Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 5393: : Sharp

Seeing that I was still squeezing out the shape of the sword, Jun Taihua frowned slightly, as if he didn't feel the need to be so serious. Of course, he was also interested in seeing what I planned to do.

After I made the sword shape, it was the size of a thigh. Of course, it won't change its shape for a while after doing what it should be. After all, it will remain the same without external force.

After letting it float in the void, I took out something sharp, like a painting, carved on it the same rune veins as the tears of the sky at the time, but the difference is that it is densely packed with eighteen. The reason why there are so many runes is actually firstly as an experiment, and secondly because the sword is too big. After the area is increased, the carved lines are thicker than those on the normal carved sword. It's okay to accommodate.

But even so, it scared Jun Taihua densely.

"If these runes are really carved on the sword, it is unlikely to be realized, especially the stronger the material, the less likely it is. You should know it?" Taihua Jun asked.

I nodded and smiled, and said, "This is just my ideal look. Of course, it is impossible to make such a terrible rune on the sword, especially the sky-opening material. It is extremely difficult to carve it, so it is usually a simple and effective rune. The veins, like the Kaitian fossil sword. Didn’t Taste Sword Master or Fangcun Kendo also adopt the method of attachment carving? This way the effect is better than simply carving, but it is not used, and the strength of the use is also greatly reduced. , Is to use methods to change the ingenuity."

"Hehe, my little friend both agrees with or disagrees with this old saying. The method of attachment has been used in ancient times, and it is also used on some materials that cannot be carved. It is really unusable. It may not work if you use it a few times, but it is better. Sharpness and strength overcome everything. Of course, the shortcomings are obvious. For example, the engraving material attached to it may be destroyed because of the excessive use of spells, or when the opponent attacks the blade during a battle, if the attached material cannot resist, it will also be destroyed. But the little friends don’t have to worry too much. The attachment materials used by the sword master are no less than the things that open the sky. It is almost difficult to destroy it. What's more, there is an advantage of attaching the glyph, that is, it can be replaced. "Taihua Jun smiled.

"No wonder it's a token of Fangcun Swordsmanship." Of course I understand what he meant. It's just like the leader of this post. He uses different spells and swords. The rune context on this Kaitian Fossil Sword will be changed accordingly. In this way, it is no problem to pass on for generations. Old bottles contain new wines, and iron-smelted bottles run water. The key is to drink it with whatever wine they like to drink.

"That is, and the Xian Family has been moving forward continuously in this life, or has occasionally realized, or suddenly changed its original intention, so how can there be a sword for a lifetime? There is no need to pursue one step in the rune context, the sword is enough, What's more, is there any better raw material than that sword?" Taihua Jun asked rhetorically.

I smiled and said: "Every period has the strongest. I am still too early to stay at your level. I can change my mind if I change it. The sword that is carved up can not stop at With glyphs?"

"That's natural, and it's just a matter of choice. It's like the sword of your Innate Purple Soul, doesn't it also use the method of embedding? But after all, the Innate Purple Soul is not a pure heaven-opening thing, it can be better integrated into the mosaic. "Taihua Jun smiled.

I nodded, the purple sword is indeed the embedding method, but it can settle into the sword. After all, it is not a pure heaven-opening thing, but a matter generated under the influence of the heaven-opening spirit.

Looking at the giant sword floating in front of my eyes, I condensed for a while, and reached out to release the super road technique on it!

The next moment, the sword suddenly began to vibrate violently. This time the tremor became very intense, but it obviously did not deviate from any trajectory, but it seemed to be shaking violently!

Taihua Jun looked at this scene in astonishment, and the whole person was stunned.

Under the influence of Dao Fa, this sword soon began to change its appearance, and it was shrinking sharply!

As for why it is not rotating, in fact it is not rotating in the way of the super road law. The rotating material is not the thing of this heretical law itself, but the law of the nine heavens! This is also the root of jitter.

After researching, I already know the reason for its expansion and the reason for its constant growth. This is because it is not affected by the law of the sky, but is affected by it, but the process of influence is very slow, or Said that it is also accommodating the Law of Open Heaven.

So it slowly expands like a soil, and the things that expand and fill in the blanks are actually the nine-fold heaven rule that affects it.

And my super road method hits this mud, the law of opening the sky in this thing will of course flee madly, so this thing that is not affected by the law loses its expansion factor, and of course it starts to shrink back to what it should have. the quality of!

In other words, it was originally the size of a slap, it will return to the size of a slap, but in essence, there is no difference, because it is not affected by my super road law, so it will not be twisted into a ball. It becomes what I fabricated, and it will shrink evenly!

The reason for the expansion of this different law is to absorb the law of opening the sky. After I use the super road method to influence the law of opening the sky, it is like squeezing out the air in it evenly, and of course it will shrink to the volume and mass it should have.

At this time, a sword that is not much smaller than a normal sword was formed. Of course, it was still a bit weird to hold in the hand, because even if the law of opening the sky was driven away, it could not grasp its size when it recovered, so it must go through Only by fine-tuning can you know the extent of its shrinkage, and calculate how thin and long the sword should be pinched.

Now that it is reduced to its final shape, it is only three feet long, and the width and thickness are obviously a little more. Of course, it may be because when I sculpted the runes, I tried to write all the runes into it. It's a bit thick.

Now I can hardly see the dense rune context, but after trying the sword in my hand, the fullness of power brought by the eighteen contexts shows that it is fully presented, because no matter how small the words and context are, Existence can be regarded as an extension of its laws!

This thing is simply crazy, and I couldn't grasp its true state just now, so the words are all written one number larger. If you fine-tune it according to the proportion, it might be more perfect!

The most important thing is that the hardness of the reduced sword is simply amazing. Without the law of opening the sky, countless years have gradually affected it to gain weight. Now it has recovered its ability and strength, plus the reduced blade, it is equally sharp!

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