Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 5189: : Wandering

My face was gloomy, and the old guy was secretly pitted. This is actually not the deity, which means that the other party is still outside, and Kunpeng and I are in the water of impotence. Of course, now I have no alternative, including the treasure of the impotence Should have fallen into the hands of others.

In order to make better use of the impossibility, I have re-arranged this treasure a long time ago. After all, this is a super life-saving treasure left by the Grand Master, so as long as I am willing, I can still see the situation outside. Even trying to pull someone in is just a matter of effort.

But the problem is that there is still a robbery in the water of impotence, and it is rushing towards me frantically at this moment!

Kunpeng has already been fighting with Dao Jie. This big bird like a soup chicken is very clumsy in the water. Under the repeated attacks of Dao Jie, it is of course passively beaten. I immediately waved the tears of the sky, and did not hesitate to do it. The Dao Tribulation was chaotic, and I was no longer the me I used to be. With tears to open the sky, it was too simple for this thing to kill a Dao Tribulation. It would cut this thing to the Dao Tribulation Crystal. Finally, it was corrupted and annihilated by the water of inability.

After I got rid of the Dao Tribulation, I immediately reached out and touched my eyes, and soon the whole barrier turned into a transparent color, allowing me to clearly see the situation outside, including Kun Peng seeing it, and there was a burst of excitement.

But at this time we have fallen into Xia Ruize's hands. This guy didn't personally take the Inability Realm. After all, Dao Jie had been dragged in directly by me just now. He was also afraid that something would happen, so he held the square in his hand. The imprisonment was a robbery that looked like a zombie. The robbery looked at this thing solemnly, with curiosity on his face.

If I want to pull someone in, unless the other person touches the impossible, I can’t send the other person in. Xia Ruize is sinister and cunning, and of course I won’t take this thing recklessly, and the skinny old man also appeared before. Before him.

The old man smiled and looked at the impossibility that I was in, and said, "This is a good thing. Looking at the Pinxu, I'm afraid it will have a realm."

"Master, would you like to show what this thing is? I tried magical attacks, but all disappeared. Could it be something that can break the world's ten thousand laws? Chuck..." Xia Ruize smiled gloomily When I got up, I stretched out my fingers and flicked it. I suddenly felt that the world was spinning around, and it was obvious that the impossibility in Daojie's palm was flying.

When he stopped again, he was already turned away from the old man. This old fellow was also very sinister. He immediately controlled a Dao Jie to catch this impossibility, and then soon began to check this thing.

I don't dare to deal with the entrusted Dao Jie of the Unlimited Realm at this time. After all, these two sinister masters and disciples must not know that I can still activate the Unable Realm inside.

The old man's white clothes looked like a righteous god, but he often had a smile at the corner of his mouth. If he was not a good person, he was definitely the worst kind. He was also very shrewd, and he hit the impossible with several spells. Undoubtedly, not only the water of inability cannot absorb spells, but the cage is also an artifact. How could it be possible to accept his spells?

So spells are not effective against it. The area where I am now is an absolutely safe area. Even if it comes to the Taoist Realm, I can’t help it.

"If I'm not wrong, this thing should be made by the bones of opening the sky that was famous in the immortal world. These things that opened the sky can't be followed by all laws in the world... They are the top things between heaven and earth. Back then, even in order to find these things, we old things did not fight for them less, as long as they appeared even once, we would fight for a bloodshed...hehe...good stuff..." the old man was grimly Said.

"Bone of Kaitian?" Xia Ruize's expression condensed, and he quickly asked: "This bone is carved like this, and it is as dense as a cage. There seems to be liquid flowing inside, and there are runes everywhere... I am afraid it is a powerful bundle. An existence like a **** or a safe house?"

The old man pinched his fingers randomly, apparently calculating something. After a while, he sneered and said, "Hey, back then, Mrs. and Mrs. Meng Xuanru got a relatively complete piece of bone and marrow. I think it was used for it. After making this thing, we old guys, it’s not that we have never gotten other things. Naturally, we understand these masters of all dharmas very well. They are the most apex of existence in the world's most treasures, and every thing is just casual. With hands, it can become the treasure of Proving Dao, and once this thing has a master, if it is not for knowing how to use it, and making changes from it, I am afraid that even the old folks cannot control them, as for this thing. , It might even be a demon."

I secretly scolded this old guy for being treacherous and cunning, and I could see through this thing at a glance, and I also called out the origin accurately. It seems that my plan to catch them in came to no avail.

However, sometimes things happen frequently. Just when I felt that this trip was going to be designed for them, suddenly the old man reached out and took the impossibility into his hands, played with it carefully, and tried to directly use the spell. Control and crack this prison!

As soon as I saw that the opportunity could not be lost, I would not come again, and immediately chanted the spell, and instantly pulled the old man in!

As a result, after the old man entered the water of the impossible, he actually laughed strangely, and then the skin was still hydrated, and he suddenly changed back to the appearance of Daojie!

My face is gloomy, it's not that I cheated him, he made me cheated!

I swiped my sword and killed the incarnation of the Dao Jie with three strikes and five halves. Outside, Xia Ruize sneered, watching a Dao Jie turning into an old man again, and said: "Hey, Master is good at it, this The thing is really dangerous, that means it is impossible to take it down?"

"Haha... you deserve to be the son of destiny. We have played this heaven-opening thing to such a degree. Since we can't destroy this thing, we can't take him as our own. I'm afraid that now our master and disciple talk, this kid still Staring inside..." The old man looked at Xia Ruize with a smile.

"Hey, my younger brother is cunning and wise, he is best at finding gaps, but now that he is in my hands, there is no reason to escape... He doesn't plan to come out... Then he will never get out..." Xia Ruize looked towards After reaching the direction of the Daotian, I took a picture of the impossible, pulled me to a place far away, and said with a smile: "One day, brother will give you another chance... lest you say that brother will not listen to you again If it's time, come... come out, our brothers should think about it, if there is anything we can't discuss... But if you don't say anything, it will be uncomfortable if you hold this hot potato..."

I didn't speak. Isn't going out at this time to seek a dead end?

"You can't come out? That's no wonder Big Brother... Big Brother isn't very obedient recently. If he accidentally slips you into this Proving Dao Heaven, no one can find you..." Xia Ruize laughed. , This is to throw me into the Zen Daotian!

My heart jumped, isn't this guy really going to throw me in? When you fall into the depths of the Daotian, you will become a wandering person. Even if you drift aimlessly, the key is that there is nothing in this water of impotence, and it will continue to consume energy. Isn't it bad for me to die? dead? The key ran out and immediately melted Zheng Daotian. This was simply a result. There were two ways to die, either tortured or died in seconds!

"Brother knows that you can hear it, come out quickly, it's so squiggly inside, and you have entered Zen Dao Tian... I believe this thing will not break for a while, but you will never be able to come out. How lonely... The surrounding area is vast, and I will never see my wife, children, or young anymore..." Xia Ruize continued to scare me.

But I won't come out, after all, coming out now is a dead end, maybe I will give the other party back torture.

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