Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 5354: : Howl

"Oh?" At this moment, Master Taste Sword could not help showing a curious expression. I took a deep breath. Obviously, Li Poxiao was in possession of the old Heavenly Sword again. The trick just now was actually very heavy. , I have mixed up Li Poxiao’s consciousness, just like I fought with him before, and it was in a similar state!

Once Li Poxiao’s consciousness becomes weak, the Heavenly Sword Old Immortal will fight for him. Needless to say, the strength of the Heavenly Sword Old Immortal, the Heavenly Sword was created by him, and as for the Twelve Heavenly Swords, he followed his teacher. After that, I don’t know if it is my own creation, or whether the twelve chapters of the Heavenly Sword came from the 13 changes of his teacher!

At least the current Li Poxiao is not the former Li Poxiao. Perhaps this old fairy of Heavenly Sword can be better than the blue from the blue, and it is not clear that he will take revenge for the defeat on behalf of his master!

In the old days, I followed my teacher to find a friend, and when I saw Jun Wu, I learned about Qingyunqi.

If you go back to the year to search for your swordsman friend with your master, it means that the old fairy of Heavenly Sword remembered that he and the female master had tried the Sword Master.

"It's a coincidence... It's a coincidence that you're on Qingyun, you're the same kid back then..." Mr. Jian Jian also suddenly laughed. This is really too unexpected. No one would have thought of defeating Master Tianjian. Man is the Master of Sword.

Seeing Li Poxiao's sword boiled over, it lingered around and spread to the sky like a tornado. Everyone felt the horror of this sword. Taihua Jun and Mengxue Jun also looked at each other and looked at each other. Surprised and surprised.

"I'm a deceased...children... I actually sorrow through my body... Why don't people sigh in their hearts..." Master Jian Jian sighed infrequently, as if he was plunged into melancholy.

Soon, he finally seemed to have decided something, and said: "Finally... a good acquaintance, even her son, or the master... I will also send you home, find her... the old friend asks the sword Xi...Sword conceited, chasing dreams...Yu Yunxi, Yunshan tired..."

The sword song of Master Taste Sword this time is full of a sense of sorrow, no matter who it is, he can hear his lament, but it is certain that this sword also came from Taihuajun, but it is just another easy magic change. , I don’t know if this is what Master Jianjian is good at, or Master Taihua is too familiar, so I already know the opponent’s sword song well, so practice makes perfect and adapts at will.

However, can there be a connection between Taihuajun's character and sword intent with this sword technique?

Taste the swordsmanship of Sword Master, perhaps it has reached the point where he can do whatever he wants. Although such a swordsman has always been in a drunk state, perhaps it is this mentality that allows him to get the ability to do whatever he wants!

"Peerless dust in the mountain of Litian Sword, spend the days for me! Extinct! Today! Now! Heavenly Sword Dao! One sword is wasted!" Li Poxiao's whispered singing resounded through the blue clouds. This sword song is forbearing and domineering in appearance. The combination of inside and outside can be described as perfect. The wildly erupting sword force is the typical attack method of the old fairy of Heavenly Sword, and it can be described as the two extremes of the swordsmanship of the sword master!

I looked at Mr. Taihua and Mr. Mengxue. The two seemed to have a little more sympathy for Mr. Taste Sword. It seems rare to see him look like this. I am afraid that Mr. Taste Sword and Master Tianjian have Some other things passed by.

Of course, I also saw this sadness, but with a strong determination, the words of sending the other party back home came from the mouth of the sword master, which was really surprising.

"My heart is full...I am timid, where is the road... Ashamed of my form, too immortal... Great Compassion Sword Curse!" The last sword song of Taste Jianjun was also chanted, and the next moment, suddenly appeared in the sky There was a blue light array, and the blue thunder was obviously the same color as the thunder pool formed by him just now!

This is my usual method. It is to re-use the sword energy of the previous sword song, but the sword master will obviously also use this skill. It is not even learned from me, otherwise it would be impossible to use two swords of Taihua Swordsmanship. The songs can be so harmoniously connected!

Li Poxiao's sword aura rose to the sky, or that it was the sword aura of the Heavenly Sword Old Immortal who knew his teacher was defeated and struggling to be the first. He has accumulated power for thousands of years to avenge his master today.


The sky sword rose up into the sky in an instant, and the huge sword energy burst out like a fountain, but at this time, the restraining force of the sky was also roaring down like the rain. The position where the faint thunderstorm was low, the thunder suddenly Bound the Heaven Sword and the sword energy infinitely expand!

Thunder breeds, rushes continuously, and under the control of the big formation, it is unable to move in circles, one expansion, one binding, and there is only one result, and that is the big bang!


The sorrowful thunderstorm finally blossomed, and Master Taste Sword was destined to block and detonate the attack of the old immortal Tianjian!

During the big bang, the entire light curtain shook, and the sword song that was prepared a long time ago detonated. No matter who encountered it, the result was the same. Taste Sword Master was at the end of the explosion, and Li Poxiao was in the core area of ​​the explosion. Both sides will inevitably bear the impact of the sword song. After all, there is no absolute profit in the scope of the sword song. In the end, it depends on who suffers more damage!

Li Poxiao disappeared completely, and Master Jian Jian looked down in the sky, with a touch of sadness in his eyes, but soon the sadness was fleeting, as if he had never appeared on his face, replaced by an ordinary drunk state.

"Brother Bro Xiao!" Li Yushuang was extremely worried for a while, and immediately rushed into the arena to find Li Poxiao, but Meng Xuejun reached out and stopped her: "He is fine, or that he is completely fine."

Li Yushuang looked inexplicable, and Jun Taihua quickly said, "Mr Jian Jian has sealed the veins of the deceased's disciple for him, so I don't know how your eldest brother Bro Xiao provokes him?"

"I...I don't know...Is it that big sword?" Li Yushuang was a little surprised.

"It's the Great Heavenly Sword. He swallowed the rune mark of this Heavenly Sword and became the Heavenly Sword Sword Spirit, so he can use the twelve chapters of the Heavenly Sword. Perhaps it is to taste the thirteen kinds of changes mentioned by the Sword Lord." Said.

"Twelve articles? No wonder there are only twelve changes." Taihua Jun said suddenly.

"I don't know how a change other than these twelve changes is different from these twelve changes?" I asked, tapping sideways.

"Hey...you kid...want to know these thirteenth...changes...changes..." Mr. Jian Jian walked out of the light curtain staggeringly at this time, looking at me looking forward, he squinted : "In fact, it's useless to know... That kind of change... is unique to her. If the disciple doesn't... let alone who else will..."

I couldn’t help being dumbfounded, and Mr. Taihua explained: “I’m afraid my little friend has misunderstood.

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