Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 5254: :momentum

"We questioned the abilities of Li Poxiao and Yusong seniors, and then the seniors proposed to let Li Poxiao go out to collect soil. When this kid went out to collect sand and block the entrance, he took the lead to block the exit so that he could not come in, and gave it to Sheng Daotian. Destroyed." I said through the voice.

"Haha, it's so simple? What should the old man do about this?" Shandao looked at me in doubt.

I smiled and said, "I will raise this matter, and Li Poxiao will certainly refute it in all kinds of ways, and here only Tianhe and seniors are the oldest. If you propose it, he will not dare to deny it. Even Tianhe must have nothing to say. If this exit collapses in an accident, no one is to blame, and even if my first method works, their side must be split internally."

"Oh? Why is there an internal division? What's the emphasis?" Shan Dao asked immediately.

"The earth-shattering beast fills the entrance, but I can find a way to control it. When the whole cave collapses, don’t you have to blame the earth-shattering beast? Yusong can be considered as a backing for us, as for the specific operation methods. , It’s all coming down to do it.” I continued to speak.

"Okay, that's it." Shandao smiled, then looked outside the entrance that had already started to block halfway, and said: "Hehe, Yusong, I thought it would be a little safe to let you help this kid to plug the gap. But seeing that you two are blocked like this, it's just like children playing. If the aura of the path is weaker, you can barely deal with it. But now that the aura of the path is generally suppressed, what is the use of the blocking? Or? Say you know you are imminent, and you want to die with us?"

As soon as these words came out, Li Poxiao stopped condensing his eyebrows, and Yusong Old Dao smiled bitterly and asked: "Friends of the Taoist priest, this sealing hole will be constrained in a while. How can it be unsafe?"

"The entrance of this cave is showing a momentum of rushing downwards. We are all inside. Do you want to ram the sand out? Or are you willing to sacrifice this earth-shattering place and throw it outside to fill our entrance?" Shandao Asked immediately.

"This... we can let Fellow Li Daoyou fill up and absorb these sands and stones with the method of absorbing spirits. Big stones block large areas and small fill gaps. Wouldn't it be strong?" Yusong knows that Shandao doesn't believe it. , So he pulled on Lao Li again, and Lao Li also gave face. As soon as he found out that the spiritual method was not a problem, he nodded and said, "Daoist Yusong is very kind."

"Good shit, such a stupid way, you can think of it, it should be to build countless sand, gravel and even boulders on the top of the mountainside of the outside gate, and the more the better, wait until the number is enough to bury our entrance. At the time, remove the baffle of the fixed sand and gravel outside, and let the gravel roll down to form a torrent, covering our exit. This is the safe way! Isn't it a trifling matter for you to simply fill this place?" Smart, I also spoke out my thoughts decisively.

"The approach of a good Taoist friend is preferable, but this time is limited..." Old Yusong looked unhappy, and decided to push the time.

At this time, Xie Tong, Ruan Matchmaker, and Xu Baishi, who were not too big to watch the excitement, all looked at each other, thinking that Shan Dao should be deliberately embarrassing Li Poxiao and Yu Song, and they immediately stood up to help.

"All immortals, safety is the most important thing! I support the saying of kindness." Ruan Matchmaker laughed.

"What you want now is safety and time. We all encourage you to fight for it. It is still possible to support it in your heart." Xie Tongyin also smiled grimly.

"That is, I think what kindness said is the best way. You build a wall outside first, and wait until the sand is enough to collapse to bury the entrance, then we are safe! Isn't there any other terrible beast? It should help quickly, discuss it here, and the aura of proving Dao will come soon." Xu Baishi smiled with half-squinted eyes.

Yusong glanced at Tianhe Old Road, and Tianhe nodded. He felt that this method was more at ease. Moreover, he looked at it and felt that we should not be able to do tricks.

Li Poxiao looked at me and saw that I was expressionless, neither instigating nor uttering a word. He felt that this matter had nothing to do with me, and that it was a temporary decision made by Shan Dao for safety, so he got along with Yusong. After getting angry, I went out to build up the gravel.

Because each other is old society, it is impossible to accept other people's help for no reason. These righteous people can't let the evil way help, so Shandao and they just waited aside. Qingwei and I are too high, Liulisha, Qingwei Of course Xin wouldn't help, just watching, and at this time there was still a lot of enlightenment aura blowing in. This aura could dissolve the immortal family's body, of course, he had to blow it away with the Eight-Faced Star Dou Banner.

There is a terrible beast, Li Poxiao and Yusong are very fast, and there is a large pile of boulders and gravel piled on the top of the mountainside on the top of the cave, and these boulders and sand will not fall down. There are several giant small heavenly swords, as long as anyone takes away these small heavenly swords, a mudslide will form immediately, and sand and gravel will roll down.

It seems that Li Poxiao is also very defensive, so he condensed a small sky sword to block this mudslide and also facilitate his control.

Of course I had expected this a long time ago, but sometimes it is not necessary to take away these little heavenly swords to prevent Li Poxiao from entering. After watching the periphery, everyone returned to the cave with satisfaction.

"Li Xiaoyou is still quite reliable. He would actually use this method. In this way, as long as the small sky sword is cancelled, when the mudslides roll down, our place will be blocked, and the breath cannot be eroded." Li Liang laughed Hehe said.

I smiled coldly, and said, "Even if the mudslides flow down, but the weather is pervasive, no matter how tight the sand and gravel are, it is impossible to make them breathless. You will know by then, if this Taiqing site goes out. It’s too late. We will all be over. I pray that it will be pushed back to the Jade Fairy area."

These words undoubtedly poured cold water on the Righteous Immortal Family, all of them stared at me with eyebrows, Li Liang said unconvincedly: "Everything is up to your kid, if you have the ability to come up with a solution, and this is The good way, is it possible that you are more sophisticated than the good way experience?"

Shan Dao pretended not to deal with me, and said: "Boy said that, what can you do? Then show it to everyone. The old man thinks it is good, but he also praises you. If it is not good, the old man will take it. You are asking, how? Of course, if you can't get it out, don't blame the old man for destroying you!"

"Be calm and not restless, and listen to Xiaoyou Xia's thoughts." Tianhe is the momentum of the team boss.

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