Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 4871: : Beiwang

When Li Poxiao heard this, he was even more angry, as fast as Thunderbolt, and as fast as Li Tianjian's escape. Li Tianjian could only be harassed by clones, and then broke into the chaotic vortex of Tianjian City. !

At this moment, the area of ​​this entrance was already full of strong ancient Chaos Qi, which was even more violent than before, and Li Zixin also took advantage of this moment, a beam of light blasted towards Li Tianjian!


As a result, the beam was completely ineffective against Li Tianjian, slapped him and slapped him away from the original track. Of course, this slap also made Li Tianjian's heart angry, and said: "Nie barrier, don't think that I was once a descendant of my Li family. Destroy you!"

"Really." Li Zixin giggled, she hated the Li family, let alone she is still half-smart now.

Li Tianjian looked at Li Zixin's expression and was so angry that he wanted to kill her, but he had no chance at all. Li Poxiao did not have Magic Sword Sky, and the launching process of Sword Song was very long, but his sword song was also designed to deal with my improvement. The model can actually be composed of sword songs while fighting, of course, the power is definitely not as powerful as the output of the stubs, but close combat without the opponent using the sword song can be considered as an advantage!

Li Tianjian stopped several times under Li Poxiao's close combat, and I also took advantage of this opportunity to tell Xijun and He Caoqin to copy Li Tianjian from the back, at least not to let him rush under.

But Xijun and He Caoqin are still patrolling and investigating the second floor area. We are separated by a space on the first floor, and it is difficult to stop Li Tianjian.

This Li Tianjian quickly turned into black particles, and then split a few ways to leave directly here, Li Poxiao glared at me and said: "Did you see it? He was just to cheat us from the beginning! Losing you, a Heavenly City Lord, also Give him tricks around!"

"Haha, Li Poxiao, I don't think it is necessary. We do this, in fact, it is mutual benefit, but it is a problem that Jiuzhongtian can't handle it, but be careful, I think it can still be operated." Xia Ruize smiled coldly, this He and I are on the same stand.

"Xia Ruize! You are the evil immortal leader, and you have always acted desperately. Naturally, you are willing to do so. As the evil demon, you and this Li Tianjian are just embarrassed!" Li Poxiao said angrily.

"Shut up!" Xia Ruize was also angry, and he quickly sneered at each other: "You mean that your star realm is righteous? If it's righteous, why fight with us for this place in Tianxi?"

"We don't want this place to fall into the claws!" Li Poxiao said.

"Then finally fell into your hands, why don't you say that your star realm doesn't eat and don't need chaotic resources?" Xia Ruize smiled.

Li Poxiao was speechless for a while, and the star realm had to eat. Since it is a war, it shouldn't be hungry. But this is a cycle of war. As long as you still deal with interceptions, you will inevitably plunder resources, because that is the number one. Along with productivity, it is also a necessity for each other's survival.

"Strong words!" Li Poxiao didn't plan to argue at this time, chasing Li Tianjian straight to the entrance of the first level.

Xia Ruize laughed and said: "Li Poxiao, now I am standing with Yitian, and the same outlet as Tiancheng, this chaotic aura can't all be considered bad, our nine-fold weather breath is getting scarce, this The chaotic air rushes in from here. After being diluted, it can be used by people. Of course, to isolate the immortal family that cannot extract the chaotic air, that is also what my generation of immortal families should do, so you don’t understand politics."

"I care about your politics! If the creatures incur disaster, you are the executioners! How can I let you go!" Li Poxiao said angrily.

But at this time, the first layer of space suddenly banged, and the atmosphere blasted out of the second layer of Heavenly Sword time and space frantically. Not only did we retreat from the air, we struggled to stay in shape, even Li Tianjian also Restored the state of Taoism, and showed a strange color.

"Old monster! I ate you!" Xijun's voice came from the lower level, and it was like a falling star, crashing into Li Tianjian!

Li Tianjian avoided Xijun directly, but at this time the sound of Lyra made Li Tianjian stunned for a moment, and then three white thorns like fish bones rushed straight into his heart, undoubtedly He Caoqin's attack!

Li Tianjian immediately wanted to pass by, but at this time, I took the opportunity to hit him directly with the Super Dao Method!

At this moment, Li Tianjian wanted to escape, but two of the three bone spurs missed, but one of them directly blasted into his left ribs. This made him couldn't help but change his face: "You!"

He Caoqin arrived behind Li Tianjian with a solemn expression, and said: "Friend Li Dao, you have hit my Xuanqin bone. Even if you seal off any of the holes and veins of the broken piano sound on your body, it will not be able to disconnect the influence of my piano sound, so don't do evil again Up."

"Friend He Dao, isn't it so good for the old man?" Li Tianjian gritted his teeth, and was behind He Caoqin in an instant. The long sword swished and pierced He Caoqin quickly, and we could all see the space shake. It should be The swordsmanship of the town was activated at the same time!

This is to kill He Caoqin!

However, I was not slow. The transfer of Jie Li turned He Caoqin away on the spot, but in the scene just now, He Caoqin was shocked, so he immediately took out the Lyra and slammed the strings!


When the strings rang, Li Tianjian's expression suddenly changed, and he quickly pinched the technique, trying to get out of the control range of the piano sound as quickly as possible!

But Li Poxiao is not a vegetarian. Soon, a sword fought with him, and Li Tianjian lost the time to chant the curse. Li Poxiao knew that one or two people could not kill Li Tianjian, so he gritted his teeth and said, "One day in summer! The necessary chaotic air should be enough now! Should we find a way to destroy the old demon! Or plan to live in the shadow of these radiations for our children and grandchildren!"

I thought about it, and I was indeed still hesitating to make a choice.

At this time, He Caoqin also discovered the subtle psychological activities between me and Xia Ruize, and immediately said: "One day, I am afraid that we will not do anything this time and let Li Daoyou continue to go on, the nine-layer seal of the Heavenly Sword will be broken by the breath. Before this ancient **** had sucked it up, it would be too late to regret by then. Now that the Heavenly Sword can stop and continue to deliver the chaotic air, only Fellow Li Daoyou can be controlled."

"Yes, the breath has rushed out of this passage to be too much, and the level is bulging like a ball. When the ancient immortal deliberately takes advantage of this time to open the exit, the nine seals of the heavenly sword will soon be unable to hold it, and we will face it. Ancient God!" The woman also took the opportunity to say.

I gritted my teeth. It seems that now is not the time to fetch chestnuts from the fire. It's time to seal Li Tianjian, at least digest the ancient chaotic energy outside first. And whether Li Tianjian is destroyed or not, it will be flexible at that time.

"Hehe, it seems that you don't intend to go with the old man anymore. Then, the old man can only complete this ancient work by himself and make the world more complete!" As a result of this hesitation, Li Tianjian instantly turned into particles. Continue to hide into the dense clouds, it should be straight to the entrance.

He Caoqin hurriedly flicked Tianqin. As a result, the dark shadows were left behind, but we rushed to attack, but we only wiped out these dark shadows, but failed to catch Li Tianjian, and instead let him rush to the second level of heaven. Sword time and space!

At this time, Li Guxian seemed to have a problem: "One day! Is this ancient Chaos Qi rushing out too quickly? The more I flew in just now, the surrounding area of ​​the Heaven Sword is all crystallized by the magic sword! It was sealed inside, and with such a fast condensation speed, I am afraid that the washing dust mountain outside has already fallen!"

Of course, there was an omen in my heart, but I didn’t expect that the Heavenly Sword would be so overbearing, so I said: "We are already chasing Li Tianjian and are about to enter the second floor. Don't collect these magical sword heaven crystals... "

Before I finished speaking, suddenly a sword song interrupted my thoughts in the cloud and fog behind the entrance: "Do you really think the old man is down? Since you are not the same, go to the stranger! The opposite of the cloud is Huajing , I didn’t want to be trapped in this mountain for many years! I have to wait for the Heavenly Sword to open up, and look to the sky to the north like a ripe melon! Heavenly Sword! Look! Wear! Autumn! Water!"

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