Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 5318: : Make a mistake

Without any kind of politeness, I didn't envy the middle-aged male head of Xianzong's sword aura, and a strong aura burst out in an instant, and the corners of the old man's clothes fluttered!

"Good come!" The old man Qingwei also noticed that the opponent's strength is far stronger than the previous female head. It should have unlocked the energy in this area. This may be a certain standard for increasing the difficulty. After all, Bai gave you seven. Guan's treasure may be considered too much by the seven factions.


The old man Qingwei's sword was like a Changhong, and he immediately followed him up. This did not envy the head of Xianzong's sword aura and domineering, deepened by the tenacity of the Taiqing vein. With a few bangs, suddenly the sword aura hit just now. Where is the old man Qingwei!

But the old man Qingwei is very fast. While Yuqing's line emphasizes solid basic skills, it also extends prominently in all aspects to make the moves more balanced, which is a typical horizontal development, which means that all aspects are not bad.

Of course, there are many types of Yuqing line. Qingwei Xianzong is more dexterous, and the speed is even more curious than the Shangqing line. So after a side step, the old man’s fast sword blasted the male head. .

Chi Chi!

A series of sword sounds suddenly sounded, and the blasting opponents evaded again and again, but the male leader is not a vegetarian. After adapting, he immediately returned to the sword and counterattacked. This time, the sword aura clashed like a dragon, and the sword aura rushed towards Qing. Wei Tai!

Both sides seem to have improved the strength of sword aura by one level. It is not like just now. Even the sword aura cannot be formed. Without the venting of the sword aura, it limits the attack effect of many swordsmanship and restricts the use of many moves. .

However, at the moment, everyone is able to temporarily let go of their hands and feet. This does not envy the immortal sect’s swordsmanship, which is domineering and elegant. Even when it moves, it is like a dragon swimming in the abyss. When attacking, the dragon goes out of the abyss to stand in the way, and is with the previous girl. Compared with the leader, he has a hegemony that never returns, and it is more in line with Taiqing's attack method.

Old man Qingwei hit the sword qi several times in an instant, but he quickly adapted to the aftermath of this sword qi upgrade, and as an old sword immortal who had been active for many years, he certainly wouldn’t make the same mistakes he had made before. , This time he also fought steadily. After being attacked by the aftermath a few times, he still fished like a falcon, waiting for the opportunity.

But he may not have thought that as long as the opponent is not injured, the energy is almost endless. This does not envy the immortal Zong's swordsmanship, and then it will be quiet, and it will be thunderous. Once the old man gives him a chance, the attack will not retreat. After a wave followed by flooding, the old man Qingwei remembered that he couldn't continue running around after a few waves of support, and instead wanted to change his attack method to counter the enemy.

But the male leader was unwilling to give him a chance. The stormy waves hit the shore and the attacks continued, although the old man Qingwei gradually went from waiting for the opportunity to defending and attacking less, and from attacking less to suppressing. The attack is like a continuous wave, so that he has to spend a huge price every time to change his wrong judgment!


The old man Qingwei slapped a wave of sword waves and fell to the ground. At last, he was so angry that he slapped the sword stand and yelled cursingly: "It's simply unreasonable, this is cheating! Naked cheating! For a while, like that for a while, this How can you fight!"

I don’t envy Xianzong’s leader. The damage done to him by the old man Qingwei is limited. For the Taiqing line, such damage is not even a minor injury. Refer to Li Poxiao’s style of play. It can be understood that the attack method in this vein is biased towards perseverance and unyielding, using the sword to exchange blood against the enemy.

The experience of the old man Qingwei made everyone unavoidable. The mentality of wanting to win became conservative. The soft matchmaker was very cunning. She looked at me with a smile and said softly: "City Lord Xia, this is not the Sect Master of Xianzong. It's amazing. If City Lord Xia comes to fight, what kind of method do you plan to use against him?"

After the question was raised, everyone pricked their ears.

"I don’t envy Xianzong’s swordsmanship with hidden murderous intent. If I think it’s a chance, it will give the enemy a chance to attack all over the world. As long as the enemy takes the first opportunity, he will be suppressed by the fast play, and he will return to elegant. The prototype, that is not far from winning." I laughed.

The old man Qingwei was still not convinced, and said depressed: "How easy is it!"

I smiled faintly. Winning a game is really not enough to make a thousand-year-old immortal family change their deep-rooted impression. Their swordsmanship has already taken shape and it is difficult to make other changes. In terms of tactics, they too There is no lack of such theories, so this is easy to talk about and it is indeed suitable.

"Then the matchmaker will try to verify that what City Master Xia said is correct." Ruan Matchmaker went off the court happily and planned to come and play fast, so she didn't envy Xianzong's long sword as soon as she shot it. To the opponent's heart position!

The male head was also rude, and immediately followed him to take the soft matchmaker's throat, those smart eyes, as if peeping at the beauty of the soft matchmaker.

Ruan Matchmaker giggled, her figure was quite predictable, and her character was more straightforward and bold. She used the Miao Man body technique as a weapon to confuse the enemy, but she was actually accustomed to it, which made her attack change. It becomes even sharper.


The attack of the Shangqing line is even more vicious and cunning. At the same time, they use any method that is beneficial to them without hesitation. The skill is not as good as Yuqing, and the power is not as good as Taiqing, but they are indeed experts in finding weaknesses!

The series of gap-seeking attacks quickly paid off. Several times they actually hit the male head’s body, bringing out a lot of scarlet blood energy, and even spilled on the exposed white skin of the soft matchmaker. Look. I have to feel a little bit of blood. This is definitely a visual feast.

The old man Qingwei inevitably stared his eyes wide. He didn't expect that this soft matchmaker would have the upper hand after listening to my advice and playing fast. Regardless of the red and white dancing graceful posture, he quickly approached me for advice: " Looking at this posture, can the soft matchmaker really have a chance to win?"

"It's hard to say, as long as she does not forget her own characteristics while giving full play to her strengths, and does not delay time, she really has a chance to win." I laughed.

"He...That means soft matchmaker, no, the little friend meant it..." The old man Qingwei suddenly seemed to have heard something.

"Hehe, just begging for quickness, the weaknesses are all deviated by one point, and the enemy was not killed in one shot, and then retreated and took the next blow. Time may allow her to gradually correct and gain the upper hand, but she is afraid that she has forgotten that the opponent is just an illusion There will be pain and no feelings, which means that the other party will not make mistakes." I laughed.

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