Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 5509: :password

Seeing my face changed, too subtle Lan couldn't help saying: "Master, why don't we kill Sister Tian..."

I lowered my eyebrows, but there was a sword of law in my hand. In the next instant, the new law exhausted all its breath, and also wiped out the breath of me and Tai Miaolan!

But my goal was not on me and Tai Weilan, but on the Dao-robed wife in front of me, but I didn’t see her blowing away like aura energy. She still looked the same, just looked at me with a surprised look: "What? Now? Are you still wondering if I am real?"

I do suspect that she is just a high concentration of aura that caused the illusion of the physical body, but I didn't expect that after she came out, she was already a ‘human’ with everything!

Could I have killed her?

I really can't do it.

This robe daughter-in-law looked a little aggrieved on her face, and then rushed over to grab the sword in my hand. My eyebrows wrinkled, but she didn't stop her from touching the blade. Of course, I did my best to suppress my mentality. .

"Oh..." But when I saw her retracting her hand painfully, her hands were full of blood, I couldn't help but feel a pain in my heart.

Too subtle Lan hurriedly took the hand of Dao Pao's daughter-in-law, and quickly restored the wounds in her hand with vitality. Seeing the muscle tissue healed, my heart couldn't help but jump wildly. The scenes were no different from the real!

She is undoubtedly right, she has truly become an independent ‘individual’!

But to summon the Dao-robed wife in this way, is this fate or some kind of mistake?

I took a deep breath, and felt a little overwhelmed for a while, but Daopao's daughter-in-law recovered, raised her hand, and smiled: "Okay, Miaolan is really amazing, you see, this time I know that I am true. Right?"

It is because the truth is too much, so I now know that this is not envy of the fairy gourd is so powerful, I really don't know why this ghost is so powerful, it actually came alive and changed a lot!

I thought that since it is a treasure, it must have its switch, so that the Dao Pao daughter-in-law will appear and exist like this, which does not conform to my values.

Seeing that I ignored her and took out the unenviable fairy gourd to study, the daughter-in-law of Dao Pao couldn't help but press down the gourd in my hand and said: "Okay, okay, don't study it, you just want me I just disappeared. I only went out for a few days and disappeared in three days. Can you bear it?"

I raised my head and looked at her. There was a comforting smile in this weak expression, and a trace of reluctance was hidden in it, which made me feel unwilling to leave her for a while, and I suppressed the reluctance in my heart. , Without saying a word.

And then her performance was completely the same as the Tao-robed wife in my mind, including chatting with Tai Weilan, and when she asked me something in her spare time, the slight changes in the eyes and the corners of her mouth did not have the slightest flaw, even I was a little overwhelmed several times.

Do not envy the fairy gourd, it really has its unique charm, and it does achieve the point that the envy of the fairy can not open the gourd, and the love of the heart is not envied. Who can refuse it? And to exist in such a real situation, even your temptations are of no avail.

Human nature is not only a person's weakness, but also a part that is difficult for a person to resist, because who can easily destroy a loved one.

Since she herself said that she would disappear, I will leave Daosao daughter-in-law aside for the time being. Of course, this does not mean that I have given up research and do not envy the fairy gourd.

The magic of this thing is beyond my expectation. I also have to think about what else it can do, because since it can read my thoughts and thoughts, it should itself be searched with some intrusive context, or It is simply a certain obsession hidden in my heart.

And if you want to know what someone wants most, this thing can play a big role, and for a while, I have other inspirations to use it.

But when I glanced at the daughter-in-law who was still alive in the Taoist robe who was pointing too delicately, I couldn't help but feel a little compassionate.

I took out the space gourd whose head was much smaller, and I fiddled with this thing again, and this time, the little bird turned into a little beast, lying motionless on the ground, seeing me coming, Frightened and fled elsewhere.

Unlocking the core of this gourd, this kind of psychic must actually have its own ideas, and there is no doubt that I can guess what it thinks, so if it is activated to activate the fairy gourd, would it be possible to get this The core secret?

This is also the way I think of using the Xian Huo.

Unsurprisingly, after I put the six-legged little spirit beast into the Immortal Gourd of Buxian, before I let it out, a blue smoke soon poured out! Not only did the little beast just ran out, there were many weird traces of runes everywhere on its body. It was obvious that this was what the little beast wanted!

The only thing a smart lock can remember is to get the password to unlock it. This is the strongest impression, so my thoughts coincide. I don’t envy that the fairy gourd can be used in reverse.

After I took the rune context on my back, it quickly condensed into a spell and directly hit the six-legged spirit beast. The guy quickly turned into a blue smoke and disappeared. After a while, the whole world suddenly After shaking, a gate was opened.

And within this gate, the vitality breathe out, and the breath of life blowing on me suddenly feels that the veins are filled with new life, and I feel like an instant vitality.

Looking at Bi Yingying’s inner world, my spirit immediately floated in. As expected, inside this space, a tree that was not too big or too small was planted, with densely woven leaves. , And many green flower buds bloomed, and some of them also bear crystal clear green fruits!

Smelling the breath in it, I already felt the vitality contained in it, let alone forming leaves, flowers, and fruits. I picked off a green flower and found the vitality on it. It overflows, so immediately pull it out with divine mind without hesitation!

When the deity was holding this flower in his hand, too subtle Lan also felt the vitality in it, and his mouth couldn't close in surprise.

"Unexpectedly, there is a tree of life hidden in the gourd." I smiled.

And Tai Wei Lan said: "I have sneaked into this gourd world before... but why the disciple has never seen this thing..."

"You try to take it down." I handed the flower to Taiweilan's hand, she hesitated, and then took it into her mouth.

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