Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 5443: : Divide by one

It’s impossible to live in a dream now. This dream world has become a new world of laws for me. Before, the eyes of the laws looked at these rainbow gases like Zen Daotian. A new world is being conceived, but it is also from the beginning. it has started.

The eye of the law is the eye of magic created for the new law. It is the same as the eye of yin and yang, the eye of the sky, and the eye of the true fairy. They all see higher levels of existence, including the rainbow color of the sky. Gas, in fact, if you can see it with the eyes of Zen Dao, it is also a boundless world, but everything in it is formed by the Taoist vein, and Zen Dao Tian itself is actually a clear space.

At this moment, we have returned to the Tibetan Sword Mountain, and the Sword Master did not come to welcome us.

Just like what Taihuajun said, he also needs to understand my last type of cracking, because his last sword should have destroyed me, but in the end I was reborn in any law, then the problem is serious, which means The sword of the law can't kill me, and the sword that can't win, how can the victory be divided?

In fact, I am not a steady victory. Even if the dream world looks boundless, but after all, the scope is limited. The power of the law seems to be able to restructure the world, but if it is big enough, it will not be able to cover everything in an instant, just like here. In the world, Master Taste of Sword may be defeated by my new creation law, but he has a boundless strategic retreat. If he does not intend to be dead, it is still possible to escape this sword, and I cannot use it countless times. There are always times when it is not useful.

So we all need a way to control the enemy, not just a plan to nail everything.

This time the law was not created on a whim. It has not been realized, or in the process of realizing it. The reason is that they are composed of two different laws. The remaining half tricks of the tactics, one is the law of my super road law. After these two laws are entwined with each other, they draw out countless threads of luck. These threads of luck will be the moment I refind this world. Continuous formation, so it is tantamount to toppling and reconstructing the whole world like dominoes one after another.

Chuang Dao Art is to collect all the Dao trajectory and all energy that can be used around the body, and the Super Dao Method is complicated. It is the basis of the Sanqing Basic Dao Method, but I never thought of using them together. New rules will be formed, and it will still be the real law of creation, which means a kind of complement.

It is said that it is a complement. In fact, there is a basis. The ancient immortal opened the sky and transformed into the way of heaven. The way of heaven encompasses all the ways of our immortals, but when the way is derived, there are countless ways. It is: Dao produces one, life two , Two beget three, three beget all things, and this creation art is one of the two in one life, and the other one is the one of the three great methods.

And I let the two Taoisms be released in a unified form, and I returned to the realm of Taoism. This can also be regarded as a kind of return to the origin. This super Taoism may be the origin of the creation of the Taoist Art. The two brothers, the ingenious fusion this time, gave me a new rule.

Of course, this law is said to be a new law, but in fact, I can’t get out of the most real law of opening the sky, because now I’m still under the law of opening the sky. Compared with the real law of the ancient immortal, that’s a drop in the ocean, and it’s worthless. Bask.

Therefore, this kind of law is also a new and enthusiastic pseudo-new law. The strength is relatively speaking, not that it can really affect everything. It is like if the ancient immortal of the open sky stands in front of me and uses its infinite hair to move the law of heaven, I What does this new law mean to him?

Not to mention that I am nothing to him. Even the sword of law in my hand is affected by it. It cannot destroy the sword of law, but it can contain it. This is also a kind of influence.

Dao has no strength or weakness, and even the ultimate law of the Dao of Heaven. In fact, there are only individual strengths and weaknesses. You can do as much work as you have, and it can only do so now.

It's like letting Lord Sword go out now, could it be that the gods of Hua Shenjun who is the Son of Destiny Daojiao all over? Will he be able to win the three evil immortals who have been transformed into countless tribulations?

In the face of them, even if there are laws that are as strong as the new laws, sometimes they are large enough for the methods, and when they are strong enough, the old laws will swallow up similar laws.

However, I and Master Taste Sword, and even everything called "Xian", are all derived from the law of heaven, so the new law will not die, but we will also perish. This is inevitable.

Therefore, iron has to be hard by itself. The law is only a Taoist weapon, and the human immortal is the fundamental. If you can't control the law, or can't bear the crush of the law, it's just a fake handle.

Thinking of this, I breathed a sigh of relief. It was a complete comprehension of the new law that I had learned. From now on, I have not only the law of Super Dao Method, but also the law of Creation Dao Jue, as well as the two in one. In terms of software, the super-laws are no less than any fairy family.

Of course, now that I ate the wine given by Monarch Mengxue, the Dao Body was only stepping into the realm of Dao Tribulation, and it was still far from Sheng Dao Tian.

"Taste Jianjun wants to sober up. This is unheard of. His context should be messed up. How to fight when he wakes up?" Taihua Jun frowned and thought, puzzled.

I smiled and said, "Maybe it may not be all in a mess."

Jun Taihua was stunned for a moment, and then he suddenly figured out what I said: "That's why I have what kind of double personality the little friend said? Hey, I really don't understand it. You said it would be good if you try to explain it. Why don’t you just say it? I’m bored there, who knows what happened? Did he kill his little sister and the whole family?"

"Perhaps he doesn't know it himself." I said.

Jun Taihua was stunned again, and said, "Why doesn't he know it himself? Is it possible that he can cover his eyes? I am confused?"

"Hehe, I'm afraid it's possible. When he said that he didn't kill, it was his senior brother's personality, so he can say categorically that he didn't kill, because it was the personality of the master. Can Lord Taihua understand?" I laughed.

Mr. Taihua scratched his head and said, "The old man really doesn't understand these things. Anyway, the old man thinks that Mr. Jian Jian is a good person, and he doesn't have to get along so hard!"

"That's because you often drank too much and hugged your head to sleep! The two snore, you can smell it within a hundred miles!" Meng Xuejun interjected.

A group of people also smiled.

But Mr. Taihua suddenly wondered and asked, "Can you just kill the personality of the master... and leave the personality of the senior?"

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