Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 5538: : Platform

I was shocked in my heart. Although I vaguely felt that Qing Li Mo had a lot of things that fit my mind, but it was hard to believe that it was a great master, but if Wang Nai said that, naturally there would be no falsehoods. .

So I call myself a little sage teacher, it’s a bit like playing a big knife in front of Guan Gong, Qing Li Mo said, inevitably, a little embarrassed, and said, "Uncle He is joking. I grew up when you watched it. In fact, But that's all."

"It's already very good. I have grown tremendously over the years. No wonder the immortals of the Nine Immortals are willing to listen to you, but the previous feat of lobbying the Nine Immortals still shocked me, and I had to make me look at you with admiration." Wang No matter how he hugged his hands and looked at Qing Li Mo, his eyes also showed appreciation: "But that's what I said, but after all, as the Eastern Emperor's banner, I will not give in in the competition that I should do. Do you understand?"

"That's natural, but if Uncle He has a better advantage and way to let the immortals of the underground city follow, I will certainly not complain." Qing Li Mo said.

"In that case, please ask Fellow Daoist Wang to talk about the benefits of the Eastern Emperor that our underground city immortals have joined?" The girl took the opportunity to ask.

Although Qing Li Mo's advantage is obvious, it is actually not much different from what I have given. When a mother is a mother, who will take care of whom?

Wang Naihe grinned and said with a smile: "It is naturally impossible for us to have a relationship with Qingli in the East Emperor Xiandi, but the East Emperor Xiandi is the way of advocating heaven, and the Three Immortals are also based on the way of heaven. Therefore, there is a relationship between each other, and we also have the power to protect the dungeons of the Immortal Land of the East Emperor. At least it is unlikely to be squeezed out by other forces. Zhibao, we don’t get involved in the immortal land of the East Emperor, and we can give all the rights of exploration to the other eight immortal lands. This can be regarded as an exchange of conditions for receiving the immortal people.

"Borrowing flowers to present the Buddha is so generous, it does have a taste of the Eastern Emperor." I sneered.

"This...we actually like this condition very much, but as our first gift to this immortal, Donghuangxiandi really does not intend to get involved in the realm of the immortal? You must know that the treasures above are only second, and there are still thousands of years. It may not be able to mine complete mineral veins, so it can be entrusted to other immortal lands? I wonder if Wang Daoyou has this ability to make a difference?" The girl asked very shrewdly.

When asked such a question, Wang Naihe was a little surprised. Although he had done me Dongshengzhong’s generous deeds before, it was a fundamental condition that affected the world. Not mining this fairy world is equivalent to letting Bajia be on the veins and treasures. Rapid progress, so the number of treasures in this ancient site is second, the most important is the question of heritage.

Seeing Wang Nai's hesitation, I smiled and said: "If Bajia divides into this great immortal world, you can take it away directly."

Wang Nai hehe laughed and said, "Fan Xiaoyou laughed, and I have to give up something. I also want to let the fire that broke out in the war be extinguished in the bud of this resource contention. We are also using people in the East Emperor's Immortal Land. Our precious wealth, so the ruins and immortals are nothing in comparison."

"Qingli Immortal Land and Donghuang Immortal Land seem to be the same. They both plan to put people first. One is close and the other is king. I like it very much. I believe that going to your side will definitely let us. The immortals in the underground city are all satisfied." The girl praised, then looked at me and said: "I heard that Fan Daoyou is the fairy family of Ghost Dao, I don't know if it is true or not?"

I nodded, and then said: "Ghost Dao is not an evil way, because Samsara is another entrance and exit of a new life, the immortal family's long life, the home is always in the Six Dao, right?"

"That's the case, I know some of the Nine Immortals, the world of reincarnation, the path of immortal demon Buddha, and the destiny of life and death, include one of these nine paths. Since you are the immortal family of the ghost path, you must also be for the platform of the six paths So what is the attraction of Fan Daoyou to our underground city immortal family?" the girl asked.

"I'm not for the six-way platform." I smiled.

"Sister Liudao and you are not..." Qing Li Mo looked at me in shock with an expression of incomprehension.

Before, she mistakenly thought that the image of a daughter-in-law in a Taoist gown that she did not envy was a six-dao girl. Of course, she thought we were familiar with it, but now the design is critical. I won't help the six-dao girl platform. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"Naturally not, I am here for myself and for the Dungeon Immortal Family, and I dare to say that I am the only leader who can be suitable for the Dungeon residents. If the Dungeon Immortals are willing to obey my arrangements, I can keep them away from Destruction. The troubles of Nine Immortals are also independent of the Nine Immortals. After all, the Land of the Nine Immortals is a power of its own, and the roots of the Dungeon Immortal Family are in the Three Immortals. Even if it is different from the Three Immortals, it can be in the mouth of the immortals in the Land of Nine Immortals, Still a survivor of the Three Immortals Realm, if you forcefully merge into the Nine Immortals Realm, there will always be contradictions exposed. In this case, independence is bound to be the only way out, otherwise it is tantamount to finding myself uncomfortable." I looked at the girl.

The girl smiled and said, "Can you explain in detail how you can find yourself uncomfortable?"

"Dungeon immortals say that there are not too many, but there are indeed a lot of elites. If you join a force, that force will become qualitatively strong. No matter which side of the Nine Immortals, the influence of that force will be close to the Eastern Emperor. Immortal land, if you endanger the rule of the Nine Immortals Realm, disputes can easily be ignored? But independence is different. The difference between the land of Nine Immortals is big or small, and it will not endanger the original rule of Nine Immortals. Quan, if you are in such a relatively neutral position, I think it would be the best arrangement for the Dungeon Immortal Family." I said.

"Then what if the land of the nine immortals wants to annex my dungeon?" the girl continued to ask.

"Since it is a place that consumes hundreds of thousands of jade crystals a year and does not have enough profit, which fairy family in the land of nine immortals will look at the underground city? Even if you look at the resources of the fairy family here, if you take a bite, If you want blood from your mouth, then who would be willing to try it first?" I asked, seeing that everyone did not answer, I continued: "Dungeon Immortal Family has its own living habits, and I will definitely not be willing to let any party in the Land of Nine Immortals Assimilate? In this way, isn't the answer ready?"

"It makes sense. Since dependence is not as good as independence, it is better to choose independence." The girl smiled and nodded, but she still didn't say who she preferred, but everyone could tell that she appreciated my independence.

"It is indeed the most suitable method for the dungeon, but there is one thing that Fan Daoyou has not solved yet." Wang Naihe ruya smiled.

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