three contexts of Gui Yuan Fa, Hua Dao Fa, and Na Ling Fa were developed in concert. This time the innate painted silk really turned **** clouds, and the clouds appeared around me, making me plunge into a space like a storm!

And soon, the air cloud representing the extension of the three kinds of Dao Laws appeared on top of my head, and began to rotate with my control. To me, the three types of Dao Laws were actually too familiar to me. , Although I don’t use much Taoism, the three ways of tracing back to their origins do not reach the same goal in different ways. They are all the same to me.

The three avenues are glued to each other in the place where I retreat. The innate painted silk drags them into the track, and quickly swallows each other and occupy the place that they can occupy, so as to merge into one. I also follow the three veins of Qiyun. Changing continuously simulates their trajectory in the body, and seeks the possibility of implementing another one from the three avenues.

The innate painted silk was drawn by Xing Wenqing as soon as he was born. It contains innate principles. This does not mean that the painted silk has the Three Great Ways painted long ago, but it has some innate rules, so as long as I take the Three Great Ways As the rules in it progress, it is possible for these three methods to comprehend the innately consistent rules, so that through this innate rules, let me check and calculate another super road method!

This kind of avenue does not have the full power of the three avenues, but it must be some kind of variant after the three avenues are combined. This new principle of the avenue is naturally composed of the best parts, because it It is the answer from innate rules in itself!

I run these three Dao methods, and the energy in my body is also rapidly consumed. Of course, this process can be observed through the scarlet air transport. With my ability to comprehend all Dao methods, it is not difficult to understand this rule.

The rotation of the three-way method did not last long, and I also obtained the three-way fusion rule from it, until the disappearance of the blood cloud, this rule was also imprinted in my mind.

There are countless Taoisms in the world. No matter which kind of Taoism, it needs to conform to the principles of heaven and the rules between heaven and earth, otherwise the Taoism will not be able to be used. It is like the Three Great Ways created by the Sanqing, this Great Way The rules here are naturally in line with the laws of the Tao of Heaven, and are also the strongest Taoism acquired, so it is above the Taoism of the Heaven.

Innate rules are the supreme rule among all the rules. Now I use the Three Great Ways as a stepping stone to knock on the innate rules, thus comprehending the Super Innate Taoism from the three Great Ways, which must surpass the Three Great Ways. Above the law!

That is to say, once this kind of Taoism is applied, there is no way to resist. It is a kind of inevitable and necessary method. Even the Three Great Ways cannot resist or even neutralize this innate Taoism, even when facing the Three Ways. The resistance of Dao Dharma, innate Dao Dharma can also be thought of.

Even if it is the transformation of Taoism, the retrospect of the return to the original method, and the external release of the spirit of the spirit to retreat, it is impossible to remove the innate Taoism. This is the horror of the innate Taoism!

Using innate rules to change the opponent's immortal is like using heaven to suppress mortals. How can mortals resist?

Therefore, once such a Dao Fa is present, no one in the world will be able to resist this Super Dao Fa.

I took a deep breath and took the innate rule map that I had just intercepted into my mind. I used the three-way method to crack it. Because it was triggered by the method that is closest to the innate way, so after knocking and entering, the rest It's up to you to understand.

In meditation, my whole person appeared in a chaos. This is the map of innate rules, so it looked like a sea of ​​air with no rules at all. I ran the three-way method in one, and suddenly A cloud of gas in the front rolled up, and the trajectory of the innate rule map could be seen.

This innate rule map is actually the change in the trajectory of the enemy's body. If it is replaced with the three-way method, there will actually be a certain trajectory when it is typed, such as the naling method, the trajectory is like a dot External release, while the Tao Fa is to directly disperse a large area. As for the return to the original method, the Qi cloud will be compressed when it is played. This is the operating rule of the Tao.

And after I typed out the innate rule map drawn by the three-way method from the innate painting silk, the gas cloud suddenly began to rotate, becoming like a vortex, and finally slowly recovered. The cooling time at this stage is very long. Long, almost exactly the same as the cooling time after I implemented the Super Avenue method.

After watching the vortex dissipate, I played the same super road technique against the chaos in meditation. The speed of the vortex was still the same, which can predict how stable it would be after hitting the human body.

Of course, as for what effect will happen, it is actually easy to distinguish, that is the scrolling chaos of the breath and veins!

After all, Na Ling method comes out of the body, Hua Dao method is rushing away, and returning to the original method is backtracking, and this super road method is characterized by rotation, which proves that the energy is still in the opponent's body, but it is difficult to control everything. The energy is released, which should be a limitation.

Of course I can't use this kind of rules to myself, because I am the releaser of the rules, just like I can't release the great law to myself.

I did not stop the experiment because of this. After all, the super road method I used is not powerful and I have mastered the rules first, but it does not mean that I can use it proficiently or even improve it. All these need to be created by myself, just like learning After the Dao Method, everyone uses the same rules, but as the practice progresses, its main rules remain the same, but in fact, some minor details will be determined by different people, different attributes and abilities. Change, this is the personal rule.

For example, the duration of the Hua Dao law has been strengthened, as well as the fact that I have gained my strengths and strengthened the rules of the Three Great Dao Law, which are all extensions of personal rules. Therefore, the strength of the individual and the strength of Dao Law affect a Dao law. The main factor of strength and weakness, so although I created my own Super Dao Method with the Three Dao Method based on innate rules, I still need to experience my own practice and add self-rules to improve it, let it grow, and transform it into a unique individual rule.

I also define the innate rules that can be used now as the first layer, because this is the core of the rules and the extension point.

Opening my eyes, I put the Xiantian painting silk away, and then continued to practice and calculate the innate rules and exercises. This is actually to create a exercise method from nothing, so I can't slacken it.

With the passage of time, after the confluence of my three-road method, the trajectory that represents the natural rules also extends and grows strong, which means that the super road method has also entered the second stage.

And now I really want to try the changes that will happen to the human body when this Dao method is applied. After all, only after knowing how it affects the human body through innate rules can I use this change to create the third-level super road. law.

So I thought about it, and the three candidates came out, but Huo Ming talked too much, Zhao Chenan was not credible, and the goal seemed to be only on Shang Li.

After all, she has a very high cultivation base, and she will not talk too much. I can also get from her the rules changes that can be felt by high-level immortals. Moreover, this spell is cast on ordinary immortals, and even if the opponent is recruited, they can’t tell the truth. Come naturally.

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