Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 5481: : Leakage

When I was planning to find a chance to leave, I was in a dilemma in an instant. The other party was certainly not a daughter-in-law, but how similar they looked! I even almost made me hand over the name of my wife and sister! Only from some of the accessories, clothes, and the unique flying fairy bun of the girl, it can be seen that she is not a sister-in-law.

Because the sister-in-law has never combed such a young hair bun, and she is still in power in Tiancheng, how can she appear here, and even if it is a projection, her dress and dress cannot change so much.

The girl didn't notice my side, but rushed towards the **** of Huashen, and waved a lightsaber in her hand, and then countless dark and crimson attacks all blasted towards the **** of Huashen!

Huashenjun and Donghuang were inextricably fought with each other. Seeing the girl attacking him, he gave an unexpected whisper, but when he glanced at the girl, he laughed and gave me a deep look, and I secretly said Isn't this old man a little girl in love?

However, this guy looks too similar to me and Xia Ruize, and there will be more problems in the future. Of course, he is much younger than us, and he seems to be a little closer to that girl. After all, after many years of debut, even if I can maintain my youthful image, Doesn't fit my current status, I've already grown up like an uncle, with heavy power in my hand and hairless mouth?

As for King Hua Shenjun, he was originally old-fashioned, but who knew that a chaos made him old and pretty again.

Of course, this is not the time to talk about this. I encountered a fierce attack here. While these immortals gathered, the large formation was also laid down. I was attacked by a white-clothed force. I have to say that the attacks of these guys actually led With a strong attribute, it looks like the ability to be similar to the nine! It seems to be at odds with Sanxianjie.

The Three Immortals are dominated by Yuqing, Taiqing, and Shangqing, so the control ability can be described as tyrannical. The Three Great Ways method is almost the standard configuration there. Although there is the Three Great Ways here, the level is not high. Most of them are tyrannical nines. The sub-attribute attack, the nine attributes are the reincarnation of heaven and earth, the way of immortals, demon, and destiny, and the group I came into contact with obviously belonged to the destiny.

"Friends in Heaven! The enemy on your side is the weakest. You can kill all fellow Taoists. Please come and kill this alien immortal!"

A loud voice came from a distance, and the leader who led the white sword immortal to besiege me quickly responded, and then ordered his subordinates to continue to surround me, and ran to deal with the **** of Hua.

The siege of Huashenjun was fierce. When everyone was besieging Huashenjun, there was still nothing to do with Huashenjun. Even after being beaten by countless tentacles, they finally had to take out their magic weapons to fight the enemy. Calling the Dao masters of various forces, these nine forces indeed correspond to the Nine Sub Channels, so I can almost conclude that this is definitely related to the nine sub attributes.

I am actually quite depressed. It seems that everyone thinks I am the weakest one. After all, Xia Ruize has the awakening of the Dao, and there are several Dao Tribulation of the Dao level. As for Li Poxiao, he lost the Great Heaven Sword. But the awakening of Xian Dao came back, which gave him infinite power, so in this case, it was obvious who was more powerful.

Although I am confident that Li Poxiao and Xia Ruize are not my opponents, it is best for everyone to think that they are the most powerful at the moment, and my assassin is hidden in my sleeves at this moment. Of course, I will not continue to show off my skills at this time. , The next moment, I moved out the Spirit Bone Shield, blocking the fierce attack of these Proving Dao Realm Immortal Houses, and then after summoning Kunpeng, I instantly retracted the shield and turned into a light and fleeing here!

As I left quickly, I could see the stunned expressions of the Xianjia here. I guess no one would have thought that I would run away in a blink of an eye.

It’s a wise move to leave the battlefield. The situation on the three evil immortals is uncertain. It’s okay if he doesn’t come out. It’s useless if he comes out even if there are too many people to stop him, and Hua Shenjun is just playing with the immortal family here. It's just a matter of testing the opponent's strength. As for Xia Ruize and Li Poxiao, they can't stay here and continue fighting. Once they find the same opportunity as me, they will definitely escape.

Because there was no defense in other places except this place, and Kunpeng's speed was too fast, I soon came to an airspace.

After stopping, I ordered Kunpeng to break through the realm. After all, going back is the most important thing. Kunpeng consumed a lot in the previous big formation, but there are a lot of things in the Xuantian gourd, so when I came out, I got fat again. The one who is full of pride must scratch this face!

Chi Chi!

The result was beyond my expectation. Even the weak plane here seems to be not so easy to break open. Kunpeng changed form on the spot and tried several times, but what made me depressed was that they all failed!

It seems that only weak points are not enough. The boundary wall of this plane seems to be thick enough. If Kunpeng does not rush into the realm of the realm, I am afraid it will be difficult to break the boundary.

And when entering the Three Immortal Realm from the Gate of Eternal Silence, there was actually a leak opened there, so Kunpeng didn't consume much energy.

I started to wonder how to do it well, so I could only pat Kunpeng on the back and said: "Look around for a look to see if there is any weak point in the space that can return to the Nine Heavens. Be careful to avoid the fairy house here. "

The interface here seems to be very disgusting with the immortal family in the other world, especially the three immortal world, but the three immortal world has caused them so miserable, I want to know that their world should have been holding enemies since ancient times.

In particular, the ancient traditions and surnames they followed actually used names like Donghuang. This may be traced back to Donghuang Taiyi, but think about it carefully, before the Donghuang did use the attributes of the heavens, maybe it really did have the Donghuang Taiyi. connection.

Kunpeng's speed is extremely fast, there is no need to avoid any immortal family at all. Flying in this space seems like a gust of wind, it is impossible to attract anyone's attention, and here is completely different from the dead world of the Three Immortals, it is more like A world like the ancient fairy world, or an existence like the nine heavens.

And judging by the speed of Kunpeng’s rush all the way, the Chaotian World participating in this is very huge, and there is a lot of land. After all, it is the interface of the previous three immortals, and the Three Immortals, as the central area of ​​the chaotic sky, can be described as dense. It's like the current heaven in the nine heavens.

Therefore, the Three Immortal Realm and the Three Immortal Realm have been swapped, and of course there are many interfaces. The most important thing is that besides the space is not small, the immortal energy is very abundant here, and the Three Immortal Realm is almost two extremes!

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