Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 5487: : Wuyou

"Seeking... revenge... what kind of revenge?" This guy's eyes flashed a hint of alertness. It seems that when I asked, he seemed to understand that I was really passing by. As for revenge, it would be impossible. .

"Hehe, Fan Zhiyang went out for a few days and didn't return. The women and children in the family didn't even dare to go out. Seeing that strangers were afraid to be like this, obviously there was a cause. It seems that Fan Zhiyang has not returned home for a long time, and the family members also know that abnormalities are about to happen, so you Put Fan Zhiyang in prison?" I'm not stupid. I think about it and I know there may be some strangeness. These guys are so nervous to find Fan Zhiyang's people, what are they going to do?

Besides, what benefits can be gained by going to a ruined school? Can debt collection really get back the money? If possible, Fan Zhiyang wouldn’t have to be a seller in Fangshi in two days, so I have come to a conclusion in my heart, maybe Fan Zhiyang is already more ill-fortuned. If these people are looking for me, I’m afraid they will have to say otherwise, yes. There is a high probability that it will kill you.

It is common sense to cut grass and roots in the arena, not to mention that it is for a family of unscrupulous practice, who may be used to bullying on weekdays. Of course, they are extremely strict with children. Who doesn't want their children to make a comeback?

I kind of understand that even if Fan Zhiyang bears a heavy burden, he still hopes that the child will be in the mood for the first day.

Taking a deep breath, the long sword in my hand was strengthened. The golden sword was extremely sharp, not to mention dealing with flesh and blood. This person was so frightened that he begged for mercy: "Friends, please stop... Stop it, Fan Zhiyang and What's the relationship between Daoists? If you get Daoists to offend our Jade Fairy Clan? This Fan Zhiyang deserves to owe the debts. If we can't, we will be punished severely. Otherwise, the immortals will borrow debts in the future. Give it back..."

"Severe punishment? That means it's still there. Then you kid can be regarded as leaving a way for yourself, yes, well, take me to find Fan Zhiyang." I sneered.

"This..." As soon as the other party heard what I said, his face suddenly hesitated, and he hurriedly said: "Daoist, you can't be guilty, it's just the head of a down-and-out sect, even the cultivation base is scattered, why bother How about going against our Jade Fairy Gate? Let’s do it like this, fellow daoists are just passing by. Everyone stays on the sidelines. Brother, I will apologize to fellow daoists, and fellow daoists will go to another place and continue to perform chivalry and justice. How about these two great joys?"

I condensed my eyebrows and shot my hand instantly. I killed the guy who threatened me with a single sword. I mean to kill this kind of immortal family, but they are stubborn and bad evil immortals, and keeping them is a waste. One world resource.

The other party didn’t even scream, so he gave my magical instructions to death. I didn’t wait for him to burn slowly. I just drove six rounds and sent him away. It was a show of ghosts that are similar to Liudaoxiandi. Dao magic, as for what they think, I don't care.

"You! You killed my disciple of the Jade Fairy Clan!?" The guy who threatened me was shocked, angry and scared, but obviously he underestimated my methods. Now that the writing is not good, I certainly won't continue to be polite. So another one was clicked to death in an instant. This time, there were only three of the five people left. With this weird and instantaneous method of killing the Tao, anyone would be terrified in their hearts!

The Dao Destruction Technique was originally a means of both power and deterrence, but it was not a gentleman's method.

"If you talk nonsense with me again, I'll kill them all. I think you can still talk nonsense." I smiled sorrowfully, and I had been in the murder way for many years, and I had developed a decisive momentum for killing and cutting. When I said this, I scared the other party. His voice trembled, and he quickly said: "Father of Dao...no...senior, this death of Fan Zhiyang... really has nothing to do with me... It was with Brother Xia, who was angry when he saw that he did not pay back the money for a while. He slapped Fan Zhiyang's head with a heavy palm... Isn't it a ruthless attack... If you make a mistake, you will just die..."

"It's gone!?" My face instantly turned cold, and the murderous heart suddenly came.

A disciple of the other party would also observe his words, opinions and expressions, and quickly said in a panic: "Our sect master knows about this! Let us destroy Fan's family! Seniors, don't be nosy!"

I took a deep breath and sighed. The sword in my hand shot out immediately, and an eighteen-vein Heavenly Sword blasted out the disciple with a low level of cultivation. As for the immortal family of the same level next to me, a magical finger Afterwards, the other party burned his body with flames, and started to burn continuously from his body. This flame-burning struggle was not more than the most tragic one of thousands of deaths, but I have become accustomed to the more tragic, and I will never give birth to him. A little sympathy.

The remaining disciple flew towards the Jade Immortal Gate in horror, but also gave me a sword to take off the head, and the flying sword killed it several times.

Killing several people in a row, of course, shook the entire school. A group of disciples immediately hurriedly lifted off from the school and flew towards me!

I smiled coldly, and flew to the other side without any scruples, and the market passing by knew that a major event had happened, but each one just stood on the street, and none of them dared to rise into the air. After all, a few jade stones disappeared instantly. The aura of the immortal disciple was enough to make them horrified, for fear of encountering some calamity.

Faced with a dozen elder disciples flying towards me, I glanced at me and said, "The one who has something to do with Fan Zhiyang’s death will stand up. My teacher was a brother many years ago. He showed his kindness. I heard about him today. I have come here to seek revenge, so I have nothing to do with the idlers. Please stand in front of me and take my sword. If you don’t die, you can go away. Death is nothing."

Most of a group of immortal families were shocked, but two of them had their faces deep and condensed, as if they wanted to avenge their own people. I showed murderous intent, and I arrived in front of them instantly. The nine-style magic tricks were launched immediately, and the other party had planned to avoid them. I opened it, but the next moment I found that I couldn't even move, and even actively let the core of the veins move toward my sword, suddenly exclaiming!

It's a pity that I didn't stop because he was shouting loudly, but a sword pierced his heart and completely beat him to death!

The other person raised his hand and planned to strike at me, and his body was full of black energy. I know this is the ghost way, and it is also the six ways here, but I have a sword in my hand, what effect does a pair of palms do ? In an instant, the destruction of the sword intent was launched. The aura that was so easy to condense on his body broke me cleanly, and my next square inch shift and the point line of the sword position immediately hit the core of his vein. Kill it with one sword!

A group of disciples just reacted, either drew their weapons or fleeing out. I didn't let them go. Nine stars Tissot shot out in an instant, knocking them down one by one!

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