Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 5399: : Cloud City

I secretly said that it was bad. I felt that I could tease the woman in front of me by getting acquainted with her. I was really wrong. Monarch Mengxue had totally different thoughts from other women. She seemed not to care about her appearance, or even Like others to care about.

"You misunderstood, I didn't mean that." I sighed, the city wall in Meng Xuejun's heart was so high that he would not easily open the door for the slightest favor or the slightest favor of language.

"Forget it, no matter what it means, people are no different. When you see the good-looking, everyone is eager to ask for it and do whatever it takes." Meng Xuejun said.

"Your sword songs are sometimes affectionate, is it because you are like this too?" I asked simply.

Meng Xuejun thought for a while, then nodded: "At first sight, what's the difference? Is it because of the love of the world?"

I nodded and said, "You are right. There is no love for no reason, and no hate for no reason. Like sometimes starts from the first sight. In fact, love is something like that, who doesn’t bury it in his heart. How many love graves? This is not surprising, especially if there is a good skin, the graves left in the hearts of others are unimaginable. So, looking good is sometimes the original sin. Do you think What?"

Meng Xuejun looked at me in surprise. After chewing this sentence for a while, he nodded most slowly and said, "Is it the original sin to be good-looking? What you said is right, our thirty-six disciples After staying in Yumiya Sword Island, although I can’t say that I eat and live together, I can’t see and see when I look up. After all, they are young men and women. Naturally, they admire each other, but I don’t know if it’s because I was so smart at that time. The senior brothers favor me, but I have never had any intersection with them other than academics, as if I wanted to part ways with them from my heart..."

"Then didn't you bother you?" I asked, usually in a class, there are always people who like to stalker.

Meng Xuejun said coldly: "Yes, this is exactly the one I want to talk about, and turned me into the junior fellow like I am now."

"This time is the story of Junior Brother and Senior Sister?" My eyes widened.

"You think too much. Since the disciples of the 36 channels selected by our sword palace entered the sword island, they have no real sense of brothers and sisters. The older ones are the brothers and sisters, and this Brother, I’ve always been called Senior Sister, and wherever I go, I can see his presence. He is completely different from other brothers. He has never said that he likes me or makes me think he likes. It's me..." Meng Xuejun sighed.

"That's very smart. Maybe it's smarter than you." I said, this kind of forbearable existence is usually either too smart or too bad.

"You are right, so I rejected all the seniors who admired me. I never felt that there was anything wrong with him by my side. Not only was he very clever, he was excellent in his swordsmanship, and he was even among the top 36. Yes, at that time in Jiandao, there were even elders who praised him more than once that he would become the next palace lord of our Yu Palace... But it was such a person who was willing to call me Senior Sister, and what I asked him to do, he Without saying a word, I tried everything to do my best...you know, such a man, it can be said that few women can refuse." Meng Xuejun smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"It's true, there is an excellent junior, but he is willing to listen to his own, and everyone feels lucky." Think about it, who doesn't want it? But this matter is of course not that simple. I asked, "What happened later? After you left Sword Island, didn't he show his heart?"

Meng Xuejun shook his head and said: "We didn't end our studies. The great chaos in Yunshazhou began. At that time, Yunshazhou was governed by humans and demons all year round. The two clans did not lack disputes. It’s too simple. No matter who is right or wrong, I don’t bother to pursue it anymore. I just remember that the Demon Emperor attacked Cangyun City. The Immortal Emperor was furious and summoned all the Sword Sword Palace and Demon Emperor in my Yunsha Island. Opposing, our Yu Palace, as the most important force among them, naturally has to send disciples to go there, so even if we didn’t have completed our studies, we ended our studies ahead of time, went to Cangyun City together, and followed the orders of the Immortal Emperor to attack the hinterland of the monster race. Yu Gong felt that this was a good opportunity to select the next palace lord, and Quan should let us take the opportunity to experience it."

"Are the demons in Yunshazhou very powerful at that time? They actually hit the Cangyun City of Immortal?" I asked.

"Not only did he hit Cangyun City, but he also killed the old city lord of Cangyun City, who is also the father of the current Immortal Emperor. Therefore, this hatred is not shared by humans and immortals, and the cause of this war , And also gave birth to three important men who influenced the future of Yunshazhou in that era." Mengxuejun slowly closed his eyes.

"Three?" I looked at Monarch Mengxue in surprise.

"Well, the root cause of the Yunshazhou War was the change of dynasty. The demon emperor selected a new demon emperor. Therefore, I feel that the old demon emperor and the emperor have set a good area for each other. Naturally, they need to be re-divided. I tried my best to find a dispute. The old immortal emperor stays down, and naturally became his first step to cannibalize the human and immortal territory. It happened that at that time, the immortals chose a new immortal emperor. Naturally, we have to compete with each other, and as a king chess under the hands of the new and old immortal emperors, how can our Yu Palace put our arms aside at this time?"

"You arrived in Cangyun City, did you counterattack the monster race?" I asked.

"Haha...If it goes so smoothly, it would be fine. Not only did we fail to reach Cangyun City smoothly, Junior Brother, as the leader of this Yu Palace disciple, took us to Cangyun City; although I was cautious, let Junior Brother take Everyone changed several routes together, for fear that the enemy would gain by stepping on the trap, but never thought that the opponent was more cunning and bold than me. They recharged their energy and kept quiet in the mountains and forests not far from Cangyun City. Waiting for us, we were ambushed by a large number of demon clan, the other party even the demon emperor came, I have known for a long time, as the trump card of the immortal, why not let the demon emperor be jealous?" Meng Xuejun said.

"What happened later?" I thought this was expected, but I couldn't help but admire the new Demon Emperor's power, and he was actually a master of strategic points.

"The thirty-six disciples sent by our Yugong Palace were killed and wounded in a battle. The younger brother and I, as well as the remaining three senior brothers and senior sisters, were almost desperate. Immortal Emperor rescued." Monarch Mengxue raised his head, seeming to remember something.

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