Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 4776: : Minor

boom! Bang bang bang!

These beams are extremely far away, and their speed is ridiculously fast. At most, they are half a beat of the Infinite Heaven Sword. So once they are used, it is like a violent storm suddenly falling down wildly. A group of immortals are caught off guard, and they are instantly recruited!

The fierce attack attributes of this series are very different. Even if some immortals are good at one attribute to actively respond, it is difficult to defend against this crazy bombardment, so as long as one hit, this attribute sword energy can easily break the opponent's The protective cover is in direct contact with the body!

The blazing fire makes it difficult for everyone to scream. Some weapons are not good, and they break on the spot. The next step is the physical bombardment of the mortal body. Each of these attacks is a mysterious cannon level attack. , Let alone a person to resist, enemies in a line, it is difficult to resist this terrible beam.

Bang bang bang! The guard next to Li Yingchi was beaten half-length on the spot, and he himself couldn't stop the attack either. He couldn't even hold the sword with his right hand. In the end, he could only take out a shield to block my attack!

But my main goal is him. The second line of deficit attribute hits the shield surface. This shield is just like paper, and it is shattered on the spot, and his inner armor saved him, but this attribute hits directly. , There must be no way to prevent the hands and feet, and the left hand and left foot are instantly broken into particles!

Fortunately, he was out of the range of beam bombardment under the two bombardments, otherwise he would not be able to stop the third attack of the Nine Vein Heavenly Sword, because even the inner armor had exploded!

Even though the cultivation base was much higher than mine, Li Yingchi was inexplicably horrified in the face of my terrible attack, not to mention the immortal houses around him. Under the bombardment of the powerful Nine Vein Heavenly Sword, three or four fell. It's still that my cultivation base hasn't reached the Heavenly Dao Realm. If I can enter the Heavenly Dao Realm and have Tuxian Mie Shen in hand, the first round of the Nine Channels attack will probably have all been wiped out.

Snapped! But at this moment, my sword suddenly burst open. It seems that even a Grade 3 or 4 Divine Sword cannot withstand this crazy attack, and it was used up on the spot!

Seeing that the sword in my hand was broken, Li Yingchi and the remaining immortal family were like being amnesty, crazily trying to flee. I raised the extinguishing lamp and directly caught the three soldiers from the immortal family. , And then took out a third-rank Excalibur and chased Li Yingchi away!

This time Li Yingchi fell into fear again, almost screaming into the clouds!

Of course, after all, it is an attribute attack, and it is indeed a different consumption from the infinite sky sword. This mana directly dropped by one-third, and I had to swallow a golden core that can quickly restore mana!

The consumption of the physics department is more inclined to a superb performance, powerful and powerful sword, and the nine-veined heavenly sword needs to be able to resist the weak performance of the heavenly sword, but also needs to have an attack that can convert the nine-veined attribute. This is for the sword. The requirements and endurance of is extremely demanding. At present, with my cultivation base, I must start with a first-grade divine sword, and if my cultivation base rushes to the realm of heaven, I am afraid that only the divine sword of Tuxian Mie Shen is suitable for me to release the nine veins with all my strength. Heavenly Sword.

Seeing me chasing him to death, Li Yingchi immediately stepped on the flying sword and ran through the clouds and mist desperately, so that he could not die. This day, the thunder still rushed towards him frantically, which forced him to be injured. , Constantly condensing the Yujian Seed to separate its clones to resist the attack!

Different from the fractal shadow of my Tiantian Gong awakening, my fractal shadow focuses on having the same power as my own deity. In addition to the sword technique, the strength and endurance of this imperial sword are common, so it is against the sky thunder. Not bad, but it's not comparable to my fractal shadow when used for fighting.

Li Yingchi's speed is extremely fast, but I also have the strength that is not weaker than the endless power of Heavenly Dao. After all, the terrible output power brought by Yantian Gong's Nine Meridians in the Promise Realm is by no means inferior to the fairy family under the Chaos Realm.

Penetrating through the layers of thunderclouds, this Li Yingchi's broken hand and foot could not fully recover except to stop the bleeding, making him look extremely embarrassed. Whenever he looks back at me or releases intercepted treasures to me, You can see his stubborn face.

I didn't pay any attention to these intercepted treasures. A yin and yang sword aura blasted out, not only smashed the treasure, but also made him try his best to avoid it. This pressing step by step made his face pale in fright!

But after flying wild for about half a minute, Li Yingchi suddenly smiled coldly and said: "Don't chase the poor, don't you understand this simple truth?!"

I sneered and said, "There is no formation here. Hearing your words, it seems that many people have come?"

"Of course!" Li Yingchi gritted his teeth and said angrily, and immediately stopped. At this time, his hands and feet suddenly felt like a lot of strength, and he recovered all of a sudden. I thought this little boy had never had a fight!

I took advantage of this moment, the long sword struck Huashan with strength, and a sword slashed towards his head!

Of course Li Yingchi's rescuer is still behind, but this kid is too face-conscious, how can he be rags at this time and avoid him like a bereaved dog?

So he immediately drew a new sword and directly faced my attack!


In a flash, the two artifacts burst into sparks, causing us to bounce off each other. My golden core is still filling mana in my belly. Although this nine-veined sky sword is cruel, it must be used on the blade, so next, I He immediately sent the Infinite Sky Sword. In the close combat, after the attack stuck to Li Yingchi, he not only pierced his protective cover, even the clothes he had just recovered, and the fight continued to cut me through! His face was pale with anger, but he tried to keep calm.

"Little head!" Just when he was hesitating to flee under the dilemma of his own dilemma, the excitement of his support finally appeared. This inspired his desire to survive and the spirit of struggle, in my infinite sword Next, he frantically wanted to counterattack, frantically executed defenses, and even the Sword Sword was used to weaken my Heavenly Sword speed, just to show his might as a young master.

Of course I know what he pays attention to, so at the moment when he releases the sword seed, I waited for a long time before waiting for him to release the chance of the sword seed, and it hit him directly!

The next moment, he was full of agitation, and suddenly lost his ability to fly. Even the attack could not be used at once, the spell was invalid, the attack disappeared, and his soul was frightened. Even if he was a fool, he knew he was going to die!

At this time, he can only run away lifelessly, how can he control whether his image is stalwart? Without a small life, the face will lose even more!

The savior who rushed out of the clouds was Li Yuqi’s father Li Xiangan, and besides him, there were several immortal families with endless heavenly paths. These were one of the thirty-six sword immortals and the core of the guardian young master. !

Of course, a group of immortals all saw the embarrassment of their young master, and rushed to rescue him, but how could I not grasp such a good opportunity? In a flash, several swords stabbed Li Yingchi in the back of his heart and directly beat him into it. I was on the verge of a military solution, even though Li Xiangan had already arrived in front of me at this time and grabbed Li Yingchi, I still took out the extinguishing lamp and forced this guy into the lamp!

Li Yingchi didn't want to get out, just because he didn't want to take a long time to recover after the soldiers were disarmed, but even his dad couldn't hold my super road method and arrested me. What can this kid do?

Li Xiangan watched Li Yingchi's Taoist body gradually turn into particles, and his complexion changed constantly. Looking back and seeing his Young Master put me in the lamp, his heart trembled, "Little Master!"

"Little boss!"

A group of immortals all rushed towards me, but these are the elite of the elite. I don't need to waste too much time with them now, so as the battle between the two sides was about to start, I immediately used the transfer of power and transferred them to the cloud group. In!

What I didn’t expect was that this Li Yingchi’s support group was more than I thought. Just after a few transfers, more than a dozen of them rushed out of the cloud group, and some of them seemed to know that their little head had fallen into it. In my hands, one after another shouted and arrested people.

I sneered coldly, and now this cultivation base is not allowed even if I have one enemy and many, so I rushed back to the direction of the formation as soon as I turned around!

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