Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 4716: :drama

"What? Did he spot you now?" I was taken aback, but this is not a weird thing. It only means that Li Tianjian also possesses something similar to Kunpengling. In order to capture his own daughter, he will not stop there.

"Not yet! I just sensed him, because a charm was placed on my body. If Daddy is within a certain range, I can sense it too!" Li Zhier was a little panicked.

My heart can't help but shrink. Li Tianjian is an immortal family in the Chaos Realm. He has the ability to search an area larger than ours, and within the range, we can't detect his arrival at all, or wait until we find him, I'm afraid Can't escape.

The rabbit runs fast, but the eagle has a keen vision in the sky, and it feels uncomfortable to wait for an opportunity.

But if we don’t have to fly out through the clouds, it would be too dangerous for us to enter this sea of ​​gauze clouds, which also makes it difficult for me to make decisions.

Unfortunately, Xuan Xichen and Du Qingxiao were still unable to contact Xuan Xichen and Du Qingxiao at this time. Xuan Xichen took Xiao Qingxiao with him. Because the younger daughter’s cultivation base was lower, he was holding the Flying Shuttle. I had to contact him, at least let He leaves this sea of ​​gauze clouds first without waiting for us.

"Zhier, you immediately enter the sea of ​​gauze clouds, avoiding your father's breath positioning, and find a way to remove the charms on your body. I will now look for the head of Xuan and Du Qingxiao and the others. We will make an appointment three hours before coming out to contact. "I proposed.

"Okay, I'll hide first, and I'll come out after three hours." Li Zhier said, but she seemed to have considered something, she asked again: "What if I meet my father's breath after three hours..."

"That can only continue to hide, and at least three days as a starting point." I smiled bitterly.

"Three days...well, I'll listen to you." Li Zhier was very decisive, because she knew that she was me, and I tried to transmit to her next, and found that she had no news, she should have entered the sea of ​​gauze clouds. In the clouds.

As long as it is in the sea of ​​clouds, Li Tianjian cannot find the breath, and there is almost no possibility of colliding with Li Zhier. After all, the constant surging waves of the sea of ​​gauze clouds are equal to a labyrinth that changes at any time. It won't be discovered by others, and Li Tianjian couldn't find Li Zhier's position in three hours. He might feel that his daughter had already rushed into the sea of ​​clouds, and he would not waste time looking for it.

Or he cares about his daughter very much, and he really rushed into the sea of ​​clouds, and Li Zhier came out three hours later, that may not be able to meet him, of course, with Li Tianjian’s wisdom, of course I thought about him waiting for him, so those three days Just to deal with this possibility.

I continued to search for the news of Du Qingxiao and Xuan Xichen. Of course, the sound transmission was not less than a moment, and because I was worried that Li Tianjian was nearby, I almost flew close to the sea of ​​gauze clouds. The detection range and the transmission range were affected. .

Regardless of the direction used by Kun Pengling, the transmission distance is actually far, and a deviation of one or two minutes can cause the destination to be different. This is why we are not in the same position.

The energy of flying through the clouds is not small, and it is also an excellent reference point, so my voice transmission cannot be separated for too long, otherwise Li Tianjian is likely to capture the breath of energy the first time, and then the old way will be caught, which will be even worse for me.

"Wang Mu! Where are you Wong Mu?"

And when I was looking around all the way, Du Qingxiao's voice suddenly appeared in my ears. This voice should have just come out, so when I was surprised, I immediately said with excitement: "Qing Xiao! Now Li Tianjian may be around, not just Li Tianjian, but also the Jidong couple and Li Zixin, so on the way you and I meet, don’t forget to be next to the sea of ​​clouds of tulle. Into the sea of ​​gauze clouds!"

"Then how do we meet!? If we capture our breath for Li Tianjian, what should we do?" Du Qingxiao asked quickly.

"Look for the nearby stars to refer to the angle, tell me the approximate location, and then sneak into the sea of ​​gauze clouds again, I will find you myself." I said immediately.

Walking in the Nine Heavens, every immortal family is familiar with the western medicine and the stars as a location reference, so that his fellow Taoists can search without hindrance, so Du Qingxiao quickly told me his approximate location.

After I got the approximate area not too far away from my place, I flew in her direction without hesitation.

And just half of the distance, the energy position of the cloud shuttle appeared, but it was contrary to the route I traveled, and this position was actually behind us.

I immediately transmitted a voice message to Xuan Xichen and said, "You tell me where you are now, so I can tell you which direction to go in. Of course, you must immediately enter the sea of ​​gauze clouds because Li Tianjian is nearby!"

"Ah? Good!" Xuan Xichen was taken aback, but also hurriedly told me the location information, because my initial position was similar to him, so I already knew that his distance was at most a half of my distance. Time's distance, so after giving him directions, let him move in the sea of ​​clouds.

"I'm in the sea of ​​gauze clouds, dashing straight in the direction you gave?" Xuan Xichen said, then suddenly said: "It seems to be Li Tianjian! He...I feel his breath!"

I took a breath, and now I can roughly figure out where Li Tianjian is, so I immediately said, "You don't need to worry about anything, first rush into the sea of ​​gauze clouds! Hurry!"

I also felt pressure in my heart. Since Li Tianjian was not far from the area where Li Zhier was just now, Xuan Xichen was on the left or right of Li Zhier. Fortunately, the direction I gave Xuan Xichen would not pass the location where Li Zhier was. It also gave me some fluke.

"He's chasing here! Damn, what can I do! You Mu!" Xuan Xichen's surprised voice soon came.

"Yang Mu! He will save me!" Xuan Qingxiao should have panicked too.

"Enter the sea of ​​clouds! Hurry up!" I thought for a while, and immediately turned around and rushed into the sea of ​​clouds, and took the lead to turn back in the direction where Xuan Xichen flew, which also meant that the distance from Du Qingxiao had begun to widen.

When I transmitted the sound again soon, Xuan Xichen was no longer able to contact, and after a while, flying in the clouds and mist, I soon found a torrent of aura constantly pushing over.

This made my face slightly changed, and I thought this might be Xuan Xichen!

"Head Xuan! I'm here!" I cried out loudly, while flying towards there!

As a result, a sound exploded. A middle-aged Taoist dressed in white and holding a transparent long sword rushed out of the turbulent current. His eyes were deep condensed, and his face was like a knife and axe. Of course, this was not the gray-bearded Xuan Xichen, and It is Li Tianjian who rules this area!

My mother!

I couldn't help but yell in my heart. This is too dramatic. I thought it was Xuan Xichen, but now I have become Li Tianjian. What should I do!

"All of this is your master's envoy, right?" Li Tianjian said coldly, and then rushed towards me at an ridiculously fast speed!

I had taken precautions a long time ago, and in order to deal with the sea of ​​gauze clouds, my body was covered with sky-repairing stones. Li Tianjian rushed over, and I instinctively gave him a transfer of boundary power, and I transferred him to the surrounding aura on the spot. among!


Li Tianjian seemed to have known that my boundary power transfer would be used on him, after turning into the turbulent flow, he suddenly exploded, and the entire turbulent flow was blown up!

When I heard this voice, I knew that this guy must be out of the turbulence, but now what else can I do besides what I can do?

As I continued to rush towards Xuan Xichen, I specially drilled to the place where the clouds and mist were the thickest. Of course I wanted to get rid of Li Tianjian!

It's a pity that Li Tianjian didn't leave me behind because of this. I galloped all the way and saw the air rushing towards me all the way. This was a sign that Li Tianjian was chasing me, because the power of his Chaos Realm was too terrifying, so this gauze cloud sea Can't withstand his impact at all.

I haven't chased people for a long time, but my experience will not be lost because of this. Seeing that the air wave is getting tighter and tighter, I simply transfer the boundary force and directly turn the airflow in an area into chaos. Stream inside!

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