Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 5132: : Hold power

"Isn't it that the guardian of the immortal world does not melt into the Zen Daotian!?" Grand Master's face was gloomy, the sword in his hand pointed at Shengu Xingtian, and I gave Grandpa Grandpa move back and gradually towards Leichi. I also know that Grandpa Grandpa is now Facing the current situation of Daojie, Immortal Body, and Xingzi Shengu Xingtian, he was not sure of winning. If he took care of me, he would probably be taken advantage of by the opponent.

So I was also backing away, but a group of Dao Jie took the opportunity to stop in Lei Chi's direction. It was like closing the door and letting the dog go.

"Haha...Senior brother, you are still as naive as before, and no wonder you are getting closer to the younger sister. You two are both of the same type. Compared with you, the brothers and sisters are ashamed. Of course, you know some secrets too late, but you don’t need to think that there is anything wrong with it. Now, the big brother is going to tell you why right now?" Shengu Xingtian laughed, a big smile Senior brother takes care of his expression.

The arrogant Patriarch smiled coldly and said: "What secrets are not secrets, but your conspiracy and conspiracy, I disdain to listen to it. When you are all dead, this conspiracy and conspiracy will be gone. No?"

"Brother, don't be so anxious. Brother, I haven't seen people for a long time. I want to talk to you more for a while, and I want to solve the things that have confused you for thousands of years, but I can't figure it out, right? "Shengu Xingtian smiled.

Grandpa Grandpa couldn’t help but twist his eyebrows, and his mother swallowed his father. No matter how cold the feelings were, it was hard for him to accept, but he also couldn’t figure out that his own perception would be subverted. How far is the end, so he couldn't help but want to listen to the reasonable explanation of the big brother in front of him!

"Junior brother, we were all cheated. We have been guarding the immortal world for so long. The real reason is that we have to continuously provide fortune to Master. I was the first to dismantle the star son that Master asked us to guard. You all think this is an act of destroying the realm, but I have tried it first... Ha ha, if not, do you think there are still you? No, there is nothing." Shengu Xingtian laughed. Then he said: "Those who are not afraid of being insulted on their backs and risking the danger of extinction will become your saviour in the end. What do you think of Junior Brother? Do you think it is a great irony?"

"What do you mean?" Patriarch stunned for a moment, but I took a breath and couldn't help asking: "This star comes from the Divine Sword Xing Tian Wanfa, and Master Chuang Dao swallowed Master Chuang Dao. Hao Shen Jing's control, and then relying on the Xingtian Wanfa and Hao Shen Jing..."

"Oh, where is this clever boy, who is so exciting? Brother, are you picking up treasures? Is it the kid's idea to remove these stars? In my impression, you are not so smart, are you?" Shengu Xingtian looked at me in astonishment, his face full of approval.

But my face is not very good-looking. If according to my imagination, this immortal world is trapped in treasures, it will indeed become an inexhaustible collection of Qi Luck. For those who have proclaimed the Tao, of course there is nothing. Worry about!

"Then you guessed wrong, big brother, don't forget, I wanted to stop these breaking formations early in the morning!" Grand Master snorted coldly. Of course, this is not a robbery.

Shengu Xingtian laughed, and then said: "Brother, let this kid say, don't interrupt, let him guess what Master wants to do."

Grand Master Grandpa smiled coldly and said: "As our big brother, you have always been insidious and cunning. You have always taken care of your own interests in what you do. If you dismantle Xingzi, don't you have other self-interested purposes?"

"Haha, so what? If I hadn't brought the stars here and got trapped here, you would still be able to live for ten thousand years? I am afraid that someday the master becomes impatient and feels that the luck is getting less and the start has already started. I've finished the astrolabe and ate you all!" Shengu Xingtian said.

Grand Master took a look at me, and I nodded to prove that this is possible. After all, the master of the astrolabe may still be in Master Chuang Dao’s body. Now Master Chuang Dao’s Taoism has been annexed, that means that the entire interface is In the opponent's hands, it is not all he has to say.

However, Shengu Xingtian became the most unstable disciple. He picked up a star and came here first, so that the entire interface was not controlled by the master of creation, so the plan was variable!

"Huh, even so, doesn't this Dao Jie come down the same way, and the Dao Jie will take away if the luck is different? Our immortal world has been getting less and less luck for thousands of years. The Xian family is about to die long ago, and we have to steal it from the nine heavens. To survive for luck, one year or ten thousand years is just the difference between a fast knife and a slow knife! The result is the same!" Grand Master snorted coldly.

"As time goes by, it will be different. At least, brother now has the luck against the sky, enough to prove the Dao, and don’t you have to wait for you, brother? Now that the brother is about to hand over power, you have to find a way to prove , After all, in order to avoid the master being too angry, the senior brother also waited for thousands of years..." Shengu Xingtian smiled triumphantly.

"What do you mean? What have you done over the past ten thousand years?" Grand Master was taken aback.

"Isn’t that clear? Over the past ten thousand years, Master has eaten less and I have eaten more. The brother has become stronger, but Master has not reaped too many benefits in this world, which means he has become weaker, otherwise Senior brother hurried up, isn't it going to be swallowed by the master? Senior brother doesn't want to be the second master." Shengu Xingtian laughed.

"Shameless, you are more shameless than the old man!" Grand Master gritted his teeth, I secretly said that Shengu Xingtian is really smart, no wonder Grand Master is afraid of this guy.

"Shameless? It's just relative speaking, brother, you are too innocent, and your mother is so kind to you that you haven't inherited any of the fur from the master. Haha, no wonder the master doesn't like you anymore. Will the domineering overlord like a child like you? He will definitely think that you can't inherit his family business and will eventually be eliminated..." Shengu Xingtian laughed.

Master Patriarch had bleeding through his eyes. Obviously, after knowing the result, his heart was on the verge of rage!

I can also be regarded as understanding the great master of the preaching father, I actually counted my son and wife, and let a group of disciples guard the big formation for myself, and after continuously extracting the whole fairy realm for his proof, I was able to continuously obtain it. Luck, in this way, how could other witnesses beat him?

It is really selfish and selfish. Of course, this game of chess has been played well, and even I have to admire the cunning and cruelty of this founder.

Of course, when designing, there are always all kinds of chickens and eggs. This Shengu Xingtian is a factor of this restlessness. I am afraid that over the years, the founder of Taoism has not suffered less.

"In fact, brother, what use is it for you to hold these stars without using them? It's better to give them to me first. As long as I succeed in proving the Dao, it will also give you great benefits. I will definitely not treat you all like Master. If the pot is simmered, I will still find a way to protect you, because now the master’s luck is far less than me. When the time comes, the brother will go up, and he will definitely restrain the master, or simply eat him. What do you think? Of course, the premise It was you who stopped this big formation first, and then sent all the stars here, what do you think?" Shengu Xingtian urged.

"The luck of the immortal world has been extracted for you. What do you want the stars to do? Is there any conspiracy?" Patriarch asked vigilantly.

Of course I know that Shengu Xingtian still has something to say. If this were not the case, how could we collect Xingzi? I have already preached the Dao, and there must be a bigger secret in the astrolabe below, but the other party will definitely not tell this secret, and I need to uncover it with Patriarch!

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