Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 5386: : Changing teeth

"This... the old man is also very at a loss. The Master Jianjian feels that we must either not make it, but make the best. Moreover, over the years, our materials have basically been used seven or eight, except for this. Kaitian fossils, there is nothing else." Tai Huajun looked innocent.

"Then Taihua Jun is going to let the next respond with what?" I smiled bitterly.

Taihua Jun used to make swords only for the sake of swords. How could he have thought about what I would use to deal with it. Anyway, the Innate Purple Soul is useless. Where am I going to find innate fossils?

Seeing that he was silent, I said helplessly: "Why don't I think about what to do first, but I can't look back. I will discuss it after Master Jian Jian wakes up."

Jun Taihua looked at Jun Jianjian who was lying on the ground and fell asleep, and he could only sigh, and then said: "Then this sword is still going to be made?"

"Of course, I have to use it anyway. Anyway, it's a crucial step now." I'm not jealous of this sword, but rather speechless. This Kaitian fossil is so powerful that I have used it, so I can't let it go. Is there a way to go?

Tai Huajun nodded, then picked out the materials and started to make the sword. I can't stay here anymore. I don't need to watch this sword. For the current plan, I still think about how to solve the problem.

Leaving the sword cave, I flew towards the top of the mountain, and soon came to the sword test platform. At this time, Li Poxiao was challenging a young sword fairy on the sword test platform. The scene looked magnificent.

Xia Ruize closed his eyes and meditated around. He looked very strange with three eyes, and when he noticed that I was coming, his third eye opened and looked at me: "One day, you have been walking for so many days. How many levels have passed?"

I took a look at the numbers on the soles of Li Poxiao's feet. This guy actually hit level 97, which changed my face. Although the previous one should be better, but this guy is also playing too fast? It is estimated that Taihua Jun did not have such qualifications.

But Li Poxiao's basic strength lies there. Now even if the old fairy of the sky sword is not in his body, he can still use the twelve chapters of the sky sword, and it is normal to defeat most of the strong.

"I don't have time to fight yet. I have made treasures in the past two days." I said lightly.

Xia Ruize laughed and said, "Making treasures... By the way, can you see the black sword made from Kaitian fossils in the Sword Cave?"

I nodded, and then said, "What?"

"One day, what kind of magic weapon do you plan to use to deal with?" Xia Ruize smiled.

"If I can't deal with it, the bones of the open sky are like wood against an iron sword, what can I do?" I said coldly.

"What do you think of Kaitianfang?" Xia Ruize said suddenly.

I looked at him, and then said, "Do you have one?"

"Of course, I can't forge this thing, but if you can forge it, I can give you enough to make a sword." Xia Ruize discussed with me.

"Will you be so kind?" I snorted, Xia Ruize was ghostly, no wonder he didn't want to change things with me when he got the Kaitian materials, it turns out that he has Kaitian Fang!

"Hehe, one day, we are brothers. How sad is your brother when we talk like this?" Xia Ruize laughed. Seeing that I didn't mean to laugh, he could only continue: "Since you don't believe in Big Brother, then Big Brother don't order It’s hard to trust you for things that are related to interests, so let’s go, this Heavenly Fang can give you a part, but you need to do something for Big Brother..."

"No, it doesn't matter if you open the teeth of the sky." I waved my sleeves and didn't plan to discuss business with the devil. This is a price.

"What do you refuse to do in such a hurry? Brother hasn't stated the conditions yet."

"Your conditions are nothing more than good for yourself, and what is good for you must do more harm than good to me." I said without hesitation, Xia Ruize chuckled and said: "Big brother knows you would say that, but yeah... …Big brother had also thought of a win-win solution for both of our brothers. You only need to work with the big brother to separate the veins of the small sky sword in Li Poxiao’s body, and then divide it into twelve sky swords according to the old method, and let The leaders of your Celestial forces are in separate control. Anyway, the eldest brother is not only paying money, but also contributing, but he will never get involved in this thing. One day, this is definitely a great benefit to you, and in order to take you into consideration, the eldest brother has 12 articles of Heavenly Sword. It won’t be contaminated even for one serving."

Li Yushuang on the side stared at our plan dumbfounded, and said quickly: "City Lord Xia! You must not agree to him!"

I took a look at her, and then at Xia Ruize: "Xia Ruize, it's not only him who is in front of you, but also me. You made Daojie this ghost thing, do you think I will let you go? I didn't move you, it was because I didn't go out."

"One day, why do you think that? Big brother is a good person, and he is on your side. If you look at you, now you are surrounded by the Dao Jie army without knowing it. Think about it. God, and there are the three evil immortals in the extreme west, hehe, this is simply a wolf and a tiger, and only the big brother is on your side." Xia Ruize laughed.

"Don't come to this set, the three evil immortals are your master, you don't respect your master, you can do it all by deceiving the master and destroying the ancestor, what else do you dare not do?" I scoffed.

Xia Ruize laughed and said: "The three evil immortals, do you think your eldest brother wants to worship them as a teacher? The eldest brother also went astray and accidentally fell into their hands. This is a vain snake. Whenever there is a chance, They must be wiped out, or else there will be no place for us to stay in the Nine Heavens, and now who can deal with the God of Hua, besides the three evil immortals, who do you think? Big brother listens to them on the surface, In fact, I'm looking for opportunities to cause trouble, so don't you understand the love of your eldest brother? Hey..."

Seeing him start to scream again, I snorted and said: "Xia Ruize, true and false, false and true, all these years have passed, why don't you make any progress, you always use the same set to fool me, obviously Knowing that things cannot be violated, why continue to work hard there? I don’t want this Heaven-Open Fang.

"One day, if you don't need the eldest brother, how do you deal with the Kaitian fossil? If you lose this, Li Guxian won't be yours." Xia Ruize took out Li Guxian again.

"Sometimes fate must be there, and fate is always forced." I immediately cut off Xia Ruize's thoughts, but he is not so easy to give up, and continued to swim and said: "Before you were not afraid that Li Poxiao took this thing. Are you mad? Why are you doing the opposite now?"

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