Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 5344: : Tianjiao

Emperor Taihua’s sword aura rushed straight into the stars, his body’s aura turned into a beam of light, surrounded by thunder, strong winds were everywhere, and the sweeping sword aura began to sprint around him, and he held the long sword high in both hands, as if he was offering sacrifice to the sky. Of course the sword is for me next.

And Taihua Jun is not the one that attracts my most attention. Mengxue Jun looks gentle and elegant, but she should be the most lethal. She has a smile on her face, as if our sword state has nothing to do with her, in a world full of thunder and shadows. In between, she was the only place where the spring flowers bloomed like a quiet bridge and flowing water, and she danced lightly, her sword intent was slow and gentle, and under her waving, she portrayed the lovesickness she imagined, this tireless The dance steps are like dancing for the lover, drawing the white snow in the early spring to the lover.

It is not surprising that there will be such a big difference. Under the influence of my sword, the two of them no longer have a place to stay. They can only land on the beach and land again, otherwise they will eventually sweep everything for me! Therefore, using their most unique sword realm to collect and **** limited sword energy to attack me has become their only choice.

Of course I won’t let them act arbitrarily. In my sword qi field, it’s at this time to defeat them, and if they continue to fight for my sword qi, it won’t be long before the eight-character sword song’s dominance will teach me clearly. The consequences of despising each other!

"You do not see the sword from the west to the east, and even Qianfeng locks the moon and turns the cloud tower. I have broken through the sun and the moon from my teacher, and I have always lost a sword!" I have a long sword in my hand, leading the sword from the east to the west, a sword river Just like the brilliant galaxy straddling east and west, glittering all the way, attracting attention!

And then, the sword in my hand continued to swing, and between the ups and downs, even the bright moon and thousands of peaks in the white clouds, let the whole scene form its unique appearance in my sword dance, this set of sword songs is not simple The reason why the eight-character sword song came out slowly is because I have a lot of preparation time, and it is also to penetrate the sword realm of Taihuajun and Mengxuejun, so that their sword realms can merge with my sword realm. Get up, so as to invade each other, let them finally be used by me.

Fighting and merging, occupying and forcing, this is the hegemony of this set of sword songs, this sword quickly attracted the attention of Taihua Jun and Mengxue Jun, their faces changed, this powerful Sword Qi cohesion, they can't resist it every time they pull it, they want to break out of my control and start offensive, and finally they match me up!

Forcibly intervened in Mengxue-jun's sword realm, so that she used to paint Baixue solo in the small Zhubian Shishan, and she became painting the common landscape with me, and the power of creation was endless, and soon appeared in me In a series of weird runes, this is also the power of Chuangdao Jue that I have never tried from beginning to end!

In order to complete this set of sword songs, I used the rune drawing method of Chuang Dao Jue. Only in this way can I penetrate the opponent’s trajectory and power, and compete for the sword realm, because their trajectory is mine. , Their attributes are also mine!

The half-stroke creation art is a super move besides Jiu Ge. It was created by the grandmother and grandmother in her lifetime. It is also the same as Xia Ruize's seizing other people’s orthodoxy and creating daoism. Of course, , And the ancestor's is exactly the same.

Master Patriarch passed the Chuangdao Jue to me. Of course, I won’t copy and use it indefinitely. This trick is too dangerous, so I usually just research and decompile it. Now I use it purely because it’s more difficult to use in sword songs. It is easy to control it.

One is because the opponent is also exerting the powerful power of Taoism, the second is that I can use my strength to fight, and the third is to reduce the power of this creative art, which helps me control and suppress its power, otherwise it will be true. It has become a unique technique that hurts yourself first and then hurts others!

After the power of Chuang Dao Jue was released, Tai Hua Jun was shocked to no avail. His sword realm was already condensed in sevens and eights, but this trick made him furious. : "Your kid is so strange! What is this trick!?"

Although Meng Xuejun did not say a word, I forcibly added drama to her lovesickness, stepping swords in the snow in the sky, this kind of extraordinary and extraordinary feeling made her very uncomfortable, as if waiting for the prince. The woman didn't wait for the man to come, but instead waited for a third party to come, and she would be unhappy whenever she met him.

At this moment, the two swordsmen knew that if they continued to play with me, their sword realm would be unstable, and it would become the situation of the first sword song just now, so they are here by agreement. Time to push the eight-character sword song to the top!

"Tai Xian Dao! Forget! Sword! No! Die!" Tai Hua Jun, incarnate as Tai Hua Great Sword, has forgotten whether he is a human or a sword, and the sword itself is full of himself, and this Thunder God Sword falls down. , The winner will be determined!

"Shangxiandao! He! Chao! Ming! Moon!" Monarch Mengxue also wielded his double swords, giving the entire sword realm to life, the bright moon and the breeze began to pass, and the four seasons of the years changed, and everything began to reverse. This is typical Swordsmanship of the attribute space, which is much more wise than Taihua Jun's straightforward!

"Heaven! Heaven! Pride! Vertical! Horizontal!" I also knew that I was about to finish, so the two long swords merged and flicked at the same time. In an instant, the Jianhe River flowed east, Qianfeng Baiyun gave me a sword to pull up. , Has become a huge mountain and river sword that traverses east and west, this sword is as high as a mountain and sharp as a knife!

The mountains and rivers waved with me, really like a sword across the sky, even the sun and the moon, even the arrogant Tianjiao who scorns the sky, will kill an instant with a sword!

My sword is too big to imagine. Under my control, it swept from the west side of the sword tip, and I saw that my eyes suddenly turned into a chaos. Then, the sword tip had reached the extreme east and swept the position. , Just like the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves, everything in front is gone!

Whether it is Emperor Taihua who forgot his sword, or Monarch Mengxue who wants to show his face to the bright moon, or the beautiful scenery, sword spirit, people, scenes, and even everything in front of him, it has been swept into a chaotic world!

This sword of heaven and arrogance has successfully turned the sword world into nothingness again!

The two sword immortals were no longer in the court, and the double swords in my hand quickly disappeared. After even disappearing, my consciousness finally returned to the sword stand.

All the Xianjia looked at me dumbfounded, my new sword song made them all stunned, or since the first sword song, they are already speechless, this Jiu Dao Jiu Ge converted from Jiu Dao Sword songs, power of course is also the culmination of all sword songs!

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