Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 4764: : Maid

"Since the self-confidence is overwhelming, it is unbearable not to go out, and the enemy elite has been looking for so long, presumably the people are tired, even if some mad bees and butterflies are attracted, it is better to deal with some." I said calmly.

Li Tinglan was startled, and asked in surprise: "You...why didn't you stop us? I thought you wouldn't promise us to go out... You know, I suppressed this for more than a month."

"Hehe, now this time difference can still be accepted, anyway, I am about to leave this interface soon." I laughed.

"What?" Li Tinglan looked at me in surprise, and then hurriedly asked: "Have you already understood the yin and yang sword body?!"

"Almost." I laughed. The Yin Yang Sword had already become part of my Nine Vein Heaven Sword, so it was powerful enough to make the dragon unable to maintain its thick skin.

"Ah...you understand a sword control, and you also understand the yin and yang sword body...this is too powerful!" Li Tinglan looked at me enviously.

"Fortunately, when I go out, what are your plans?" I asked rhetorically.

Li Tinglan was a little at a loss this time, hesitated, and said, "I don't know what to do... Maybe it's to stay here with Zhou Xuan, the fairy gate of the sword..."

"Have you ever thought about bringing the Sword Fairy Gate into your hands? Not only do you have the blood of a foreign immortal, you also have the native blood of this interface. Take down the Sword Fairy Gate and reform the Fairy Gate. I believe this should be A very good congenital condition." I proposed.

Li Tinglan listened to my words, his face changed: "I...how could I win such a big immortal gate? And I... I don't have the courage and ambition of a mother, since I took over as a mother. , I found out that just governing a tribe, there are problems everywhere... If you govern such a big immortal gate, wouldn't it be exhausted?"

"People can grow up, and Li Shenjian is not Li Shenjian from the beginning." I laughed.

"But we now don't have enough immortals to occupy one thousandth of the fairy gate of the sword, how can we win such a large fairy gate?" Li Tinglan still felt incredible.

I shook my head and said, "Don't forget that I still have me. After I go out, I will send the elites of Tiancheng to help you sweep the world and make you the real controller of this interface. What do you think?"

"Ah? Tiancheng?" Li Tinglan was stunned, and then asked in surprise: "I asked my little sister something about you before. She was vague, but she was very taboo against you, and she admired and loved you very much. Can't you be the son of the Lord of Sky City? Or the son of a minister?"

I smiled and looked at no one around me, and said: "I am the City Lord of Sky City himself, but now I borrowed from a young man to appear here. There is always time to return to my deity, and then I will send troops to do it for you. At the time of Liuhe, I don’t know if you would like to use it for me?"

"For you...you...how do you use me?" Li Tinglan was stunned, her face flushed, and now she has become that beautiful white elf long ago, and is no longer a Smurf.

"Ahem, I mean, belonging to Tiancheng, it's not how I want to use you." I know she misunderstood. After all, every interface has a different understanding of speech, even if it is a strange fairy, she is already The offspring of the immortal.

"Oh oh... I thought..." Li Tinglan sighed in relief, then nodded quickly, and said: "I am willing! This is my mother's lifelong dream. If you can really make this dream come true, what do you want? I can use me!"

"Cough cough cough... well, it's okay." I almost squirted blood. This must be another embodiment of Li Tinglan's intention to cooperate with me, but it sounds misleading.

After discussing with Li Tinglan how to continue the situation, she also asked her to keep her identity secret.

Then came the tribal meeting to discuss and other processes. Although many steady factions proposed to maintain the current situation, most of the immortals were accustomed to a radical attitude. The steady faction could not prevent everyone from going out, so the final decision was basically a logical one.

I took the first batch of people who left this tribe, and the elite who wandered around came out of the big formation. Of course, following them was not to leave, but to bring everyone out to re-arrange the big formation. After all, so many people left, there must be someone The location is leaked, so upgrade the big array here.

In the storage bag, there is a set of powerful Tiancheng interface-level super formations. The formation is called'Tian Lei Xing Yun Formation'. I took them out and arranged them around the entrance of the entire tribe. This made the center of the formation become The formation eye, and the surrounding area of ​​hundreds of miles around has become a minefield. As for the position of the seabed, it is not necessary to guard it, because no matter where it comes from the bottom, it will eventually fall into the thunder cloud formation.

This large array has the ability to isolate, obstruct the observation of the sky, and confuse people. Therefore, once you get into this large array, it is like walking into a maze, and it is difficult to come out again.

This is of course only the most basic defensive ability. After all, the most outstanding aspect of this large array is its offensive ability. Because the eyes of the large array penetrate the ground veins and boundary walls, once you enter the minefield and cross the minefield in the array, the large array The offensive ability of's will be activated immediately, and the energy level of the earth vein and boundary wall is used for output, so this large array can almost be said to have endless energy, even the power is at the level of the boundary wall, so even the heavenly realm is dangerous , If it comes to a non-elite level, it is estimated that a thunderstorm will sweep a whole enemy.

In order to prevent someone from leaking the roadmap, I didn’t give everyone a solution except for the formation of the formation. Therefore, this large formation is basically impossible to enter if you go out. If you want to come in, naturally you have to come from a safe area under the sea. , But the submarine area does not reverse the entrance. Without my guidance, it is basically impossible to enter. Even if you stand under the tribal front and rush up, you will only enter the minefield.

All control rights are of course in my hands.

In fact, in addition to protecting the tribe, I also have another consideration when arranging the Thunder Cloud Array on this day. That is to build a magic weapon for Li Zhi'er. After all, I have pried away the scales and dragon horns from the dragon before. These materials have always been As I remember, I just suffer from not having time to forge. Now that I know that the battle is imminent, sharpening and forging is justified.

Refining these materials requires extremely powerful interface power. Therefore, actively touching the thunder cloud array to forge the materials is also a test of this large array.

In the center of her eyes, Li Tinglan looked at the misty clouds, and her mood was extremely complicated. She threw a spell casually, penetrated into the clouds in an instant, and then never saw a trace again. This visibility was about three or four hundred meters. The sky's eye can't see far, if an enemy is ambushed, it is absolutely dangerous.

"Didn't it mean that there will be thunder falling?" Li Tinglan asked suddenly embarrassed.

I laughed blankly: "I thought you were going to measure the visual range..."

"Ah? No, what you said, touching the front line will attract Thunder, so I'm only using the magic test." Li Tinglan said depressed.

"Sister Li, if a random spell can activate the big formation, how can this big formation be busy? Of course, it will only attract the sky thunder when the living thing rushes through." Li Zhier said with joy.

"Oh..." Li Tinglan's face flushed, and he didn't know how to trigger this big formation.

I took out a paper man, and after chanting a few spells, a living and beautiful paper servant appeared in front of my eyes, and then rushed outside under my order, but it hadn’t flown for a hundred meters, suddenly nothing. There was a loud noise without warning, and the paper servant died instantly! Even Mars didn't flash up, it was the result of annihilation!

At this moment, Li Tinglan was stunned, and Li Zhier said angrily: "Bad guy, can't you become a big man or a paper servant with a rat eye and a deer head and come out to try? Why use such a beauty? People?"

"Ahem...what is it for? How can there be so much attention?" I didn't dare to tell the truth, it was because my aesthetics hadn't changed to the point of making male paper servants. A big man, of course, looked at women. Don't look at men, how come you are so pleasing to the eyes.

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