Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 5334: : Mengxue

"No matter who he is, you are the savior. You are the same in the eyes of the old man. As for your fight, the old man has no intention of participating. I hope that all of you can still abide by the order here. , How?" The old man squinted his eyes and smiled. The confidence in that smile was very strong. I am afraid that all the immortal houses present would not be in his eyes.

As for the said order, of course it is the rules he set, which is very pure and pure.

Xia Ruize didn't have much disappointment on his face. If he couldn't figure it out, he would not attack again. After all, the old man was the master here, so he smiled and said, "Say we are the savior? At the moment, this great immortal world is still in the Daotian, and there is no intention to come out. The person sitting there, but the world-renowned Li Mozun, is not only self-sufficient and overbearing, but also brings endless suffering to the creatures. It’s no evil to do nothing. Everyone can be condemned. Seniors are not protecting the savior, but leaving the hidden danger of extinction."

"Hehe, the old man doesn't care about your three-inch tongue, this child is still fighting Mengxuejun, how can you let your child be troubled by it? Or just leave it alone, and the old man has to wait for the child. Come out and present something to him." The old man sneered, but he didn't give him any affection.

Seeing that the old man's oil and salt were not coming in, Xia Ruize snorted and was too lazy to speak, but when he heard that the old man had something for Li Poxiao, his face would inevitably turn black again. This Li Poxiao just got a few great treasures, and now they have them again. The old man came out to praise him personally, that would be too lucky, and his sword offended this too innocent, it was bad luck!

Li Yushuang saw that the other party was here to protect Li Poxiao, and he immediately thanked him, "Thank you, senior, for your help! Thank you, senior!"

The old man smiled faintly, looked up and down Li Yushuang, and said: "You are also in the Taiqing line, or a descendant of the Taiqing fairyland. Very good, very good. It seems that the Taixian realm finally has descendants to return. Remember this too. The immortal world is hidden in the heavens of Zhengdao.

"How did the predecessors know that the next disciple of the Taiqing Fairyland..." Li Yushuang was taken aback, and wanted to hear the old man's history. However, at this moment, Liulisha suddenly exclaimed, and then pulled Liyu. Shuang looked at the court: "No! Senior sister, look at it!"


There was a sudden loud noise, and the entire zenith ice crashed down, and everything on the earth seemed to be crushed in the endless ice. At this time, let alone Li Poxiao, even the woman who became Mengxuejun was gone. , The entire Taiqing performance sword platform has completely turned into a cold and dark land!

Li Poxiao appeared in the field with a look of astonishment, and when he looked at the field again, his face was shocked.

"You lost? Monarch Mengxue is good at the way of the sword of the Qing Dynasty. If you fight hard, you will naturally only get such a result. You use my Taiqing swordsmanship to fight against you forcibly, and you don't know how to work. , How can you not lose? It can be said to be self-inflicted; well, if you lose, you will lose. Let's choose your thing. The old man just lost to you kid, and I just couldn't figure it out for a while, so I came out a step late, but I also rescued you by the way, and it can be regarded as compensation back to you. There are three treasures here. If you choose one, you have completed the old mission!" The old man said to Li Poxiao.

I secretly said that Monarch Mengxue belonged to the Shangqing line. No wonder the swordsmanship carries the spell of Shangxian Dao, and this old man should be in the line of Taiqing. After such a calculation, is it possible that the third is the line of Yuqing?

Li Poxiao turned his head, looked at the old man with his eyebrows, and then said, "Who is Senior?"

"I knew you would ask, so I told you children to listen to it. Lao Yu is the sword **** Taihua of the Taiqing, one of the three monarchs who guard the Three Immortals. Who doesn't know what this evening is. , But the old man doesn’t care so much. After passing the previous levels and defeating the old man, he is eligible to choose one of the three treasures of the old man. In addition, you don’t need to ask too many things as a child. I plan to go back to you." The old man said coldly, and before Li Poxiao continued to say anything, he waved his sleeves and two treasures appeared in front of Li Poxiao.

One of these is a jade book. This jade book glows with faint light and has amazing materials. Of course, the content inside is not to mention. The four words "Taihua Kendo" are written on it in very simple text. It seems to be It is a comprehensive swordsmanship of sects such as the Heart Swordsmanship.

The other is a quaint clothes. On the surface, the design is very simple and simple, and it feels back to basics. However, there are runes everywhere in the clothes. It can be seen that it is a powerful and unmatched Taoist clothing. Unseen, unheard of the best.

"Three treasures? What is the other one?" Li Poxiao frowned when he looked at the two treasures, with an expression that was obviously indifferent.

The old man settled down, the sword in his hand was obviously tight, but he quickly hummed, let go and threw the sword on the ground in front of him, juxtaposed with the two treasures: "Three treasures, choose one of them, old man I'm not afraid to tell you the function of these three treasures, the first..."

"I want this sword." Li Poxiao stretched out his hand and grabbed the sword. The old man was anxious when he saw it. He stretched out his hand and slapped Li Poxiao's hand away and said, "You haven't finished talking about the old things. With this explanation of the old man, you might not want the sword anymore!"

The scabbard uses the bone of the sky, is it a good thing? Li Poxiao is also well-informed. He is determined to acquire this sword. As for other things, no matter how good it is, there is nothing suitable for his current dilemma.

You must know that there are already twelve heavenly swords in swordsmanship, and he, who has a golden body for defense, is really indifferent to the other two treasures.

But of course the old man thinks the same, so he insisted on explaining clearly: "This jade scroll, but the top kendo mentality in the Taiqing line is the general outline of my Taihua kendo mentality, don’t think it wins. As an old man, I feel that this volume of Taihua Kendo is inferior to your kendo, because even the old man is just the inheritor of this Taihua kendo. The content is extensive and profound, and it is by no means just a general swordsmanship experience. There is a reason why it is unique in the world!"

"I want this sword!" Li Poxiao increased his tone.

The old man simply copied the sword in his hand, regardless of what Li Poxiao said, but said to himself: "This Taoist clothing is made by my lifelong knowledge of the founder of Taihua Swordsmanship. Kaitian's materials are drawn from the formation of my Taihua Kendo. Hehe, invulnerability is just basic..."

"I want this sword!" Li Poxiao said with eyebrows.

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