Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 4984: : Coming


The small swordsmanship was constantly bombarding. Seeing that Xia Ruize was afraid that he was going to be popular, I immediately prepared to intercept, but Dongfang Fu grabbed me and said, "Wait, it's better to be like this this time, protect for a while. , Can't protect the whole life."

"Xiaoxue is going to be a widow! And the two children Yu Xin and Xiao Yi!" I took a deep breath in my heart.

At this time, Xia Ruize was really covered in blood. After all, his mana was easily empty. Even in that battle against ancient immortals, he had never seen it so easy!

The Little Heavenly Sword is indeed too strong, and Li Poxiao now is enough to become an existence that defies the world.

"Lee! Break! Dawn!" Xia Ruize roared and released Na Ling Fa, and the surrounding energy, including me and Dongfang Fu's energy, was continuously absorbed by him!

Both Dongfang Fu and I didn't stop the loss of power. Although we couldn't help him, it was still within our power to provide a little strength.

Xia Ruize’s mana regained a small amount, but Li Poxiao only paused and glanced at me, then waved the small sky sword. It seemed that he had decided to kill Xia Ruize. This glance was actually telling me: He has decided. !

I took a deep breath, but Dongfangfu continued to hold me back, and said, "Even so... But how many people are like this in the world? Is it possible that you can help? Fortune is always something you can do at will. To give, isn’t this world chaotic enough? Properly let go, perhaps without breaking or standing, Xia Ruize has always been a rock in your heart?"

I looked at Dongfang Fu, almost a little breathless, but the obsession in my heart has nothing to do with Dongfang Fu, my obsession is Xia Ruize should die today!

"Ohhhhhhhhhhh!" The black dragon roared frantically. At this moment, seeing his master in a crisis, he was willing to let it go. Even if the green bull took the opportunity to gain the upper hand, it was not the reason why he could not save his life. The whole body was full of power, and saw it burst out with hot black light, rushing towards Li Poxiao frantically!

There were blood stains on the corner of Xia Ruize's mouth, and his body was full of sword wounds caused by small swordsmanship. At this moment, he was still glaring at Li Poxiao, ready to fight to the death!

"Dead!" Li Poxiao's great swordsmanship blasted out in an instant, only to hear a loud noise, the light beam suddenly slammed into the black dragon, and directly blasted towards Xia Ruize!

Xia Ruize's black sword waved and banged, and the long sword was interrupted instantly, including he also flew out. My eyes couldn't help but condensed. Xia Ruize was already half-worn, and the sword in his hand was broken. No more hands.

The black dragon struggled up, and when he rushed towards Li Poxiao again, he finally vomited: "Boy...go! You can't beat him, why not go!!"

"Where to escape...where to escape!? You! Let! Get on!" Xia Ruize's eyes were as red as a raging fire. At this time, another sword was turned out with his left hand, and he immediately followed the black dragon behind, the sword leaning forward, as if I want to follow the black dragon, and Li Poxiao you must die!

Li Poxiao curled his eyebrows. Such a bitter drama was unnecessary for him. Now he has decided to kill Xia Ruize!


The small swordsmanship blasted out and hit the black dragon, and the black dragon seemed to know that Xia Ruize was going to rush over and die with Li Poxiao, so while the physical body intercepted the small swordsmanship, while struggling, a tail swept Xia Ruize away. It I don't want Xia Ruize to die!

"Black Dragon!" Xia Ruize left tears in his eyes. Seeing the black dragon hit dozens of swords, his grief and anger finally reached its limit.

"Boy! I'll die and replace him!" The black dragon roared wildly at this moment.

This sentence was addressed to me.

It knows that I don’t help Xia Ruize at this time, but I have my problems, but I can’t help it. It must use all its strength, including friendship with me, and now, it wants to use this strength for its partners to survive. .

"Stop..." I gritted my teeth, the God Destruction Sword in my hand appeared in my hand, and Dongfang Fu saw that I was about to make a move, but he always held me tightly: "One day, you think about it!"

"Lee! Bro! Xiao! I will kill you! I will kill you! I will kill you!!!" Xia Ruize roared wildly, the tears in his eyes evaporated, and the blood turned into two steaming red mists, and crazy red Black hostility, constantly scouring his body, a beam of runes, even rising from his body, but this force that soars into the sky is intermittent when communicating with the world, and still can’t communicate with the power of the world. !

I know that he is already in a state of trance, his anger has reached a state of unconsciousness, and he wants to communicate the coming of the magic way. This is his most blazing cry for power.

He needs the channel power of this innate nine sons!

"The magic way comes! The magic way comes! The magic way comes! Come! Come!! Come!!!!" Xia Ruize roared, repeating the pursuit of power.

After all, the black dragon couldn't resist Li Poxiao's attack, and was beaten to pieces on the spot. The Void Spirit turned into a dragon shape in the night sky, and could only serve as the soul that entangled Li Poxiao, but could do nothing about the scene before him.

Li Poxiao slowly moved his head to Xia Ruize, and the sword in his hand clenched a little bit again. At this time, he didn't hesitate anymore, he even became more determined!

"This sword won't make you too painful." Li Poxiao's eyes were half-squinted. At this moment, it was finally here that Xia Ruize would not die too embarrassingly. In fact, he respected his opponent.

I dragged Dongfang to death, seeing that the blue bull was about to **** the remnant soul of the black dragon with his nose, I waved the soul cloak and snatched the remnant soul back, and facing the dying Xia Ruize, my eyes slowly Closed up.

I don’t know if this is good or bad, right or wrong. If Xia Ruizewan died for decades, he would be my brother after all. I don’t know if I should save him now, or It is to let him die under Li Poxiao's sword.

My guilt for Xia Ruize is not much, but Yu Xiaoxue is even more guilty for not finding her a stable life. Of course, there are also two children, Xia Yuxin and Xia Xiaoyi.

Now, as long as I close my eyes for a while, Xia Ruize will die.

Everything will be wiped out, and there will be no Xia Ruize in this world, and there will be more orphans and widows...

"The magic way comes! The magic way comes! The magic way comes! The magic way comes..."

Xia Ruize's voice was still lingering in his ears, and the next moment, Li Poxiao's voice also sounded, including Dongfang Fu, and also faintly expressed his own opinions: "Smelly boy, open your eyes and take a look. Look at him for the last time, life is full of clouds, everything is empty, sometimes it is not a good thing to live, and it is not a bad thing to die...

boom! Boom!

The small sword technique was launched instantly, and Li Poxiao’s attack was released to the extreme this time. His determination was fully demonstrated at this moment, and every move was straightforward. Every time the sword in his hand rushed out, it was an incomparable strength. , Every blow hits Xia Ruize's key!

No mercy.

Although Xia Ruize could not bring the magic path to come, but the spirit of the spirit and the arrogance of the magic path made him constantly condense in his trance, even if he hit the small swordsmanship several times in a row, he still stubbornly held on, the whispering call whispered, as if It never ends.

"Die!" Li Poxiao took a deep breath, and then the sword in his hand collapsed to its limit. This was a sign of the big sword technique. The small sword technique consumed Xia Ruize's remaining strength. This blow was doomed to death. Up.


The Great Sword Technique hit Xia Ruize in an instant, and I gritted my teeth. This time, I was obviously unable to return to heaven. No matter who it was, it would be impossible to survive the full attack of such a small heavenly sword.

However, what surprised Dongfang Fudu and I was that after this rune beam sword hit Xia Ruize, there was no single blow to kill him, because after the sharp sword sound, there was still a repeating murmur. ...

"The magic way comes... the magic way comes... comes..."

Dongfang Fu and I both took a breath of air-conditioning. I don't know how Xia Ruize blocked this full blow, because he should be in an instinctive state of enchantment!

Li Poxiao was also shocked, with unbelief in his eyes!

Everyone's eyes converged to the core again, and at this time the sword light was condensed, blocking the truth of Li Poxiao's great swordsmanship, and finally showing us before our eyes!

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