Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 5389: :raw material

I was very happy, but after another thought, Tai Huajun looked like a hairless man before. How could he suddenly become familiar with me to this degree? Could it be because I got a tie with Taste Sword Master, making him look at me differently?

"Taihua Jun, the materials were given?" I squinted at him, looking very suspicious.

"Oh..." Taihua Jun widened his eyes and suddenly said, "You kid, don't you think that the old man can't afford a sword?"

"Of course I don't think so. I have seen the generosity of the seniors before, but I feel that there is no merit in the next, and it is not good to ask for the things of the seniors." I chuckled.

Jun Taihua looked down on me and said, "Xia Xiaoyou, you are too underestimated. It depends on your face or not to accept something to send you? Just a word."

"Yeah! Bai is a fool if you want it or not!" I quickly said, Taihua Jun burst into laughter, and then took me to his bamboo grove, of course I didn't cautiously knock on the side along the way. , There is no free lunch in this world, and there must be requirements for sending me something, so I also inquired about Taihuajun’s idea.

As a result, I was annoyed by asking questions, and Jun Taihua was helpless, and finally he could only say: "Enough, your kid asks questions, and the old man doesn't bother to keep this secret anymore!"

When I heard this, I was shocked and asked quickly: "Sure enough, there is a problem! Could it be that the senior found out that he owed me a love in my previous life? Or is it my long-lost brother?!"

"Go and go, what are you going to do? When did the old man have the old with your previous life? The old man wants to help you, it is because of Monarch Mengxue!" Tai Huajun glared at me.

My face turned pale in an instant. Doesn't Tai Hua Jun know the relationship between me and Meng Xue Jun? Could it be that the news of their world is shared by the three monarchs?

That's terrible. In Taihua Jun's eyes, didn't I become Mengxue Jun what?

"Taihua Jun knows?" I asked immediately.

"Well, I see." Taihua Jun nodded suddenly.

"Well, this is indeed..." I secretly said that this is really shameful, but now that I know it, then I don't need to feel embarrassed too much. The things between men and women, what is hidden in these great gods use? Everyone looked down on such things.

"Huh? You kid, isn't it because you have something to do with Monarch Mengxue?" Jun Taihua looked at my expression and suddenly became awakened, and he was dumbfounded.

"Uh...no, nothing, what does Mr. Taihua mean?" I suddenly felt bad, could it be that I just made a mistake and confessed by accident?

"What's the point of the old man? It's just that Meng Xuejun said that he created a new set of swords with you, and I am very grateful to you, so I asked me to take care of you. I happened to tell her that I should carefully prepare for the battle. , Even the sword of Fangcun Swordsmanship took out, so she asked me to help you, why are you blushing?" Taihua Jun asked.

I touched my old face, and it turned out to be slightly warm, but it was not within the normal range, so I said, "Why do I blush? It's just that I can get Mengxuejun's care, and I feel warm in my heart. I was like this when I was a kid. It’s easy to blush when you get help from others."

"There are still such things, it's interesting." Taihua Jun smiled and didn't say anything. After all, Mengxue Jun is not a fool. This care has also taken care of my face, and it has also made the real inside. the reason.

I am still very grateful to Mengxuejun, so while flying to Zhulin Mountain with Taihuajun, I also sent a message to Mengxuejun to thank him, but she never returned me at all, and wasted a lot of words for me to raise.

Thinking of Monarch Mengxue's thoughts in his heart, he came to the mountain full of bamboo forests before he knew it, and on the highest mountain, the sword test stand was indeed there.

From a distance, Taishang Qingwei was fighting swords on the sword stand. Taihua Jun and I were not in a hurry to pick the treasures, so we flew to the sword test stand. After all, he is also the master, so how can guests visit? Don't say hello.

It seems that we are here. Qing Wei Taishang, who was in the middle of the battle, also left the game. He greeted us and showed off that he had reached the seventieth floor. This Qing Wei old man’s swordsmanship is still worthy of recognition, but he It’s the practice and performance, and when it comes to the type that is not good for the exam, I am not surprised that he can achieve this result.

After a few words of encouragement, the Qingwei old man eagerly went in to try his sword again, and Taihua Jun and I moved into the mountains.

This small residence in the bamboo forest is also an elegant and secluded place composed of several houses. If you choose to live here, Tai Hua Jun can be considered as a very artistic conception, and tea and other things are also free. Tai Hua Jun is straightforward and of course straight to the subject.

There is a sword cave there, and I heard that Taihua also has it here, and it is bigger than that of the sword. There is an entrance at the bottom of the mountain, and it is a huge cave, which is a forged sword. Yes, after a visit, we came to the back mountain.

It seems that the materials are best stored at room temperature. In the huge cave mansion in the back mountain, one treasure house after another also appeared in front of us. I heard that the secret room contains the treasures that have been obtained by the three monarchs so far.

With a smile, Mr. Taihua led me into the deepest secret room and said, "I won't take you to visit the material that knows the roots and the bottom. The place that the old man took you to this trip is not recognized for many years. A place for storing treasures that are not available. Some of them are from Monarch Mengxue, some from Master Sword, and some are collected by the old."

I nodded and followed, and when the stone gate was opened, a huge space appeared in front of me. The treasure room was the size of a court, and the raw materials were piled up and piled up. Tai Huajun led me into it. Said: "Don't mind the clutter here, in fact, it's because the materials here are old and you don't know about it. As for the usefulness of some treasures, you don't even understand, or the old ones are used in the right place, or you haven't figured out that they are messy. What can I find here, please use it as you please."

I smiled helplessly. Although I came in because I was taking care of me, this place is like a scrapyard. Although it is possible to find good things, it may not be optimistic depending on the situation.

Mr. Taihua followed me, and I rummaged around. In fact, Mr. Taihua didn’t know what was useful. I couldn’t compare to him even though I was knowledgeable, so I didn’t know what was useful, but I But I know one thing, that is, I simply use a knife made of Kaitian spirit bone to try it.

Anyway, it’s the raw material, it’s okay to make a cut. If it breaks, it means bad material, and good material will not be easily damaged.

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