Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 4663: : Family

I secretly said the word'Qingxiao', and there really is some profound history deposited in it, otherwise this great elder could not be so surprised, so I immediately asked: "Did the great elder think of something? The word Qingxiao? , But what's the special meaning?"

The elder was dumbfounded for a while, and finally shook his head and muttered: "Impossible...impossible. Back then, this child...should have died prematurely...How could this girl be..."

Now Du Qingxiao's expression also changed. The child died early. Since he died as a child, he was alive and well!

"Will the great elder describe in detail what happened to this young child? Maybe there is something hidden in it!" I said quickly.

The elder was pale, and then said: "I remember... I remember the head of the year said that the child Qing Xiao died early... But this girl is also called Qing Xiao, and she looks like the head wife and Xiao Qingxiao. So similar... the child who died young..."

"Yes, elder, think about it, how did this child die back then? Have you ever seen this child who died? What is your head?" I said quickly.

At this moment, the great elder also suddenly came over, and said quickly: "The old man will report again?"

"Go and go." Of course I urged him to hurry up. Sure enough, he came out shortly after entering, because the inside is a large isolation array, so if you don't enter it, you can't transmit sound at all, and you can't hear what happened inside. .

Seeing that the great elder was panicked with a hint of joy, it seemed that this had been done.

The elder was afraid that we might be walking slowly this time, so he said quickly: "The lady head is very excited. Although she even said it’s impossible, she still wants to see you very much, but after meeting the lady head, don’t you I'm so angry with her, everything should be tactful as much as possible, understand?"

I smiled and said, "The Great Elder can rest assured."

After passing the archway and entering the interior of the isolation formation, I can already smell a lot of aura. There is a breath that looks quite weak, but different from the others.

There are only four waiters, and the rest are paper servants. When we arrived at the courtyard, they all came to lead the way. It can be seen that each of them has a deeper level of cultivation than mine. Obviously, they are all carefully selected. To protect the female disciple of the lady in charge,

As for the weak aura in the hall, I think it should be righteous.

After we got to the front of the temple gate, the four waitresses asked for instructions so that we were able to enter it, which shows that the guards are tight, or the master has no sense of security at all.

Sure enough, the maid could only stand at the door, and even explained that when we entered the hall, we could not step out of the big formation.

Of course, I was suspicious, but the righteous aura was weak, and it seemed reasonable to take excessive protection, so I didn't have any objections, and took Du Qingxiao into the hall very quickly.

The main hall is brightly lit, but it also divides two areas. The opposite area is directly covered with a gauze curtain. Du Qingxiao and I are both standing outside the curtain. The inside cannot be seen from the outside, but the outside can definitely be seen from the inside.

But dimly, the posture of the lady-in-chief was clear. In addition to her weak breath, she was also too thin.

And under the light of the lamp, you can still see the other party's hair shining brightly white, and it can be seen that her hair is almost completely white.

But the quiet and peacefulness created by all this was only a momentary break for the owner of this room. Seeing us walk in and seeing Du Qingxiao's curious look, the other party hurriedly stood up, and walked forward with tongue gaping. In a few steps, the curtain was easily opened for her.

A haggard and thin face appeared in front of us. This appearance did have the original shape of three-pointed Xuan Qingxiao and Du Qingxiao, but because her hair was gray and white, her complexion was not very good.

"Qing Xiao... is Qing Xiao? You... you are not dead... are you not dead?" The head lady's face was full of shock, and Du Qingxiao was also stunned. She actually didn't have the slightest impression of this strange woman. Feelings, shocking is just because the other person knows her well.

"Madam Head, this is Girl Du Qingxiao." I quickly explained from it, which of course meant for her to tell the reason.

"Du..." The lady in charge woke me up with this sentence, and finally stopped, but still looked at Du Qingxiao in front of me.

Du Qingxiao just hesitated, and then said: "Senior, since I am sensible, I have been in the Little Fairy Sect of the Demon Sect. Because I have the righteous magic, I am not happy for the disciples in the Sect. I don't know I am It’s not your child, because Zhang Mu said that I’m similar to a young girl named Xuan Qingxiao, and even my veins can be traced to the source, but I don’t remember that I learned the righteous magic when I was a child, I only know that this magic is rooted in In the core of my context, I have to find ways to find the reason..."

This lady in charge doesn’t actually look very old. She looks at the female fairy who is in her thirties. Of course, this weak appearance is not pretended. I’m afraid she still has a hidden illness, but she has not been investigated. I don't dare to give a clear proof of the context. It seems that this old way of washing dust is also a lover. My wife is aging, so she has become aging as a foil, which is really admirable.

"Then...you are my child...my child...the veins are self-contained, you and me have the same vein and body, which is a piece of meat I divided out, so...don't say you went to Xiaoxianzong, It's the devil's cave you fell into... You can't change your root cause..." The lady head said excitedly, tears couldn't help falling at this moment.

I can see that the other party is very excited, but this description is indeed a bit overwhelming. I have checked the veins of Du Qingxiao and Xuan Qingxiao. Although the origins of the veins of the righteous path are not the same when they are traced back, they are said to be a piece of meat. The pulse is too exaggerated.

Du Qingxiao's face was stunned, but it was indeed very touched. After all, Du Xiaoxian looked like a female fairy who could not be much younger than her, with some coquettishness. This was of course incompatible with the image of a mother in her heart, and the one in front of her was affectionate for her children. The sincere behavior really made her feel the true expression of family affection like a mother.

"Did Senior really have a child who died? Or a girl?" Du Qingxiao couldn't help asking.

"It wasn't a premature death... I never believed that she was dead... I never believed it..." While looking at Du Qingxiao's face, the lady in charge stretched out her hand to hold her.

"Then...what the **** is going on, why would the great elder outside say that the child died..." This time Du Qingxiao did not refuse, perhaps because the woman in front of her not only caused no harm to her, but also This kind of indulgent feelings is in it. She has never felt the warmth of the family since she was a child. When an elder suddenly treated her like this, she naturally couldn't resist this warmth.

"It must be missing... I firmly believe that during the chaos, the infant child must be taken away first... Because there was a lot of chaos in the sect at the time, Xichen and I, in order to calm down the sect forces that have not yet stabilized, With you still in your infancy, go to the various interfaces to discuss the division of power with the older generation of immortal families who hold the real power in the door... But the result was that before Xichen returned that night, suddenly a group of forces broke into the outside world. ...I knew it was for us, so for your safety, I put you in the room and went out to fight the enemy by myself... But who thought, the foolproof backyard actually caught fire... After the explosion, I When I look back, there is nothing left..." The wife of the head said slowly, and the hand holding Du Qingxiao never let go, even pulling her to sit down.

I couldn't help Shen Ning after I heard it, and Du Qingxiao was also taken aback, and quickly asked, "Is it Xiaoxianzong's fairy family who attacked you?"

But this seemingly reasonable inquiry made the wife of the head shook her head: "No, it was not the Basong of the Demon Sect that attacked us, but the forces that opposed Xichen... Later, they were wiped out, but they always Did not take you out to beg for mercy... They said that this matter has nothing to do with them..."

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