Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 474: :arms

"One day, when we go to the underworld, grandma is going to take a rest and add some mana." Grandma walked over and said to me.

I quickly set up a large array of borrowings in the pavilion, and went down to the underworld after reversing the yin and yang.

The underworld here is full of mountains, and I have been here several times before. Grandma released Baishun, Grandma, and the broom star, and tried her best to restore the strength that everyone had just lost.

I didn't dare to disturb them, silently set up a large shadow gathering formation near them, and then opened the moiré box that could replenish the yin energy to supplement them.

Master Baishun was very happy, and looked at me and nodded fiercely: "Good boy, this hand is much stronger than Zhou Ying. Although the blood coat and Dao lineage blood are good, they are not as pure as this."

My mother looked at me with a grin, took out a piece of stone, put the hatchet on it and sharpened it, licking the corner of her mouth while watching.

I was chilling all over, and I couldn’t help but get closer to my grandmother. Broom Star didn’t know what his real name was, but he was over fifty, but he still looked so unreliable. His style was a bit decadent middle-aged, just Like the uncle who said on the Internet.

After approaching, I discovered that this guy was very dirty except for his broken sword and no shoes.

"One day, don't look at me like this. When I was alive, I was a child of a rich family, who regarded money as dung, but liked to rob the rich and help the poor. Before death, the money was donated, so that it looks like a desolation now." Said hehe.

"Senior Broom Star, I understand that you are friends with Grandma. Thank you very much for helping Grandma." I said gratefully. These are all helpers invited by Grandma. Every one of them is extremely powerful. There is also Grandma Meng at worst. That kind of strength.

"No thanks, I am eager for justice and righteousness. It is my Liu Xing's wish." Broom Star smiled, and burst out his own name by the way. This name is really grounded, and the ancient meteor is the broom star. No wonder I called other partners. It's a broom star.

"Teng Baishun, call me Baishun master." Baishun master knocked down his cigarette, looking at me.

"Master Baishun." I said respectfully.

The sound of sharpening the hatchet continued. Auntie is the fiercest of the three ghosts, and should be the hottest tempered one. I am relatively afraid to contact her.

Grandma saw me and the three ghosts begin to communicate, but got stuck at the gate of A's mother. She temporarily closed her gong and said: "A's mother was from the Song Dynasty. When she was alive, she was a shrew in the village. She was powerful and temperamental. Sturdy, one day the gangster came to the village to rob her fortune, and they all hacked her to death. The officers and soldiers who had contact with the gangster didn’t ask her to question her, and pursued her to hide in the mountain, but they were surrounded. It’s been a long time since she was able to take her down, but she was killed by many officers and soldiers, but one day, when she went up the mountain to chop wood, she fell down and died, and she became a ghost. People said, Being a human being is a hero, and being a ghost is also a ghost. A mother's killing ghosts along the way, and cultivation along the way, really made her so powerful. So one day, don't be afraid of her. She only kills evil people and evil spirits, but not Kill good people."

I was speechless. I didn't think that although this mother was a peasant woman in the village, she had such a ‘magnificent’ history, so I went to say hello to my mother.

Seeing me coming, my mother smiled silently, her eyes flashed with tenderness, and grandma nodded with an expression thanking her for explaining.

Grandma smiled and continued to absorb Yin Qi and restore her missing power.

I saw that my grandmother started to practice, so she didn’t dare to bother anymore. She ran and said a few words to my mother. My mother was happy to chat with me. She has been a shrew for thousands of years, but she doesn’t speak much in the countryside

I began to study the magic of ghosts, and the yin and yang methods, even if I temporarily embrace the Buddha's feet.

I don't know how long it will take. Grandma seemed to feel that her body was almost recovered, so she stood up and said, "One day, grandma went to the bottom of Xiaoyitun. You, Lord Baishun, Grandma and others are here waiting for grandma."

"I want to go too." I hurriedly said, for fear that my grandmother would fight alone.

"Hey, grandma will come back as soon as she goes. It won't be too long. There are still two or three hours in the war." Grandma refused me to go and told the three ghosts not to go.

"Zhou Ying, are you going to fetch that thing?" Baishun Ye said.

"Well, yes, to deal with Qiankun Daojian and other scum of Daomen, you can only get my things back." Grandma nodded, looked at the clouds in the sky, a red symbol summoned a swift ghost, and disappeared instantly. Gone.

I hurriedly wanted to chase, but my mother stopped me: "Let her go. She is going to get a weapon. No one can stop her if there is that thing."

"Well, that thing is amazing. How long has it been since? Twenty years? Or forty years?" Broom Star shivered, shivering.

"What?" I was taken aback, but I felt enthusiastic. I didn't expect my grandmother to have left behind to deal with the sword!

"Hehe, you'll know it when you get it." Mom said, putting the hatchet into her belt.

"Oh." I nodded, and could only wait.

Grandma went to fetch weapons for a long time, about three or four hours. It was almost time for the duel to come back. I saw that my grandma's breath was a bit messy, and there were traces of fighting on her clothes. I couldn't help but feel worried: "Grandma, rest. Go again?"

"No, I have already got the things, so I'll go up and chop that Li Jianchen, one day, clear the way." Grandma said.

I didn't see what my grandmother took, but I wanted something extraordinary, so I set up a big array and borrowed it to pay back.

Grandma didn't stop me from following. After all, I had the magic of yin and yang, and no one could stop me if I wanted to go up. Besides, there was an official like Zhang Zhenbiao supervising me, so I didn't worry about the sneak attack by other people.

As for fainting me and not letting me watch such things, my grandma would definitely not do it.

In the Long Village at around six in the morning, the sky was not completely bright, but under the dappled starry sky, there were already seven or eight people standing, dressed mostly in Taoist costumes, all starting in their 50s, and old men dressed in Zhongshan costumes. Watch the game from the side.

Li Jianchen stood on the side of the street with his sword in his arms, closed his eyes to rest his mind, and let a group of Taoist and Confucian old monsters chatter there.

Li Poxiao and his master couldn’t talk this time, so they could only stand by and watch the battle. I am afraid they were quite depressed. This battle should have been avoided, but because of grandma’s strength, there was no way to step down. It became a deadly battle. Up.

Experts fight to death, either death or injury, and the one who wins may not have nothing, unless it is a crushing situation.

However, Li Jianchen, who possesses the Universe Dao Sword, confronts Zhou Ying, who is known as a half immortal. When the two Xeons face each other, no one can say what accident will happen.

"Zhou Ying, Zhou Ying is here!"

We suddenly appeared in the Dragon Village, and the sparse crowd boiled over. Grandma glanced at these people and nodded in satisfaction. She seemed to feel that they were all extremely familiar opponents, and said, "Hehe, you guys. The stinky nines of the world, are they here to die today?"

Grandma's words completely detonated everyone's anger. Many people stood up and yelled at Grandma for being arrogant, but a few calmly said nothing, just sneered and watched the excitement.

"Zhou Ying, do you really think that you are invincible in the world? If you are alone, you will be alone. Everyone will be fine. We have discussed it last night. Li Jianchen and Li Daoyou also agreed to my suggestion. We still have to deal with it, everyone loses and loses, and I don't know how long it will take!" Zhang Zhenbiao quickly stepped up to round the field, looking quite complaining about grandma's sturdyness.

"Death enmity, of course, can only be solved by death, Li Jianchen is dead, I can also take over your official business?" Grandma sneered.

"Don't be too big, Zhou Ying." Li Jianchen was too humiliated, opened his eyes, all his hair and beard floated, his momentum was quite penetrating, with a buzzing sound, the Universe Dao Sword was out of its sheath!

This sword was black on one side and white on the other, but there was a blood trough in the middle. It was so red that it seemed to show the meaning of blood coming out of its sheath.

Grandma smiled, her hands that had never been bent loosened, and there was a thud from her bulging sleeves, and a weapon wrapped in a long cloth hit the ground!

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