Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 5306: : Blocked

"Hehe, one day, you are still so cunning, then if you can't come back to your pseudo-Sky City, can you also leave a written notice to incorporate all the elites of the Nine Heavens into my side?" Huashen Jun laughed.

"If you want to be beautiful, you are ruthless and righteous, and there is no bottom line to kill. I won't die. Relax. If you are lucky enough to not die with Chaos, I will stand in front of you when you look back." I said coldly. , And then took Shandao all the way to the northwest.

Sure enough, Xia Ruize was no longer visible from the back. Obviously he was chasing Li Poxiao. Xia Ruize knew that chasing me not only won't get any benefits, but might also defeat me. So now we are attacking Li Poxiao. The Twelve Heavenly Swords and the Great Heavenly Sword are two super treasures. These two things should have been the most suitable for him. It was Li Poxiao who intervened to get him finally got the Purple Sword. This matter is probably in his heart. Huai, of course he refuses to let it go now.

As for the God of Hua, it goes without saying that just pulling hatred is enough for the three evil immortals to kill him ten million times, and there is also the world’s number one treasure, Chaozi, that no one can give up, let alone the three evil immortals. What is it doing? After all, God of Hua can be rejuvenated, and their separation and reorganization may also be an opportunity.

In this way, after a short period of time, both Shan Dao and I slowed down. Of course, we breathed a sigh of relief.

"It seems that no one will be chasing over. If it weren't for the weather to go down here at any time, I'm afraid we can all take a stroll here as a tourist attraction." I laughed.

"The desert...what's so good about?" Shandao couldn't help but smile.

"Desert ruins are of course nothing beautiful, but isn't walking with beautiful people a scenic line?" I smiled.

Shan Dao covered her mouth and found it interesting, but she couldn't say anything else. She was an ascetic monk and was not good at communication, so I talked a lot next, and came to a basin almost every question and answer. This proves Daotian has become a natural containment place for bubbles because of the surrounding mountains. However, after the passage of time, it has not been eroded too badly by Daotian.

If it weren't for the basin and other areas that have become desert-like places, I almost think this is a paradise that is very suitable for refuge.

In fact, as we advance all the way, the angle at which we can advance becomes narrower and narrower, and the road is more rugged and difficult to navigate. Finding such a basin gives us a place to rest for the time being.

"We'll turn around when we are almost done. It should be a dead end here." I said suddenly.

"Ah? Why? Didn't City Lord Xia say to go in the northwest direction?" Shan Dao said in surprise. She was young and beautiful, with elegant appearance, and even speaking with a temperament that was not fully pronounced.

"Hehe, kidding, do you think you may leave the Zhengdao Tian area if you go northwest? This is the way you go, and of course it is a dead end." I laughed.

"Then you still tell them that? Are you lying to them?" Shan Dao asked in surprise.

"Of course, taking the northwest road is to lie to them. In fact, in the end, you just turn back and take the safest road to the west. It’s just safer to follow their buttocks. You don’t even know this trick, do you? Hit the West." I shook my head and smiled bitterly.

"Yeah, why didn't I expect it!" Shandao really didn't know that I was actually going northwest, just to wait for them to turn back and forth.

I smiled, this kindness does not have the old man's command, it is completely a cute girl. According to the old man, it is not enough to die a hundred times without him, but now that it is useless, I think about it, then Said: "Go straight south, presumably even if we get to the west passage, they should be in front of us."

Shandao nodded, and followed my **** and flew all the way south, but what made me depressed was that it was only after crossing the high mountains of the basin, and the weather in front of me was dead. I can only take the southeast area. This road is not bad. , But it didn't take long, but it was a dead end.

Suddenly, my heart jumped. In fact, I was most afraid of encountering this situation.

"What's the matter?" Shandao looked confused.

"It's nothing, I thought I would be lucky if I brought a girl, but I didn't expect to be planted this time." I joked. Before Shan Dao could say anything, I summoned the blood lotus and Xuantian gourd. Linglong is more reliable.

As soon as Linglong came out, she looked at no one on the left and right, relieved me, and then her nose started to sniff.

"What can we do? If we can't find a way out, can we still hide underground?" Shandao asked, she thought I still had Chi Miesheng.

"There is no way to get to the ground. The ground is as strong as something. It is easy for you and me to blast out a hole, but it is impossible to enter the vein area like a hole. When we dig out such a hole, it is estimated Sheng Daotian will eat us." I said with a wry smile.

"This...then are we in a dangerous situation?" Shandao hurriedly asked. Seeing me nodding, she seemed to have used her brain, which really embarrassed her.

Fortunately, Linglong is very powerful. Before she thought of her idea, she pointed out a way: "Master, over there! There seem to be treasures over there, many treasures of luck!"

"What?!" I was taken aback, and Linglong seldom misjudged in the past. Since she said so, it must be true. I didn't expect us to go around and touch the area with luck treasures.

As a result, we flew in the direction pointed out by Linglong, and encountered the aura of the Dao in succession, which made our faces gradually become serious as we advance and retreat.

"City Master Xia, how can this be done? It seems that the weather has blocked our retreat... Now we may only have two choices, either to give up the treasure hunt, or to prepare to go to the basin just now." Even Shan Dao saw that the situation was not good.

Linglong also looked confused, pointing to the direction of the treasure with a look of longing, and the Jinglian on the side suddenly complained: "It's all to blame for you little greedy ghost. You still want the treasure now. This is rich and dead. Now the treasure It must be gone. You may not be able to save your life. When everyone goes to your Xuantian Gourd, you will be thrown out to resist the Daotian."

"Ah... isn't this bad?" Linglong looked innocent. Of course, Jinglian was joking, and I quickly made a decision: "Zhengdao aura is now coming in all directions. It seems that I can only go to the basin to take refuge. With proper application, we can escape the catastrophe through the Great Basin and wait for the preaching weather to disperse again."

Shan Dao nodded quickly, and I returned to the basin with Linglong and Jinglian. It didn't take long for Sheng Daotian's aura to overwhelm the sky, blocking all the roads around!

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