Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 5455: : Epic


The rune of the Sword of Law is instantly pressurized and the circuit is sealed. The destructive power that this brings is unimaginable. Detonating it was originally a practice that I had completely ignored the rules and forced it to explode. This is the sword destroys and kills people. Thoughts!

Unexpectedly, the next scene surprised me. Not only did the original self-detonation not happen, but because it ignited the power of the law, it made itself seem to be caught in a crazy energy impact, blowing away all the energy around it that suppressed it instantly. Come on!

In the next moment, all the surrounding energy was gone, including the Kaitian Fossil Sword of Lord Taste Jian, who also rushed back to the Sword of Law at this moment, and dismantled it instantly! The blade of the sword burst like a stone, and suddenly fell apart. Even though the Kaitian Fossil Sword was hard, but it was so pressurized by the Sword Master before, it was shocked by the powerful new law, and it was inevitable that it could not withstand this terrible attack. , It was split very special, it turned into a long strip of four pieces, which is equivalent to a small sword and three blades. This weird split should be related to its forging method.

Or when the owner of the original Fangcun Swordsman started to make it, it was already left with a dark disease. After all, its predecessor should have been the bone of opening the sky. In fact, the bone of opening the sky is still compared with the sword of law. Not hard enough!


The Sword of Law instantly slammed into the heart of Master Taste Sword, blasting him into ashes!

I stood in place, and the veins of my body stopped the declining tendency of disappearing at this moment, allowing me to retain the only remaining veins!

The sword of law was unscathed at this time, and even the runes did not receive any influence. It can be described as a sword that is stable to the peak. My original plan to abandon myself, I did not expect to complete a bomb ignition strangely. In any case, I can't believe it.

I should have won. After trying Sword Lord’s original winning coupon, he probably never thought that he would lose this way, including me, and never thought that I would win so weird!

No matter who it is, when I retreat in the last step, and even when I can't bear the pressure immediately, I will feel that I will lose, but who can think that it will become the current situation next!

So I floated in the air for a long time in the wind, and everyone didn't realize that I won, until I took the long sword back, Qing Weixin was the first to pounce on me!

"Big Brother Xia!" Qing Weixin was frightened in my arms, her face was pale and her eyes were full of unbelief. Maybe she didn't expect that I would die and live afterwards. This way of winning would be too tragic. You must know from start to finish. The wins I showed were light and calm, and I have never had such a tragic victory now!

Including I also admit that the opponent is too strong, and he is likely to be the winner in this long victory. If it weren’t for me to finally ignite the sword of the law and deliberately make it loop link error and cause an explosion, I might be the process of his victory. It’s just a pass in

But I still win!

Taihuajun was dumbfounded, completely speechless, and Liulisha also flew over quickly. It was inevitable that there were two lines of tears. In fact, she could not bear it anymore. The battle was too hard, no matter if it was Everyone thinks I will be defeated.

Unfortunately, I still won the sword fight, which means that I will have this vast world of laws!

"You have won. No one has ever won Taste Sword Master. At least in my memory, and this is the second time you have won. This battle is also very meaningful. I know you are the strongest one..." Meng Xuejun couldn't help but be happy, but he was also suppressing his emotional fluctuations.

"Since I win, it means that I am the master of this place. I now order you to give my master a smile first." I smiled and looked smug.

"I want to be beautiful." Mengxue laughed at me instead, and Qing Weixin and Liulisha quickly broke the matter of her laugh, which made Mengxue suddenly dumb.

"This... why is it like this... It is obvious that the sword lord is about to win... why this sword... shouldn't be..." Taihuajun has not yet realized from the last sword, although he also misses me He won, but his trust in Master Taste Sword is beyond doubt, so let him sympathize with Master Taste Sword at this time.

Compared with Wannian's friendship, I am just a junior who has only met for a few days.

Emperor Taihua descended rapidly, until he reached the point where the sword fell, he picked up the four small swords blankly. To him, Master Sword Tasting was also the lofty mountain in his mind, and the nearest way to rely on kendo. But now Taste Sword Lord has lost, and this blow is of course great for him.

"Unexpectedly, if you are as powerful as the Master of Sword, you can defeat it. This is simply an eye-opener for the old man. From now on, it is the little friend who is the number one Sword Immortal in the world!"

"It's too early to say. There is no peak in swordsmanship. There are always people who are stronger than me. What's more, the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves forward. Where is the leader of the sword in this world, but it is temporarily touching its boundaries." I said modestly, who knows who is the strongest?

Or when I went out, a strong man came to challenge me, and defeated me like I defeated the Sword Master today. Wouldn't it be a slap in the face?

Now that I have defeated Master Taste Sword, I am also relieved. I just don’t know if he has completely disappeared from the core of his context this time. Although I promised to take aim at Taihua Jun, but at the critical moment, I I have forgotten all about it a long time ago. When I can’t protect myself, you can only choose the method of living and the method of death.

So it may be destined from the beginning that this war will only have two results, life and death. As for everything derived, in fact, I can already accept it.

I looked at Emperor Taihua and said, "How about Sword Master?"

Mr. Taihua took four small swords, looked around blankly and sighed, and said: "Maybe I have already gone to the sword test stand... The old man can no longer find his breath here..."

"Is there no trace of his veins on the Taoist treasures here?" I was taken aback.

"It is precisely because I disappeared, that I can't find it... At the beginning of this battle, Lord Taste Sword pulled back all of his veins. Right now, above this extremely treasure, only I and Monarch Mengxue stay together. It is also that we are trying our best to protect the Taoist treasures without losing." Taihua Jun said quietly.

I was taken aback. It seems that Lord Taste Sword also prepared for this battle. In the life or death battle, there is no third option. He also needs to fight with me wholeheartedly, because I am the only one who has to fight against him. The person who won the game.

"Brother Xia, we have been in this extremely treasure for a long time, what should we do next?" Qing Weixin suddenly asked.

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