Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 5494: : Creation

In fact, the research direction of the Nine Immortal Realm's Innate Attribute Techniques is completely different from the Xiantian Nine Sub Channels. They are almost two opposite extremes. Although they are based on affinity and innate attributes, they are completely different ways. .

The Jiuzi Channel is to directly communicate and connect the power of innate attributes, making itself a transfer station for the medium of power, using the power of the innate channel as the output power, for example, Li Poxiao and Xia Ruize are typical of them.

The Nine Immortals World is different. This is the basic practice method based on affinity and secondment. I look back on the basis I have learned. Among them, the most similar to this type of exercise is the "Yunlong Shen Gong" previously practiced in the Jiuzhongtian Gulong Family. Yunlong Shen Gong has a total of There are as many as nine layers. Among them, the initial light body, sword aura, armor shield, a hundred soldiers, ten thousand swords, a hidden front, from a dragon, to the ultimate free will, infinite, which represents the realm achieved by using sword aura, of course I It is the cultivation that has reached the limitless level, so he has an extraordinary understanding of this kind of control and affinity-based exercises.

The Nine Immortal Dao Jue’s total Dao Jue is similar to this kind of exercise. Of course, because the nine innate attributes are not connected, the general syllabus quickly multiplied into nine innate attribute factions, such as the six reincarnation attributes. The Donghuang exercises of the Tiandao faction evolution should be similar.

It is true that these are all performed retrospectively, and there must be some differences in the details, but I am also sure that it is inseparable, and I can reversely perform the same exercises or even more powerful exercises.

The Nine Immortals, which were not destroyed by the Three Immortals Realm, were indeed very powerful at that time, but if compared with me, I actually have the self-confidence to do my part. In other words, the art of creating a channel for communicating affinity and innate attributes is also absent. Besides, after using the Ghost Dao technique for so many years, I am confident that it is not much better than the six girls before.

So I can create my own six Taoist formulas.

This is naturally better than the Fan family derived step by step, or the exercises of the Jade Fairy Gate. After all, the derived factions have gone through layers of progress after all, and are far from the original version. Master, it is necessary to strip off a layer of affinity. There will always be a master who retains one hand, but does not retain the root of Taoism. This is reality.

I spent a day and a night in meditation, and finally customized a system to use the six channels for communication.

This set of systematic spells is divided into nine-fold Taoism from the very beginning, affinity, wishful thinking, hundred dharma, ten thousand dao, advent, casual, to the final vertical and horizontal and unity. It is the most basic way to ask the ghost. Understanding means being able to use the most basic communication spells, and communicating the power of reincarnation is proficient.

And the second level of "affinity" is to be able to affinity with the six realms, control the six realms for their own use, and use ghost magic spells with a certain offensive ability, which can usually reach this level, basically the six realms Xianjia can do it.

As for the third level of "Ruyi", the requirements are more in-depth, that is, to be able to use the power of the six paths as you like, so as to achieve a state of free control. This is the state where the curse starts. This type of state should be Fan An's current control of the six paths. Degree.

The cultivation methods here are similar, but the spells used are quite different. The cultivation method is controlled to the end, but the actual combat is about the systematic spells and the affinity of the six ways. My set of methods is unified, aiming to compare with the six girls. To go.

The “Hundred Techniques” of the fourth layer pay attention to the level of the third layer 100 times the spell as a unit, which means that the degree of one hundred times the power of the third layer can be used at once. This is explosive. One of them has the ability to kill the enemy if it can achieve instantaneous output. Therefore, Baifa, as the entry point for the second of the three large paragraphs, is a watershed.

The fifth layer of the "ten thousand ways" is the manifestation of the hundred faculties to keep up with the level. What is important is to be able to have the foundation of the hundred faculties at the ten thousand dao level, which is a kind of control secondment of the use of the hundred fas. Between heaven and earth, if you can't achieve the secondment of Wandao as the basis for use, the power consumed will not be able to keep up, but if you can secondment the power of Wandao, it will be much easier to export one hundred methods, which is also a manifestation of strengthening affinity.

And the'come' on the sixth level is also not something that ordinary immortals can reach, and it is equivalent to the ten thousand ways with one's body. At that time, it was basically considered as the addition of six reincarnations. You can use the six spells at will, or even descend by ghosts. Strengthen yourself to a realm.

So this level of spells, I believe that any spell that can be used against the enemy can easily deal with it.

The seventh layer of "casuality" is actually an upgraded version of the advent. It is the so-called natural way of heaven, and the six ways are born at random. What is emphasized is the ability to transform into Tao. This is almost the limit of ordinary immortals. After all, it’s not difficult to practice cultivation, but it’s very difficult to use the six reincarnations as a spell output. It’s like you have infinite power, but if you can’t use it, it’s just the result of passive beating in front of the opponent’s sword. , But if you can reach the realm of using spells as you want, as long as you think of anything, this reincarnation spell can replace your own casual attack. This is an extremely powerful attack method.

The eighth and ninth levels of the vertical and horizontal harmony, the requirements are even more profound. Perhaps many people will not be able to enter this state in their entire lives. It is like the Yunlong divine art, where the exercises are placed, but the fairy family of the ancient dragon family is even the first. The third and fourth levels can't be cultivated. The eighth and ninth levels are all legendary. The same two levels of cultivation methods require that there are methods and goals for cultivation, but even I can only reach the level of vertical and horizontal.

The aspect is not only the six reincarnation spells that can fight against the sword song, this level is based on the use of the six reincarnation discs. Of course, its attack is not limited to this, but it only exerts its affinity to the supreme realm, which can be vertical and horizontal.

I, who created this set of exercises, have not yet reached the state of unity. In my conception, this'uniting' should be integrated with the six reincarnations. I am the six reincarnations, and the six reincarnations are me, regardless of each other. Realm.

According to my creative philosophy, compared with the Jiuzi Channel, this set of exercises must achieve the awakening effect of the Jiuzi Channel when it comes to this level, because if you simply communicate with the ghost, Dao, and Taoism, the context will erupt. I actually You can also achieve that effect.

Therefore, in addition to communicating the attributes of the six reincarnations, the most important and most advantageous point of this exercise is to connect with the ghosts of the sister-in-law and sister-in-law. It should also be different from the six exercises here.

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