Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 4839: :fringe

Li Tianjing was trapped in the cave. It should be the reason why he escaped the catastrophe, because the others had already been burned to death. At least I didn't get a response to the call to Wu Xiaojun.

I also felt the extraordinary heat here. The Heavenly Sword used the power of the evaporating ground veins to arouse the breath of this interface, and then let the Heavenly Sword have no dead ends up and down, and all the breath was incorporated into the sword.

After the power of the earth veins is connected by countless lands, it is already astonishing. This is the basis for the sky sword to break free from the chain control, and it is also the scene that Li Tianjian wants to see most.

Now he succeeded in doing this, but he also died of countless immortal houses. Even though I had been dispatched before, the elite of the Heavenly Sword Immortal Clan still suffered countless deaths and injuries.

Now I can save one and count one. I immediately ordered Li Zixin to teleport us to the area where Li Tianjing is displayed. The sky-sighted mirror was really extraordinary, but it just made us appear in this underground space in an instant.

No wonder Li Tianjian was able to teleport at will in the Tianjian Mountain area.

Seeing me suddenly appear in the space, Li Tianjing's tears welled up with excitement: "The city lord is really a true celestial among true celestial beings. The old man thought it would take at least half a day to be saved. At that time, the outside was already burning in. How did you know that it came so soon!"

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, who else is hiding in this cave, but I have contacted you?" I asked.

Li Tianjing hurriedly said: "Li Zhengfeng! Li Zhengfeng doesn't seem to be dead!"

I secretly said that it’s too late for me to save Li Guxian at this time, so let’s forget about the others. When I rescue Li Guxian, let’s talk about other things, so I said, "Well, I will save Li Jianshen first, and the rest will come back. Do you know where Senior Sword God went?"

"It seems that you have entered the center of the earth where the Heavenly Sword is sealed! The details are probably only known to the Li family and his son!" Li Tianjing said quickly.

I was stunned. Then I looked at Li Zixin. Li Zixin shook his head and said, "How do I know what's going on here? When I implanted the end of the Heavenly Sword chain, I was destined to only look at the world. Can't peek into the heart of the earth."

"Find Li Zhengfeng and rescue him!" I could only gritted my teeth, and Li Tianjing was suddenly anxious: "Then what should I do? City Lord! You can't leave me behind!"

I didn't bother to talk with him, so I directly used the town tripod to carry them into the space. After all, You Wei and Gu Fei were also inside. There is no problem with one more person, as long as you don't open the Demon Realm Time and Space.

Li Zixin quickly passed us into another enclosed space. At this time, Li Zhengfeng and a few of his companions were working hard to resist the space door here, but the energy outside was scorching hot and transpiring like molten sun. I just came to them. By my side, I only heard a bang, and the gate here collapsed!

The three disciples of the Celestial Sword Immortal Clan evaporated on the spot, and could not even escape from the incorporeal body. Li Zhengfeng still wanted to rescue him, but these breaths made him too late to react. He only heard a loud bang. This Li Zhengfeng was there. There was a cloud of mist in front of me!

But I was also fast, and I waved him into the Xingxiu Lantern, and then let Li Zixin leave the area and came to another cave that had not been broken through the door!

I held the extinguishing lamp and asked, "Where is the flow of the earth? Where is your brother?"

Li Zhengfeng had lingering fears. At this moment, when I questioned, he didn't respond, until I coughed and pulled him back from his nervous thoughts.

"My brother came in at another entrance... The Earth Flowing Sea is a place where our heirs can come. It is a space opened up by my father over the years. Li Jianshen must have entered there. After all, she probably has nothing else to do. There is a chance to survive, if you save my brother, I will tell you how to enter!" Li Zhengfeng did not forget to let me save people at this time.

"Okay, I can save your brother, but it may not be successful." I nodded, only to be patient and let Li Zixin send us there, and after we searched for several exploration points that Li Zhengfeng thought was possible, but It was discovered that this place had already fallen, which made Li Zhengfeng's face pale and bloodless.

His father started all this with his own hands. He had killed his third brother himself before. Now, even if the second brother didn't die by his hands, Li Tianjian can also bear the blame.

Li Zhengfeng wailed, but at this moment, I didn’t have time to make him sad. I immediately asked about the situation in the Geocentric Flowing Sea space: "Your brother may not be dead. Maybe he went to the Geocentric Flowing Sea to be self-respecting, and where is that? Is there a shortcut!? I might go there and get a chance to save him!"

Li Zhengfeng came and gritted his teeth. Hearing what I said made him excited, and said quickly: "That is a space that temporarily drains the ground veins. The demon may also know that once this place falls, he wants to vent the power of the ground veins. This space is needed, so large formations are arranged on the bases of the chain, as the four corners of the earth's center of the sea. When I was young, it was difficult for me to break through the bottleneck, so I brought this demon head in. I did, but at that time I was still young and I didn’t know what it was! Later, because I missed the place, I never got in again. Maybe it was because of this, so the demon was right from then on. I'm always out of sight!"

I secretly said that Li Tianjian was really cautious, but it was a little too much to treat a child like this, not to mention whether he would leak the secret, anyway, he was also his own son, and he simply lost his inheritance rights. That would be too fussy.

"Lead the way!" I said quickly.

Li Zhengfeng looked at Li Zixin, Li Zixin giggled, and said coldly: "What are you looking at? Is it possible that you haven't seen me?"

"I also ask the city lord to let the sky-peel teleport us from here." Li Zhengfeng's virtual body waved in the extinguishing lamp, and several lines converged at one point, roughly the appearance of two triangles facing each other. Of course Xin couldn't understand.

"The other side of this magma array is the ocean of geocentric flow. Because it is the core area of ​​the entire molten lava, and the energy that flows slowly into the veins of the earth, we call it the ocean of geocentric flow, because the other side of the mirror After years of lava flow, it has gradually become a sea, hence the name." Li Zhengfeng said quickly.

I nodded, and then looked at Li Zixin. She quickly pinched her fingers to calculate, and then suddenly laughed again: "I didn't expect this big array to be so clever, I know where I went in."

Li Zhengfeng couldn't help saying: "This is impossible!"

"Hehe, of course the core of the earth veins is hard to find, and the place you are talking about should also be full of power, but I am different from you. I am not just very sensitive to regional flow, but I don't have such a strong sense of breath." Li Zixin It seems that we have mastered the principle, and before we say anything, it has taken us to a place that is no different from the ordinary molten land.

The heat here is rolling, but there is no hot boiling like the molten smelt outside. On the contrary, it is going down the ground vein. I looked at Li Zhengfeng in the Xiexu Lantern. Although he was curious why Li Zixin was so smart, he nodded and said. :"right here……"

"Is there an entrance authority or something?" I asked immediately.

Li Zhengfeng hesitated to speak, but Li Zixin said: "There is no entrance at all, or there is no need at all, as long as the formation is stable is enough."

Li Zixin took us all the way in quickly following the direction of the flow of the molten material, and the deeper the dive, the slower the flow of molten material below. After a while, there was nothing to continue flowing here, and even made me feel the ground. Gravity is reversed!

"Could it be that this is an opposing area like a mirror?" I asked in surprise.

"Hehe, the owner deserves to be experienced, and he can see through the mystery here!" Li Zixin laughed.

He Caoqin, who has been holding back silently, also said: "The people who made the big array here are really smart. Just now the molten slurry is rolling down, and what is filled is the sea in the mirror, and there is no need to export. It is also because of the molten slurry. No one knows that this silent exit exists in it. If we miss it a little bit, I'm afraid we will go to a different location."

"Exactly, this entrance is only ten feet in size, which is nothing in the whole underground." Li Zhengfeng said.

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