Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 5450: : Stripping

Master Taste Sword will suddenly imitate my sword song attack. It is precisely because of the powerful skill of this sword, and the indulgence in front of the annihilation of the world's immortal family is also its overbearing. Therefore, Master Taste Sword played against Taihua King and After Meng Xuejun, this sword should also be recorded, and I have the prototype of imitating in my heart, and I dare not take it lightly to complete this trick. There is Jiuge Jiuge to make the bottom line, and the power is only high and not low!

My long sword is imaginary, swinging up and down around it, and rolling white clouds are among the thousand peaks of the bright moon, and under the curve of the sword, the unique peaks appear one by one, as if I were creating this world!

This song Tianjiao is based on the creation of Dao tactics, which has a certain degree of law. At this moment, I certainly will not copy the previous sword moves. If I still deal with Taihua Jun and Mengxue Jun, I will definitely give it a taste. Sword Lord was defeated with a single blow. If he didn't surpass my certainty, how dare he play a big sword in front of Guan Gong?

Under my drag and traction, at least half of the energy generated by the force of the two laws just now became my Sword Realm. Of course, the Sword Master also took half of it. After all, His grasp of the Sword Realm is actually better than mine, so when my Qianfeng ups and downs, his mountains also compete with each other, the Yangtze River is chasing waves, the clouds are misty, and the vast sea and the green sky are gradually formed, this magnificent The world of rivers and mountains, and mine are completely on the same horizon!

My splendid mountains and rivers also formed at this moment, and bordered his mountains. Even the rivers collided with each other and merged together, forming a more sprawling and majestic river!

The white clouds and the blue sky are in one line, the mountains, seas, and trees are arranged in a circle, and if there is no one another in an instant, this magnificent world has really been created for the two of us!

However, no one believes that we are dancing and playing together. This harmonious world is actually just a fairy tale in the dark night. It seems that it will be a perfect and beautiful ending, but every minute to the end, it may turn over. Let the entire fairy tale world fall into an unimaginable reversal!

Master Taste Sword is extremely good at creating the sword realm. This is a harsh test for imagination. From now on, his world is more of a wild horse, and more of a arrogant and domineering spirit. This may be related to his own Swordsing and swordsmanship are related, but it is this kind of ups and downs, and the performance of great skill that makes the landscape on his side majestic, and Qifeng is extremely dangerous!

And my swordsmanship lacks the madness and absolute dominance, but the ethereal clouds and mists are stacked in the fairyland, the mountains and rivers rise in one stroke, and the mountains and mountains are steep and steep. This is more restrained. Hidden machine front, there is awe-inspiring aura in hiding!

Therefore, the world on my side is magnificent, in line with nature!

The application of the sword state of the two of us has almost reached the pinnacle of the three poles of the Tao. The mastery of the sword state between each other is enough to describe the peak and the extreme in what I have seen. The difference is almost as small as the difference in form. , There is no difference between strength and weakness!

It is true that after all, victory or defeat is to distinguish between strength and weakness, and the standard of strength and weakness is also hidden between the invisible micro-fines, but as long as there is strength and weakness, it can be distinguished. How to distinguish it depends only on the opponent's last stroke. What has this world become!

The strength of Chuang Dao Jue lies in drawing the power of the context of heaven and earth for its own use, but all energy is affected by the power of Taoism, so constructing heaven and earth and using the power of heaven and earth to annihilate everything is the end of this sword!

Taste the sword of Lord Sword from the east to the sword to chase water, so the first sentence has already explained the result, this sword will go from east to west, like chasing water!

And my sword from the west to the sword from the east to the east is from west to east. This is obviously a contradictory move! That is to say, I and Jianjianjun will eventually sweep each other from the opposite direction. In the process, whoever has the most accumulated power will control the situation, because before sweeping the other party, Jiange's duel. , Will become the key to victory!


"Fangcun Kendo! Sword! Chase! Heaven! Pride!"

"Heaven! Heaven! Pride! Vertical! Horizontal!"

The moment we gained momentum, the mountains and the earth broke apart. When the sword moved, the sky and the earth seemed to be opened. The sword moved slowly, sweeping towards each other step by step, and in the process, we took all of each other's world and became a sword. Absolute power attached to the body! But in fact, this sword is as fast as a comet swept by, and it has the terrible power of destroying the dryness. In an instant, my condensed giant sword is like a huge galaxy, and the sword of the sword master is blasted together!

The huge sound waves put the tympanic membrane under terrible pressure, this is another sword of law confrontation, because we have integrated each other's laws into this sword, so including the sword, our wrestling is also here. It started in an instant!

At the moment of meeting, the explosion was destined to be as powerful as this catastrophe, so suddenly, the surrounding space laws began to save themselves, restructured, and re-adjusted, so that the laws of our two swords quickly dissipated. , And the disappearance of the power of the law is not a good thing, because the power of each other’s sword state is still there, just like the original power is locked in a cage, and the two cages are blasted between each other. , The strong crushed the weaker side to smash, and finally the cage hit the other side!

But now the power of the law in this space is so powerful that it can eliminate the power of our law, so after the skeleton disappeared, the two of us immediately endured the full power of each other's sword realm!


Suddenly, I just felt that the world in front of me was as colorful as the world I swept through, turning into a color. Then I seemed to lose control, and my whole person flew out directly, I saw my eyes spinning around, and then my whole body Before the pain came, the whole person flew countless bombs on the ground, and the power in his hand had long since disappeared, let them go with the wind!

The protective shield on my body flashed between bright and extinguished. This is not only the number of energy destructions, but also the countless adjustments to my body shape. I don’t know how the taste of the sword is going, because of the impact of this sword. The power should be the same to each other, and he also endured my sword, so this storm force should have blasted him!


The explosion sounded endlessly. This terrifying energy destructive power was finally digested by the collision of the two energies. When I lifted my sword to hold my figure and flew up, Taste Sword Master also suddenly lifted into the air, his image Very embarrassed, most of the clothes on his body were damaged, and there were burnt places all over his body, and the original bun was also messy.

Of course, I am not much better.

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