Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 4941: : Thief

"Don't worry, Uncle, this article was lent to me, and I borrowed the article to use your son's name Liu Zhao, and returned you to the glory of the rest of your life. It can be regarded as compensation for your bumps in most of your life but you have been so sad." I laughed. Tao.

"My boy, what do you mean? Why don't you understand the old man? You mean to live a glorious life under the name of the old man's son? That's impossible. The old man's hometown has only 10 acres of land and 30 people. , Even if the surname Liu died, only the old man was left, and he took back ten acres of land, the glory would not come..." The old man sighed bitterly, of course he didn't believe the guarantee I gave.

I smiled, and said: "Abo, to tell you the truth, the previous words were all made up by me. Since Abo is so calm with me, I will not keep it from you. I am really a disciple from my hometown Danlushan. , Under the orders of the first teacher, go down the mountain to save the world and help the people, and calm the world. As long as the world is peaceful, the Liu family will be more than ten acres of land?"

"Ah? Are you a fairy child?" The old man said in surprise.

"You can also say the same, but Bo, now that I have the identity of Liu Zhao, you are my father. You have to treat me as your own son. Keep your identity for me and don't let your secrets go." I laughed.

"Okay, but..." The old man still felt a little unbelievable, and I smiled: "Father, you are already alone, so what can't you do? The world is now smashed. It is the time to save the world and save the people. Everything you do is It’s for the sake of the world, and even Tiandao will not be stingy to help you."

"This...Okay, old man Liu Xu, he listened to the fairy's instructions... Anyway, where the old bones are thrown, they are just old meat that is about to enter the earth. The fairy has needs, so he can use it... "The old man nodded. Now he obviously has no better choice. He originally thought that there was still a way for him to flee here with his family, but he was the only one with the surname Liu.

I immediately asked Liu Xu about the situation in the imperial city. Liu Xu had been here for a few days and didn’t understand much. He told me that although there were still some, it was only enough for three months. I originally wanted to After entering the city, he asked his son and daughter-in-law to find a living to support his family. Now it’s all in the mirror. So these days, he washes his face in tears and has not received any useful information. He only knows that the monarch is now facing the invasion of the enemy’s northern kingdom and is unable to parry. At present, recruiting soldiers and buying horses, but also everyone betrayed their relatives.

However, Liu Xu’s hometown was expelled by the people of the imperial city. In fact, he did not complain. This northern state is a vassal of the southern state. It turns out to be a buffer place for the northeast of the two countries. , Said it is a buffer, in fact, it’s still big, and it’s just a land of bullets, but this land of bullets decisively defected to the North when the war was anxious, which caused the South to blame the North State for its failure. surrender.

It was this kind of accident that made the North State people actually become victims. They had no choice but to fall into the fate of fleeing to the South. The reason for this was that the people considered that after Northland took North State, they were likely to use themselves as guns. On the one hand, the people have long been accustomed to the rule of the South, and when they changed to the rule of the North, the gap was too big. You must know that the South was much stronger than the North at the beginning. Of course, the people still think about the South. There are countless people, and the Liu Xu family is one of them.

But the people of Northland are in this heart. The people of the Southland don’t look so much and regard them as traitors. Even if they can’t beat the current Northland, they will inevitably humiliate Northland. This is why Liu Xu stumbled before. A scene of declining escape from the city.

"Father, the crime of traitor must be washed away. Since the people of Northland have this heart, we should make a comeback and wash away this notoriety!" I said immediately.

"No? The old leader of North State died of illness, and his youngest son came to the throne, but became the power of women and women. This allowed the traitorous officials of the southern kingdom to take advantage of them and put the people in the water and fire. They did not serve the emperor. The name of the country..." Old Liu Xu burst into tears.

"How about the monarch of this southern country?" I asked.

Liu Xu was stunned for a moment, and then said: "The monarch... the old man also didn't know. Only along the way, he heard that the monarch ignores politics day by day and sings night by night. He has ignored us North State and has no intention of caring about the South. The North Country is getting stronger...but you must not tell outsiders about this matter, for fear of causing disaster."

"Father, I wouldn't be like this." I was relieved quickly, thinking that there must be some old ailments in this southern country, otherwise how could it end up here, and the northern country has joined Ling Tian. If the command is done properly, it will only It is getting stronger and stronger, and now I must bring the southern country back on track before Ling Tian takes power.

"Then Zhao... Zhaoer, what should our father and son do now?" Liu Xu asked.

"Go to the city first. Since there are still entanglements, Father, find a place to settle down first, and I will think of other ways." As I said, I took Liu Xu to the city, although I was dressed in a simple and weird suit. Heipao, but because of the writing, he entered the city without being blocked.

There are still a lot of refugees in Northland. Even though Northland is now a territory of Northland, when the refugees fled back to the territory, they have already been stamped with customs clearance. As for the war, it is of course impossible to stamp again. There is no border stamp. Zhang's article is equivalent to not being a citizen of the South.

Entering the city, the capital of this big country still looks like it, but it is obviously crowded at the moment. It can be seen that many people have moved here with their families. It is no wonder that Liu Xu can't even stay in a restaurant, so he drove people out of the inn.

Of course, I did not go directly to the inn, but took Liu Xu into the old street. I found a family of three whose children could not eat enough to eat. After explaining my intention, this family was really willing to accept Liu Xu. After all, ours The condition is to take out the rest of the package to cover the overnight expenses, and to tide over the current difficulties.

The family can't eat enough, and they don't care about Liu Xu's identity. After all, this does not include me in it, so the family is quite happy.

After placing Liu Xu, I immediately teleported into the palace in the capital city. Only then did I enter the palace. As expected, all the guards were stunned, and then crazily shouted the assassin, asking me to be accused.

After disappearing where I was, I reappeared in the main hall. As expected, there was no one in the main hall at this time, and even the guards began to run to the position where I first appeared. I walked all the way from the main hall into the side hall, and then walked in. I went to the palace and watched a group of waiters trot by with pots of melon and fruit dishes. They used washbasins to hold things. Although the customs were weird, I thought this should be food sent to the emperor, so Just follow along.

The person who shouted the assassin outside could not catch people. I think it was a supernatural incident. The maid and the maid here had a trot, but still did not change the destination, so I soon followed to a garden. .

What I didn't expect was that the center of this Hua Ting was actually a hot spring with guards all over the surrounding area, and the emperor was taking a group of beautiful women naked to take an open-air bath. These beautiful women danced in the clouds and mist of the hot spring. At first glance, it looked like a fairy in a fairyland. Of course, the emperor had a happy heart, let alone the surrounding guards. All of them flushed, panting, and pouting their buttocks, for fear of showing some problems.

And the waiter with the washbasin quickly put these dishes, fruits, and wine into the hot springs, and pushed them to the emperor and the female dancers. This enjoyment can definitely be called the wine pond meat forest.

I quickly shrank and came to the emperor.

When the intoxicated emperor found out that there was me instead of a beautiful woman in front of him, he was so frightened that even a group of beautiful women hurriedly squatted into the water with their hands on their chests.

"Why? The guards can look at you, but my disciple of the fairy family can't watch?" I chuckled, but these beauties were so scared that no matter what I said.

At this moment, all the Ouchi guards couldn't move because of the female sex. With one extra leg, it was really difficult to save them all. Only one or two jumped into the water decisively, but the pool was quite large. , Waiting for them to come, I kill the emperor three times is enough.

"Who are you!?" The emperor was scared in his heart, but he still yelled.

"If you remove the guards, I will be an immortal disciple to help you come to the world, but if you let the guards come to get me, then I will be a courtier and thief, and I will take your life here." I smiled coldly.

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