Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 5410: : Wrong pit

"Sovereign Taihua's swordsmanship is a group of people, so naturally you should start the mountain and establish a school... In those years, you have traveled around the world and have countless precious... adventure experiences. If you really want to... rebuild the Taihua swordsmanship, I will look forward to it... let alone other disciples. "I laughed drunkly. I have already seen some clues of this old man’s addiction. For example, I saw that he built a Taihua Kendo in the bamboo forest before, but he couldn’t get through the gate. If he wants to live, don’t It is said that there are two unicorns guarding the gate. If he wants to cross over, it will have passed long ago. Isn't the heart knot there?

He drove his beloved master down the mountain, and it was difficult to go up the mountain again.

"Even the little friend thinks so? But how does this disciple's birth source attract?" Taihua Jun suddenly became interested. This was his lifelong dream, but it seemed not easy for him to realize it.

I laughed and said: "Taihua Jun started the mountain... established faction, of course I will help you all... you don't have to worry about the student source, Taihua Jun has to make the threshold more solid... Why? I'm afraid it will be broken for the disciples. That's it!"

Taihuajun smiled and scratched his chest, it was very itchy: "If you have a little friend, the old man will be satisfied. After all, the young friend is now the **** of the nine heavens, and the old man feels that he is looking for a little friend. Friends are not difficult."

"Well, Mr. Taihua can get... Tell me how to understand... Have you tasted what the Lord Sword thought?" I put my hand on the shoulder of Mr. Taihua, of course I have to take the opportunity to dig some materials.

Taihua Jun thought for a while, then turned around and quietly glanced at Mengxue Jun, and was about to say something, but then I also turned my head, and she happened to meet Mengxue Jun, and she suddenly stared. Mr. Taihua said, "Does Mr. Taihua want to take him there?"

"Haha... Jun Mengxue is really Bingxue smart, the old man thinks, since we have no way to enter... Then do you want Xiaoyou Xia to try? If you can get in, wouldn't it be possible for Xiaoyou to have another feeling? Maybe you can come into contact with the unknown thoughts of Master Taste Jian..." Mr. Taihua quickly explained.

Monarch Mengxue's face sank, and said: "We knew where the place was when we went, but the mention of it by Lord Jian Jian deepened our impression. We know that that place is outside the law of the Three Monarchs. To the ground, such a peek of what the Sword Master thought and thought, is it not the right way?"

"Meng Xuejun, what you said is too serious, and you also said that it is a place outside the law. For us, this is also a place that everyone does not recognize. Since we do not admit it, what is the problem if we go in and find out? We can only watch from a distance, but we can't get in. For many years, it has been a mystery hanging in our hearts. After so many years of old age, it is so easy to wait for the newcomer to dare to find out, Meng Xuejun will cut it. Don't stop it." Taihua Jun was a bit determined this time.

Of course Meng Xuejun still intends to stop it. After all, she and Jian Jianjun are friends who go with life and death. She has never thought about spying on other people’s privacy, so she continued: "Taihua Jun, you have to use conditions to I don't mind if you win him over, but if you want to use this to spy on people's privacy, I know you are not of that temperament, please don't make mistakes."

"Meng Xuejun... you also wanted to go back then. Since we all can't get in, the little friends may not get in either, so what if you try?" Taihua Jun shrank his head.

"What if you can't enter?" Monarch Mengxue narrowed his eyebrows.

"Then don't go... let's try first..." I said with a smile, and Mr. Taihua clapped his hands and said, "Yes, we just try..."

To prevent Monarch Mengxue from interfering arbitrarily, Monarch Mengxue dragged me and flew to the southeast. On the way, Monarch Mengxue also led others to chase us. I drank too much, so I went along the way. The surrounding scenery was dazzling, and Mr. Taihua was pulling away again.

Soon I remembered that I was still holding a hip flask and wanted to take a few more sips. Taihua Jun stretched out his hand to take it away and said, "I will be going to the overseas fairy mountain in a while, so I don’t want to drink anymore. I won't even let you in..."

"Huh? What...Xianshan?" I was taken aback, and something strange would inevitably be born in my heart.

"Hey, you'll know when you go. Lao Xu and Mengxue Jun were also quite at a loss at the time. The mountain was actually not that weird, but it happened from time to time, and sometimes not. Later, under this probe, I found that it is always a taste. This fairy mountain will appear after Lord Sword falls asleep, and if Lord Sword is half awake and half asleep, or if he wants to wake up, this fairy mountain will disappear. It is really weird and the place is endless. But it's not somewhere in the world here, it should be a bigger and broader world, so Monarch Mengxue and I wondered if this would be the drunken dream of Master Sword...After all, you also know, Comparing the strength of Master Tasting Sword to ours, that is the difference between cloud and mud. Even if we co-created the law in front of us, there are still places that we can't reach. And that fairy mountain, as the beginning, is the most mysterious existence." Tai Huajun said in a low voice.

"Is there such a mysterious place?" I suddenly woke up half of the wine. I didn't expect that there was another world in this new world law, but as the sword master woke up and fell asleep, it appeared and disappeared, which was simply amazing.

Meng Xuejun also said: "So we didn't plan to actually go in, for fear that we might disturb Monarch Tasting Sword falling asleep, but we're not sure what will happen in it, and whether it might affect him."

"Mengxue Jun, you are too worried. Why did Mr. Jian Jian ever worry us?" Jun Taihua disagreed. No wonder the old man was expelled from the teacher. Even if he was from the line of Taiqing, his thoughts were somewhat detached. It would be better to swap with Meng Xuejun.

But things like cultivation are sometimes due to the luck of the Tao, and sometimes only after learning that you know that you might have fallen into the wrong pit, but you can't jump out anymore.

We just flew like this, and it was another half of the day. I was already in a basic state of drunkenness, and we were already on the sea. Everyone was racing, and after an unknown period of time, a thundercloud, rain, and mist gradually began. In front of my eyes, it seemed as if the sea in front was going through a storm, or a special celestial phenomenon.

"Yes, Master Jianjian really fell asleep at this moment." Tai Huajun clapped his hands happily, leading everyone to continue flying. After entering the cloud, among the dark thunderclouds, some colorful and bright colors actually appeared. In the layers of dark clouds.

Except for clouds or clouds, thunder and lightning, and heavy rain as usual, but the illusion that everyone sees is calm, except for the dark clouds, there is no drop of rain or lightning, and far away, the mountains are located in it, but It's completely as if it doesn't matter that there is a vast ocean under the cloud!

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